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The Stardust Thief (The Sandsea Trilogy, #1)(174)

Author:Chelsea Abdullah

Emily Rives, you bring my characters to life on a canvas like no one else. Thank you for those early sketches of Loulie and Mazen, which have inspired so much.

Gates Palissery and Elizabeth Anderson, your critique helped me solidify the foundation of this story so I could build it up stronger. Thank you for being so thoughtful and thorough.

Monica Bee and Morgan Paine, thank you for keeping me afloat through this process with your kind words and incredible feedback. Also, thanks for reminding me about the horses!

Alanna Miles, thank you for welcoming me into your home and celebrating every creative success with me, big and small.

Angeline Morris, thanks for always being there to listen to my brainstorm-rambles and for sending me all those incredible “MAZEN, WHY?” texts as you read.

Arianna Emery, thank you for assuring me multiple times that, yes, I could cut all those words, and yes, the story would be better for it. (It is!)

Sarah Mughal, thank you for being such a wonderful cheerleader. I’m so grateful for our uplifting and enlightening conversations.

George Jreije, thank you for being the best hype man. You are one of the kindest, most supportive people I know, and I’m so glad to share a debut year with you.

Kamilah Cole and Jennifer Elrod: Thanks for the laughs, memes, and joy. I’m so grateful for your enthusiasm.

A huge shout-out to all the amazing beta readers who provided feedback on a full draft: Mallika, Sravani, Ani, Devon, Leta, SJ, Rebecca, Jessica, JJ, Yasmine, Mallory, Kit—thank you for your helpful commentary!

My biggest, most heartfelt gratitude goes to my family. To my sister, Neesa: You were my first and best audience. Thanks for letting me ramble and for laughing at all my character voices. Dad, the heart of this book was inspired by the tales you shared with us, so thank you—for the stories, for the history lessons, and for inspiring me to delve into the oral story tradition. Mom, thank you for surrounding me with library books and for being my biggest and most optimistic advocate. Your belief in my work has always meant the world to me.

To Nama: Some of my earliest memories are of the towers of books you had in your room and the stories you told with that mischievous sparkle in your eye. I wish I could have given you a copy of this book for one of your towers, but I will forever carry the memory of your excitement for its impending release. Thank you for everything.

Lastly, thank you, reader. A storyteller breathes life into words, but it’s the readers who keep the story alive. Thank you for taking this book on a new adventure.

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