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The Saints of Swallow Hill(79)

Author:Donna Everhart

Otis yelled after them. “And get them sweet taters! We need’n some of them put out too!”

He gestured at Rae Lynn’s back as she went out of the room.

He said, “That one’s gonna owe right much if this keeps on, what with me putting her up, and her eating at my table.”

Del lifted his eyebrows and said, “How’s that?”

“’Cause it’s costing her two dollars a week for the room and fifteen cent a meal, that’s how. I mean, it ain’t no little ole shack over there like she what she had before. She’s getting to stay in a nice house, with a sitting area and all.”

“Now that don’t seem fair.”

Otis said, “Fair? Like I said, we ain’t running no boardinghouse. It’s an inconvenience.”

Del couldn’t figure out how Otis was inconvenienced with two women tap dancing to his demands.

He did the figures in his head quick, and said, “Comes out to over five dollars a week. What’re you paying her for doing all this work?”

“Fifty cent a day.”

It was less than what she got for chipping, but even if she were making that, Otis had arranged it so she’d owe him, no matter what. He was being unreasonable, but what could Del say? They were all in over their heads, that’s how it was in these camps. The women came back and immediately began unloading sweet potatoes. He wished he could catch Rae Lynn alone, ask her what she thought of this arrangement. By the way she acted, not much, but Cornelia sure did seem happier. She stayed close to Rae Lynn’s side, and Del watched how they communicated without any words. A gesture. A look. A nod or shake of the head. Women sure could be mysterious creatures. He took his leave before Otis got it in his head to show off his authority some more and embarrass the lot of them.

On his way out he said, “Y’all ladies have a good evening.”

Cornelia spoke for them both, “You too, now.”

Disappointed, and out of sorts for reasons he couldn’t land on, he slowly made his way home. There he spotted Crow’s mother sitting on the porch. Wishing he could go inside, mind his own business, he felt obliged to speak since he’d always been taught to respect his elders. She was the man’s mother after all.

“Evening, ma’am.”

She didn’t bother with the likes of him. He could have been dead. Crow came out of the house, and it was the first time he’d seen him since right after finding Rae Lynn Cobb. That was unfinished business. Crow made sure he reminded Del of his favor, as inconsequential as it was.

“How’s that worker I sent doing?”

“Fine. Quick.”

Del waited, expecting he’d mention something about the woman he almost killed. Maybe ask how she was. The awkward silence built for a few seconds.

Del, disbelief tinging his voice, said, “Ain’t you even gonna ask?”

“Ask what?”

“About her, you know, the woman you stuck in that box?”

“Heard she’s over there working at the commissary. What’s to ask?”

“You almost killed her, doing what you done.”

“Maybe she ought to have thought of the consequences ’fore she come here in that getup. Seems to me she asked for it.”

Crow shifted his attention to the taciturn woman next to him. If Del thought Crow’s eyes were dark, hers were like looking at a black skillet, same kind of black, same kind of hard. Ready to end this odd little visit with the Sweeneys, he opened his door. He didn’t thank Crow for sending Long Gone to work with him. To hell with manners.

Crow called out to him. “What you reckon makes a woman do like that? Dressing and acting like a man? It don’t seem natural.”

Del paused. All he wanted to do was eat and maybe sit out back so he wouldn’t have to deal with them, enjoy a bit of time unwinding before he went to bed.

He said, “What’s it matter?”

“Got to be a reason for it. Gonna have to keep an eye on her.”

“She’s more than paid, don’t you think?”

“Could be she’s one of them funny ones. Queer as a two-headed goat.”

Del raised his voice and said, “You need to leave her alone, now. She almost died. Ain’t that enough?”

Crow hooted. “Hoohoohoo! Well, now. Lookie who’s getting himself all in a dither. What’s that, Butler? You liking her, or something? Is she looking good to you? Hell, maybe I ought to go have me a second look.”

Crow’s mama stood so abruptly her chair fell over, hitting the porch floor with a bang. She went inside and slammed the door. Crow rubbed his neck, and emitted an odd little laugh. Inside his own place, Del pulled out some side meat, potatoes, and some of the corn bread he’d made the other night. He cooked the food, heated up what was left of his morning’s coffee, and as he was about to sit and have a proper meal, a knock came at his door. He dropped his head and sighed. He hoped it wasn’t Crow. He was in no mood to hear more stupid talk. He waited, hoping he’d go away. The knock came again. Frustrated, he got up and looked out the window. When he saw who stood there, he quickly opened the door. Rae Lynn Cobb and Cornelia Riddle smiled big at him, and each carried something. Cornelia had two jars of stewed okra and two jars of beans.

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