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The Sister-In-Law(10)

Author:Susan Watson

I stood watching at the window as he paid the taxi driver then went to the back of the car to get his luggage.

Joy was outside now. I heard her calling for Bob and didn’t have to wait long to see him ambling through the garden towards Jamie’s taxi. Joy was rushing past Bob, almost colliding with him in her eagerness to get there first. And when she did, she hurled herself at Jamie and, as slight as she was, almost knocked him down in her excitement.

After taking a few seconds to recover, he laughed and lifted her in the air while she screamed like a teenage girl for him to put her down. I was smiling at this scene – it was good to see him. We were already having a lovely time, the last few days had gone perfectly, spent laughing, eating and playing with the children, and we were all beginning to relax – but Jamie always brought that extra special something. As I watched him hug Bob, my eyes were suddenly drawn to the back seat passenger-side door. It was slowly opening, and after a few seconds, one, then two, long, tanned legs appeared in high-heeled designer sandals. And then the rest of her stepped out onto the powdery white, hot gravel. Another beautiful twenty-something Jamie had collected on his travels, slim, stunning, deep golden hair, even deeper tan, anointed with that faraway glamour you couldn’t buy at a make-up counter. Cool as a cucumber, she stood a few feet away from Jamie and his mother. Joy, still unaware of the extra guest, was immersed in Jamie, giggling and hugging.

Another of Jamie’s girlfriends? He sometimes brought them along on these family get-togethers. They were usually nice enough, but, as Joy always said, it wasn’t the same as having him to ourselves on holiday.

I watched as he gestured for the girl to come closer, and the introductions began. Joy as always was warm and effusive, though I reckoned she would have preferred Jamie there by himself. ‘I’ve never particularly liked any of Jamie’s girlfriends,’ she once told me, ‘but none of them have ever guessed. I’m always nice to them, for Jamie – and let’s face it, we know they are only ever fleeting,’ she’d giggled. This latest one was wearing a white maxi dress, which set off her deep tan perfectly. I looked down for a moment at my own pale, freckly arms and wished I’d bought some fake tan. Finding it hard not to watch, I looked back through the window. She was smiling serenely, perfect features, perfect figure, and I noted that long honey-coloured hair had been caught by the sun, or a good hairdresser. She was probably in her twenties, and even though I couldn’t see her that closely, it was clear that, unlike me, this woman had definitely de-fuzzed.

Now Dan and the kids had joined the welcoming throng, and suddenly aware that I was the only family member not present, I knew I should go out there and say hello, be part of the welcoming committee. So I smoothed my pool-straggled hair and grabbed a kitchen towel to wipe the sweat from my face, wishing Jamie had at least mentioned he wasn’t coming alone, so I could have been prepared and looked a little less wild.

Walking out of the stone villa, the heat hit me like bricks; now even more sultry, the sky was turning dark, like a shadow had crossed the sun. The air was heavy, and it occurred to me that we might be in for a thunderstorm as I approached the tight little group gathered around this new stranger.

Violet was jumping up and down excitedly, which was what the kids all did when Uncle Jamie was around. But it wasn’t just general excitement and a family welcome, they were all focussing on something in the girl’s hand. When Violet saw me, she broke free from the group and grabbed me by the elbow, urging me to ‘Come and see Uncle Jamie!’

I fixed my smile and, suddenly feeling shy, allowed Violet to pull me between Dan and Bob into the circle. I felt a bit like the odd one out, everyone already knew her name and why she was here – except me.

Jamie was looking at me with a stupid grin, clearly proud to have snagged an even younger, even more beautiful woman than usual. So proud in fact, he had his arm around her shoulder, which I felt was rather territorial for him, and thought he must be quite keen on this one. But then he was always keen on them to begin with.

‘Hello,’ I said, smiling at her, waiting to be introduced.

She gave me a little wave with just her fingers.

‘This is Clare… Dan’s wife,’ Jamie said as I got closer. They were both so tall, like models, making me feel very short.

‘Clare,’ she said, white teeth, dazzling, open smile.

She really was stunning and unless that maxi dress hid the secret of unshaved legs, I suspected this woman was completely without physical flaws.

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