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The Skylark's Secret(58)

Author:Fiona Valpy

He’d told her about the destroyer he’d been assigned to, reassuring her that its defences were impressive even if its open bridge left the ship’s crew exposed to the bitter Arctic weather. But Flora had overheard two of the officers she’d been driving just the other day discussing how vulnerable the convoys would be without air cover.

‘Sitting ducks,’ one of the men had said.

‘I hear they’re putting guns on some of the merchantmen,’ replied the other. ‘Although that’s a bit like giving a child a popgun and telling him it’ll protect him against a Messerschmitt.’

‘Our boys are going to have their work cut out for them if Jerry gets wind of the flotilla.’

‘Not if, but when. They send out spotter planes from their airbases in Norway every darned day. They’re already keeping an eye on Spitsbergen and Iceland. So they’re going to be very interested when they see a dozen ships heading for Russia’s back door, accompanied by some of our finest.’

Flora’s fingers had gripped the steering wheel, her knuckles whitening as the full implications of the risks that Alec was about to face had sunk in. No matter how difficult it was for them to be together, she knew she loved him and believed him when he told her that he loved her.

She was still shaken when she returned to the base at the end of her shift. Mairi and Bridie were finishing up for the day, too, but Bridie was keen for her friends to come with her to the Jellyjar Tavern that evening. She’d been standing in front of a couple of Americans from one of the merchant ships in the post office queue and had got chatting.

‘They asked what there is to do about these parts, so I told them about the films and the dances. Then one of them asked if there was anywhere a sailor could buy a girl a drink! Can you imagine? Right there in the post office in front of Miss Cameron! Anyway, they’re going to be at the hotel tonight and I can only go if the two of you will come too. Mother would have a fit otherwise. Please will you?’

Mairi had to nudge Flora to get her attention. She’d been distracted by the sight of a destroyer waiting out near the mouth of the loch as the tugs manoeuvred the boom nets to allow it to enter the harbour. She couldn’t make out which it was, but was hoping Alec might be on board.

Mairi nudged her again. ‘What do you think?’


‘About chaperoning Bridie with the Yanks tonight?’

‘Oh yes, all right. I’ll see if Ruaridh can come, shall I? He’d enjoy meeting the Americans, too.’

‘Good idea. And there’s safety in numbers, in case one of them tries to sweep Bridie off her feet and take her away to New York.’

‘Chance’d be a fine thing!’ Bridie retorted, although the hopeful look on her face gave away the fact that she’d already been imagining exactly such a scenario.

As they came in out of the frosty night, a cosy fug greeted them in the packed tavern, the atmosphere heavy with beer fumes and cigarette smoke. Ruaridh pushed his way through the throng, the girls following close on his heels. Men were standing three-deep at the bar and the cacophony of voices was a rich blend of accents and languages: Flora picked out Scots, English, Welsh, American, Polish and French, as well as some other foreign languages she couldn’t identify. Just as they were despairing of finding a seat, they heard a shout of, ‘Miss Macdonald! Over here!’

A tall, blond-haired American was waving them over to a table in the corner that he and several friends had commandeered. Three of the men stood, offering their chairs to the girls, as Bridie’s new friend made the introductions.

‘It’s swell you came. Quite a joint you got here. We weren’t expecting Scotch hospitality to be like this!’ The sailor pumped Bridie’s hand enthusiastically before turning to Flora and Mairi. ‘Hal Gustavsen, pleased to meet ya. That’s Stan, Greg and Ralph. And that there’ – he gestured towards an even taller young man with the same flax-coloured hair – ‘is my big brother, Roy.’

Hal insisted on buying the next round of drinks, refusing Ruaridh’s offer. ‘No way, buddy. The drinks are on Uncle Sam tonight.’

The Americans’ easy manners and generosity had infected the whole room. Several merchant ships were in port and their crews were happy to have a few days’ respite after the perils of the Atlantic run. The Arctic journey loomed ahead, but tonight they could relax and enjoy themselves. Hal monopolised Bridie, and Flora and Ruaridh chatted with the others, answering their questions about the best places to play golf and the best beaches to walk to in the area.

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