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The Plight Before Christmas(44)

Author:Kate Stewart

“That bumbling idiot.”

“Right? I so needed to hear your voice.”

“Okay, I need wine. You grab a glass, too.”

“I wish. I’m pressed for time. I have fifty-five minutes to mystery Rudolph shop.”

“Right, so let’s get down to the important shit. First, how does he look? Please tell me he looks like Benjamin Button, the infant, and has a beer gut.”

“Nope. And if he were going gray, which he isn’t, he would be the definition of a silver fox.”


“He is. But I’m trying to be mature about the whole thing.”

“Like, how did this even happen?”

“Brenden brought him on as a consultant a few months ago. Apparently, Eli’s working on some groundbreaking investment app for his firm.”

“Did he know you were Brenden’s sister?”

“Yep, and he admitted as much. He wasn’t at all surprised to see me when I greeted him with a face full of Gracie caked makeup.”

“Oh shit.”

“She’s getting better.”

“Sure she is if you like looking like a Tim Burton extra.”

“Be nice.”


“So, Serena went all…Serena and asked him if he knew, and she said he wouldn’t answer her.”

“Which means he purposely came to see you.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.”

“I would. The question is, why now?”

“Who knows. The holidays do strange shit to people. We’re both getting older, maybe he’s finally feeling guilty about the women he’s jilted in the past, and I’m door number one. Maybe he wants absolution.”

“Which you won’t give.”

“I don’t know. It seems ridiculous to hold a grudge now. He’s been nothing but nice to my family, to me, since he got here. Maybe I should just meet him halfway.”

“Or maybe you should rubber band his testicles and make them a punching bag. Whitney, what he did, the way he treated you in the end was unforgivable.”

“I know, and I don’t understand him. I guess I never really did.”

“Well, I was there, and I’m telling you anything you feel is justified.”

“It’s kind of childish to grudge him though now, isn’t it?”

“For anyone else, maybe I would agree, but you two were relationship goals, and the way he did you, just…I still hate him for it. And…”

“And what?”

“You haven’t really let yourself get attached like that since him.”

“No woman does after their first love. Not the same way. It’s a good thing.”

“Baby, I hate saying this, but in your case, no, it’s really not.”

“And why is that?”

“Because you’re a romantic.”

Momentarily I’m stunned speechless.

“So, you’re stuck with him for how long?”

“Day after Christmas, and that’s if he stays the whole time.”

“This is some shit. What I wouldn’t give to be there.”

“Trust me, Serena has the mean, crazy, protective sister role covered.”

“How do you really feel?”

Stopping my walk, I turn toward the window display of the General Store. “Honestly, seeing him again after all this time is surreal. Sadly, I’m still crazy attracted to him. Memories I spent years forgetting are coming at me left and right. It’s like when he’s close…no time has passed at all.”

“Oh, shit.”

“I’m in no danger, not like that.”

“Famous last words.”

“He’s still keeping his cards close. Refusing to get personal in conversations. Still the same Eli.”

“Remember that. Use it.”

“Trust me. I can’t forget.”

“I guess all you can do is take it day by day.”

“He’s been trying to talk to me, I think to apologize, and I’ve been snubbing him. Maybe I should hear him out?”

“Maybe. When you’re ready, listen to what he has to say, and this advice is purely selfish because I myself would love to hear it after all these years. Just be honest with yourself and with him. And you damn well better find a way to report back to me. I don’t care if it’s Morse code.”

“I miss you.”

“You too, babe. Happy Christmas!” She exclaims in her terrible British accent.

I snort. “You’re still American, you know.”

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