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The Woman They Could Not Silence: One Woman, Her Incredible Fight for Freedom, and the Men Who Tri(187)

Author:Kate Moore

37“That he”: Resolution of the Investigating Committee, in ibid., 30.

38“Dr. McFarland vs.”: “The Insane Asylum: Dr. McFarland vs. Mrs. Packard,” Chicago Tribune, December 26, 1867.


1“I needed none”: EP, MK, 91–92.

2“essentially true”: AM’s response quoted by the trustees in Special Report of the Trustees, 30.

3“one of the”: William F. Short, ed., Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois & History of Morgan County (Chicago: Munsell, 1906)。

4“crazy woman”: AM, letter to Dr. Edward Jarvis, August 12, 1868, Edward Jarvis Papers.

5“not so much”: “The Insane Hospital Investigation,” Illinois Journal, June 10, 1867.

6“It is not that”: Testimony of EP before the investigating committee, in Special Report of the Trustees, 32.

7“rising and applauded”: EP, “My Reproof,” MP1, 125.

8“during her entire”: Testimony of EP before the investigating committee, in Report of the Investigating Committee, 48.

9“a most searching”: Report of the Investigating Committee, 51.

10“the accuracy of”: Ibid.

11“It is but”: Ibid.

12“long and severe”: EP, MK, 91.

13“[He] left no”: Ibid.

14“The prompt and”: Report of the Investigating Committee, 55.

15“failed to elicit”: EP, MK, 91.

16“Mrs. Packard, I”: Quoted by EP, PHL, 337.

17“[Do you] recognize”: AM, quoted by EP, MK, 90.

18“It is my”: EP, ibid.

19“I have written”: Testimony of EP before the investigating committee, in Special Report of the Trustees, 34.

20“Jacksonville, January”: EP’s letter to AM, January 19, 1863, quoted in account of EP’s testimony before the investigating committee, ibid.

21“Dr. McFarland”: Ibid.

22“silent and attentive”: EP, MK, 90.

23“writhe”: Ibid., 88.

24“The most abusive”: Ibid., 8.

25“It must be”: EP’s letter to AM, January 19, 1863, quoted in account of EP’s testimony before the investigating committee, Special Report of the Trustees, 35.

26“a brazen offer”: Report of the Investigating Committee, 52.

27“the production of”: Ibid.

28“[It] proves the”: Letter from “A Friend of Justice” (likely SO) to the editor, Chicago Tribune, December 26, 1867, in “Mrs. Packard’s Letter to Superintendent McFarland,” Chicago Tribune, December 28, 1867.

29“most cruel and”: EP, PHL, 337.

30“in defiance of”: EP, MK, 86.

31“I have done”: EP, PHL, 337.

32“Mrs. Packard” and following quotations: Dialogue between Fuller and EP quoted by EP, MK, 90–91.

33“The letter is”: Jacksonville Sentinel, December 26, 1867.

34“I am ruined!”: EP, MK, 92.


1“In the quietude”: EP, MK, 93.

2“Gentlemen of the” and following quotations: EP’s defense of the love letter, as presented to the investigating committee, in Special Report of the Trustees, 35–37.

3“no act of”: EP, MK, 88.

4“a halo of”: Ibid., 80.

5“that circumstances”: Ibid., 88–89.

6“Do you now” and following quotations: Transcript of dialogue between EP and Fuller before the investigating committee, Special Report of the Trustees, 37.

7“rack of torture”: EP, MK, 97.

8“How could you” and following quotations: Dialogue between EP and Fuller recounted by EP, ibid., 97–98.

9“pouring water in”: Testimony of John Henry, former steward of the Illinois State Hospital, Report of the Investigating Committee, 41.

10“appeared indifferent”: Ibid., 42.

11“[He] is destitute”: Ibid.

12“one eye was”: Testimony of Mary Cassell, former assistant matron of the Illinois State Hospital, Report of the Investigating Committee, 47.

13“The Superintendent was”: Special Report of the Trustees, 45.

14“the balance of”: Report of the Investigating Committee, 9.


1“ridiculous farce”: Jacksonville Sentinel, May 30, 1867.

2“There were 127”: Report of the Investigating Committee, 31.

3“This increase in”: Ibid.

4“extreme jealousy”: Diagnosis of the first patient admitted to the Illinois State Hospital, hospital admissions book, November 3, 1851, quoted in several sources, including Bacus, “Old Buildings and Impaired Minds.”