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The Tyrant Alpha's Rejected Mate (Five Packs #1)(128)

Author:Cate C. Wells

Hence—reconciliation matches. If a wannabe insurgent can beat an A-roster male—or go five rounds without getting knocked out—he can start eating meals in the lodge again.

Fallon was first to come back. It was a good day. I cried, but I waited until I was alone to do it. The pack is always looking at me now, but in a different way than before. I don’t want to call it awe, but it’s close. It’s how you look at a snake handler or a lion tamer, I guess. Like they’re insane, but also kind of magic.

Handling Killian Kelly isn’t magic. It’s all tenacity, an ability to ignore nonsense, and the willingness to tell him no a few times a day for his own good.

It turns out I’m pretty good at all of those things.

“Tye, put the sofa back.” Killian adds a growl to the order. Tye looks up.

“No.” I put my hands on my hips. Tye drops his gaze back to his phone.

“There’s not enough furniture in this camp to make you happy, female.”

“That’s a gross over-exaggeration, and you know it. This is the only thing I want out of the house. The rest I just moved around.”

“I have no idea where my good hand grip is.”

“What’s a hand grip?”

“Exactly!” Killian slaps the counter.

I’m screwing with him. I know what a hand grip strengthener is. It’s in the junk drawer behind him. I put it there after I almost knocked it into the toilet. He had been keeping it on the tank. And he thinks I put things in weird places.

This has gone on long enough. My feet hurt, and Killian does need to be at the gym. This match is important to Garrett and his family. His mother has been torn up since the failed coup. She started dropping by Abertha’s garden to plead his case, and now she comes over to help with my backyard garden every day.

She has a wicked green thumb. She said she never knew it before. She’d always been stuck in the kitchen. I’m not sure what exactly stuck her there, but she’s unstuck herself now.

A lot of females are branching out. Rowan convinced Ivo to teach her how to fight. Old Noreen is learning French cooking from Julia Child videos on the internet. Annie showed her YouTube, and it’s a good thing we all have unlimited data now.

Killian emerges from the kitchen. He knows by my tone that we’re done messing around. He’s wary. His hands are on his hips, too.

I narrow my eyes. “It’s either me or the sofa.”

“I pick you.”

My insides melt. It’s the baby. But also because I know it’s a hundred percent true. Killian is not an easy male to live with, but loving him comes as natural as breathing.

We’re fated mates, but that’s mere biology. It’s not respect. Care. Loyalty.

We have that. And maybe we’ve never said it, but it’s there, growing stronger every day as we navigate this strange connection that both of us now protect with our lives.

I didn’t know what I was doing when I let Abertha sever the bond. It wakes me up in a cold sweat sometimes, the thought of what I almost lost forever.

This blunt, bull-headed, arrogant male who would move mountains for me.

Who already has.

I rub my big belly, and worry furrows Killian’s brow.

“Braxton-Hicks? Do you need to sit?” He casts a pained look at the sofa stuck in the door.

“I’m fine. Baby’s bopping around. Everything’s okay.”

His panic recedes, and the bond fades to its usual reassuring presence. “I’d feel better if you sat. Your ankles are fat.”

“Screw you.”

“Hey, don’t threaten me with a good time.” He grins as he pulls two dining room chairs into the living room.

I sit. My dogs are barking. My wolf has been very quiet since the baby started moving. It’s like she’s afraid to bother him. Sometimes, though, like now, she rumbles in my chest, a soothing purr that calms the baby and his tiny, flickering wolf.

Killian sits beside me and rests his hand on the top of my mound. His wolf starts rumbling, too. It vibrates his fingers.

The baby kicks in delight, gets me hard in the ribs. I wince.

Killian’s wolf growls once, not scary, just bossy, and the baby goes back to squirming lazily.

“It’ll take a day or two to get a new sofa,” Killian says. “I’ll have to send someone to town.”

“I’ll pay for it.”

He rolls his eyes. All the females who want one have an online bank account now. Mine is growing at a greater rate than my belly. We can sell online now, too, and I was right—wolf branded goods are hot.