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The Summer Proposal(26)

Author:Vi Keeland

After, I was on my way to practice when my brother called.

“What’s up, Altar Boy?” he asked.

Tate had nicknamed me that after an unfortunate incident when I was six and he was eleven. My parents were out one night, and he’d convinced me that we had another brother I had never met, who was a year older than him. He’d told me this brother had gone mad and lived in the shed in our yard. Unbeknownst to me, there was someone, or rather something living in there—a family of raccoons that my dad had just discovered that day and had yet to get rid of. He’d left the door open that night, hoping maybe they’d find their own way out.

Anyway…when it got dark, Tate made me go out into the yard and then locked me out. I started to cry and bang on the door because I was scared the brother who had gone crazy was going to get me. At one point, I heard a loud bang from behind me, and when I turned around, all I could see were two glowing eyes standing at the shed. I freaked out, crying and screaming, but Tate wouldn’t let me back in until I got on my knees and said three Hail Marys. Of course, he videoed it from the window. When he showed it to my other brothers, my nickname became Altar Boy.

“What’s up, asswipe?”

“I called you for your birthday, but you didn’t pick up.”

“Sorry. I was watching a movie and turned my ringer off. Four fell asleep, and when he gets woken up scared, he pisses. I didn’t want to be pissed on.”

“Ah…so your dog is a lot like you when you were little.”

“Fuck off.”

Someone listening to our conversation might think we didn’t get along. But Tate and I were tight.

“You watched a movie on your birthday? Damn, you’re getting old. I figured you didn’t answer because you were out with some puck bunny. Anyway, I just called to make sure we’re still on for dinner tomorrow night? Not that I want to see your butt-ugly face, but my girls are bugging the crap out of me, asking if Four is coming.”

“We’ll be there.”

“Alright, good. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I swiped to end the call as my phone buzzed with an incoming text.

Georgia: Hey. I wanted to say thank you again for last night. It was really thoughtful of you to bring me everything you did.

I typed back.

Max: My pleasure. How are you feeling today?

Georgia: A lot better. My fever is gone, and my throat is almost back to normal. My energy is coming back, so I might even run out to Home Depot to get a cock gun to fix my tub.

My brows shot up. A cock gun?

Before I could ask, another text came in.

Georgia: Oh my God. Autocorrect. A caulk gun. I meant a caulk gun. LOL.

I chuckled and typed back.

Max: That’s too bad. I was going to offer to come over and bring my cock gun to help with whatever you need.

Georgia: LOL. Anyway, I’m feeling a lot better. Thank you.

Max: Glad to hear it.

Georgia: I feel bad about ruining your birthday.

That gave me an idea.

Max: How bad? Want to make it up to me?

The circles started to jump around as she typed. Then they stopped for a full minute before they finally started again.

Georgia: I don’t think it’s smart for me to answer yes to that question, without knowing what you have in mind.

I smiled. Smart woman.

Max: Nothing too devious. But I could use some company tomorrow night. I have a birthday dinner at my brother’s. You coming will ward off my sister-in-law spending half the night telling me about her friends and trying to set me up.

Georgia: LOL. Birthday dinner at your brother’s. That sounds harmless enough. Sure, I’ll come. It’s the least I can do for ruining your birthday.

Max: Can you cut out of work at four? It will take us an hour or so to get there.

Georgia: I think I can arrange that. My boss is pretty cool.

Max: She also has a great ass. ;) I’ll see you tomorrow.

And here I thought my day couldn’t get any better.


* * *


“So how did things go with your cock gun?” Max flashed a grin before returning his eyes to the road.

I chuckled. “It went well. But I guess I have a confession to make. My texts sometimes get mangled because I use Siri to read them to me and voice text to respond. It’s quicker because of my dyslexia. I guess I should be more careful.”

Max shrugged. “Nah, not with me. Do whatever is easiest for you. I figured it was autocorrect. Though if you ever do need a cock gun, I’m your man.”

I smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

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