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The Words(139)

Author:Ashley Jade & A. Jade



I toss and turn on the couch in the back lounge of the bus, unable to fall asleep. Not only because it’s way too small to accommodate my six-four frame comfortably, but I have way too much fucking shit on my mind.

I’d text Lennon and tell her to come in here so I could fuck us both to sleep, but a—she won’t because she’s too afraid of getting caught by Chandler. And b—she needs the rest.

She’s not only been taking care of me, but helping me take care of Quinn the past few days.

And just like that, my lungs restrict to the point it’s damn near suffocating.

The closer we get to the end of this tour…the more the brick in the center of my chest expands.

We’re running out of time.

I’d ask her to stay and come to Europe with us, but I know she won’t.

Not only because of her dad, but because she’s made it perfectly fucking clear that this thing between us is only temporary.

I’m nothing but an itch to scratch.

Something to get out of her system.

Even though she’ll always be in mine.

Fucked-up thing about it is…it’s my fault.

I made this bed—and just like the tiny couch in the lounge I took so Quinn could have my bunk—I have to lie in it.

Fuck this.

I’m restless and irritated and could use something to take the edge off. However, I promised Lennon I wouldn’t drink anymore, and I want to keep all my promises to her. Which means I have no choice but to grab a sports drink from the fridge and pretend it packs a punch.

The bus is dark, and everyone is passed out as I make my way to the kitchen.

Everyone but Skylar, who’s sitting at the table.

I should have known she’d still be up. Like me, she tends to have trouble sleeping and we’ve had plenty of late-night bus conversations throughout the years.

Those days are long over, though.

She looks up from her laptop when she sees me. “Hey.”

Turning my back to her, I take a Gatorade from the fridge. “I’ll be out of here in a second.”

“We used to be friends,” she says when I start to leave.

Until I killed your fiancé.

“And now you act like I don’t exist.”

That’s not true. We aren’t close anymore, but I don’t ignore her.

Hell, I couldn’t even if I wanted to.

I turn around. “What are you talking about? You’re my publicist. I have no choice but to acknowledge you.”

Leaning back, Skylar folds her arms over her chest. “And that’s exactly how you act. Like talking to me is an obligation.”

I should walk away, but for the first time since she’s been back, I catch a glimpse of the old Skylar.

The one who wore her heart on her sleeve and bled out time and time again for the guy who—although infatuated with her—treated her like shit, manipulated her into doing things she probably didn’t want to, and cheated on her every chance he got.

Nevertheless, it was the guy she loved with all her heart.

The guy she was supposed to marry this year.

And I stole that from her.

Expelling a heavy sigh, I drop down in the chair across from her. “You shouldn’t want me to talk to you, Skylar.” My gaze falls to the ring dangling around her neck. “I’m the reason that engagement ring will never turn into a wedding ring.”

“No, you’re not.” She inspects the table like she’s searching for an answer to a question she hasn’t asked. “You might not remember that night, but I do. Josh made his own choices.” Anguish washes over her expression and she blows out a shaky breath. “It was never gonna end any other way for him.”

“That’s not true. He’s dead because I didn’t stop him.”

I should have.

We were both way too fucked up to get in that car.

And now a mother, a child, and an unborn baby are dead.

She makes a scoffing sound. “Take it from someone who spent most of her life trying to save him. You couldn’t.” Her eyes turn glassy. “Once he set his mind on something, there was no stopping him.”

She’s not wrong. But still…

They’re dead because of me.

And nothing she says—nothing I do—will ever change that.

Reaching across the table, she steals my Gatorade and takes a sip. “Josh fucked up enough people’s lives. Don’t let him fuck up yours and become another one of his casualties. Trust me, the coffin is crowded enough.”

Considering their toxic relationship, it would be easy to read between the lines of that statement, but I don’t want to assume something I shouldn’t.