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The Turnout(111)

Author:Megan Abbott

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But there was nothing wrong with it. Sisters often slept together. And Charlie was like a brother to Marie.

They’d all known one another since they were children. That’s what someone like the contractor, or a detective, or the police could never understand. The innocence of children. The specialness of their special family.

It started on one of those Nutcracker nights, the first with Charlie in the house. After closing night, their mother invited all three of them into bed with her, under the rabbit blanket to watch grainy videocassettes of old Alberta Ballet performances, to watch their mother’s Clara, grave and perfect and wise beyond her twelve years.

Their mother clasping their hands under the blanket, cuddling tight, eventually taking Dara’s tiny hand and placing it on Charlie’s, like a blessing, or something.

It was all so intense and overwhelming, age thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, being so close to a boy, a boy whose body she longed for, whose touch made her feel warm all in the center of her.

And Marie, whose body she knew as well as her own and who loved to nuzzle up to Charlie as she nuzzled up to their father, the only man she knew. It all made Marie feel cozy and loved, a cat squirming with pleasure. And then a fox.

Marie, whose curiosity was even greater than Dara’s own, but confusion the next morning far heavier. What did we do, Dara. I feel so strange, and her legs trembling, and her wrist sore.

We didn’t do anything, Dara would tell her, her body still throbbing from it, feeling so spent from Charlie’s fingers, her own.

This was after their mother stopped joining them at all. Instead, she would drift down the hall, running a bubble bath. Leaving them alone to play.

After their parents were gone, there seemed no reason to end the tradition. In fact, it felt especially meaningful to sustain it, to honor it.

These were rare events, only on special nights. Marie’s twenty-fifth birthday, or maybe Charlie recovering from his latest surgery. A summer storm knocking the power out. The three of them in that old king-size, the blackened brass headboard and the drooping box spring. They felt so close, and would sometimes even whisper ghost stories to drown out the howling wind. Or on hot nights, the ceiling fan, the desk fan, the rotating floor fan, all the fans in the house arrayed around them. Charlie with his arms around them both and Dara not minding it at all. In fact clasping Charlie’s hand onto Marie’s arm, her belly.

They all needed one another and this was the way.

No one could say that it wasn’t natural. And pure. Three bodies all three knew so well, limbs interlaced by morning. Warm breath and giggles. Dara never felt jealous, nor ashamed. It didn’t seem like sharing Charlie, it seemed like an extension of their childhood, under that rabbit blanket big enough to contain them all, including their mother, whose hard, long hands would draw Charlie toward her. Who would encourage Dara to close her hands around him.

It was about play, comfort, escape. Soothing one another, and oneself. That childhood feeling of body pleasures that’s so pure, and natural, and right.

The next day, there was no need for bad feelings. Sleepily, a little bashfully, at the kitchen table, sneaking winks at one another over coffee, robes pulled tight.

It was like a dream in that you could never recall specifics after. You could only recall, dimly, how it felt: like family, like home.

Dara never felt jealous because Marie was part of her in ways deeper than feelings, attachments, rules. Marie was a part of her until she wasn’t.

Until she moved out, rejected them.

Dara had loved giving each to the other, the feeling of it, like their mother, taking one in one hand, and the other in the other. Joining them, laying her hand on him or his on her. Their lovely bodies so close to her as to be part of her. Family.

She was only doing as their mother had done, their mother had shown them, directed them, her greatest ballet yet.

This, she seemed to say, is beautiful and ours.

Some people liked to make everything dirty.

Some people liked to ruin everything.

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Dara,” Marie was saying, her face gone so soft and her hand on Dara’s arm, “it’s not our fault. It’s not our fault.”

It wasn’t wrong, Dara wanted to say but couldn’t make the words come. It felt so strange, lying in the same bed, all the memories flicking around her, sly little flames.

“I know,” Dara said finally. “I know it’s not our fault.”

Marie paused, then said, as if just realizing it herself, “I think you wanted to leave even before I did.”