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A Year at the French Farmhouse(102)

Author:Gillian Harvey

She tried to concentrate on her son but it was hard to ignore the green eyes boring into her from the reflective surface.

‘Sorry,’ she said. ‘Frédérique… well, he’s being nice. But I had hoped it would just be us…’

‘It’s OK.’

‘It’s not though, is it?’ she said. ‘Look, I know Frédérique has said some… well, some things that sound like we’re serious; but honestly, we’ve only actually been out once or twice. I mean, I like him. But it probably won’t go anywhere really.’ She nearly added it was just a bit of fun, but realised Tyler might find this just as horrifying. ‘It’s the language, I think. We’re not… we’re not lovers, not like that. I think… I’m pretty sure it’s a translation thing.’

Tyler visibly paled. ‘It’s OK,’ he said. ‘Really.’

She briefly lifted her hand from the steering wheel and lay it on his. He was grown up now, but still very much her child. She’d read that even when people were well into adulthood, their parents splitting could stir up all kinds of emotions. She couldn’t put her life on hold to spare him, but at the same time she hated the fact that something she was doing was making him so miserable.

It certainly wasn’t how she’d have planned to introduce Frédérique to Tyler. If they’d still been seeing each other when Ty next came, she might have suggested a drink or a meal. Something gradual, subtle.

Frédérique didn’t have any children. Perhaps if he had, he’d have realised that barging into their time together right now hadn’t been the right call. That seeing her son off was something she’d rather do alone.

Perhaps he could have picked her up from the station if he’d wanted. But following them all the way to the airport felt a bit intrusive. It would have been nice to say goodbye to Ty without an audience. But Frédérique just didn’t realise how tricky the situation was for her – her separation from Ben so new, Tyler unused to his mother dating. It wasn’t Frédérique’s fault that he had made things more difficult than they would have been otherwise.

At least, she thought, as they arrived at the airport and she pulled up in the car hire drop-off point, popping the paperwork and the keys into the designated letterbox, she’d be able to say goodbye and reassure Tyler privately before he left. But the minute they exited the car, Frédérique appeared by her side so instantaneously she wondered for a moment whether he was able to teleport.

‘Ah, so ’ere we are,’ he said, gesturing with his arms. ‘Like a leetle family, eh?’

‘I’ll walk you into the building,’ Lily said to Ty. ‘See you off. Say goodbye properly.’

‘Nah, you’re all right,’ he said.

She wasn’t sure whether this brush-off would have happened anyway, but suspected it had a lot to do with Frédérique’s presence. ‘Are you sure?’ she said.


‘Well look,’ she said, putting her arms around him and giving him a squeeze, ‘I’ll miss you.’

‘Thanks,’ he said.

‘And you know… I’ll be in touch with… your dad.’


Tyler was about to turn towards the terminal when Frédérique stepped forward and gave him such an enormous pat on the back, Lily worried he might get sued for assault. ‘And,’ Frédérique said. ‘I only just meet you, but I also will miss you too, eh?’


‘And ’oo knows? Per’aps when I marry your mother, I will be your father one day!’ he added, delighted with himself. ‘You will be my son, huh?’

‘Yes, well, that’s not happening at the moment,’ said Lily quickly, trying to minimise the damage without hurting either of them.

‘Ah, but I can dream, uh?’ Frédérique continued, unperturbed. ‘And I think it is easier for ’im to understand when he know that I am in love, oui?’


‘Mais oui, mon coeur. It is difficult for a boy when ’e think I am just one of ’is mother’s lovers. That I am ’ere just to make love to you, to satisfy the desire. Children do not like to think of their mothers making love, huh? But if he think I may be your ’usband one day per’aps it is different.’

‘Bye then.’ Ty said and sloped off to the entrance, his shoulders hunched.