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The Words(149)

Author:Ashley Jade & A. Jade

As if sensing I’m thinking about him, he leans against the counter and zeros in on me.

I quickly divert my attention to Chandler, who looks like he’s playing a game of Clue in his head.

“What’s this meeting about?” Quinn inquires before stuffing a cookie into her mouth.

Chandler rips the package of cookies away from her. “Would it kill you to stop eating for two seconds?”

She burps and snatches the cookies back. “Yup.”

Rubbing his temples, Chandler looks at all of us. “We only have three more stops before the end of this tour.”

Thank God.

“Now is not the time for things to fall apart. Got it?”

When we all give him a blank look, he sighs and starts ticking things off with his fingers.

“Phoenix and George are fighting backstage in front of fans. Phoenix is still getting drunk.” He sweeps a hand in Quinn’s direction. “We have that one to deal with.” He looks at Memphis. “You’re knocking women up left and right.” He eyes me and Skylar. “And you two are sneaking off to go braid each other’s hair and cry.”

I can feel everyone’s eyes on us.

“We were not crying,” Skylar defends.

Chandler makes a face. “Don’t bullshit me—”

“I was talking to Lennon about Josh. You know, my dead fiancé. Sorry if I got a little emotional.”

At that, everyone goes silent and Chandler pales.

“Shit,” Chandler whispers, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look so human. “I didn’t…I’m sorry, Skylar. Truly.”

While what she told him isn’t entirely accurate, she did just cover for both of us.

I give her hand a small squeeze.

Chandler peers up at the ceiling and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Look, there’s been a shift ever since the last concert and I don’t like it. So, whatever is going on with you people. Fix it before we get to Florida.”

I nearly choke on my tongue. “We’re going to Florida?”

I asked where our next stop was when we got on the bus, but everyone acted like they didn’t know.

“Storm and I wanted it to be a surprise,” Phoenix says while glaring at Chandler. “Thanks.”

Chandler throws his hands up. “Whatever. I have enough shit on my plate.” He turns to Memphis. “Anyway, I believe congratulations are in order.”

Beside me, Skylar stiffens.

“More like condolences,” Phoenix mutters and Storm snorts.

“Why?” Quinn asks innocently. “What’s going on?”

“Memphis is having a baby. You know, with a girl who didn’t lie about being pregnant,” Chandler answers dryly.

Oblivious to the tension brewing, Quinn’s face lights up. “Oh shit. So, it’s true? You’re really having a baby with Gwyneth Barclay? Man, that’s so cool. She’s like my favorite Barclay—”

“May I have a cookie?” I cut in because I can practically feel Skylar’s heart breaking into a million pieces.

Blinking, Quinn hands me the package. “Sure.” She turns back to Memphis. “Is Gwen gonna come on tour with us?”

Memphis shakes his head. “Nah. Tours can be stressful, and I want her and the baby to be safe.” When Quinn deflates, he adds, “But she’ll be in the UK with me for a few days, so you’ll meet her then.”

Quinn practically does a cartwheel. “Awesome—”

“Hey, Chandler?” Skylar chimes in. “Given everything with Memphis is settled and Phoenix seems to be doing better, it won’t be an issue if I hang back here for the European tour, right?”

Chandler looks at her like she’s sprouted another head. “We need you on tour, Skylar. Phoenix is still getting drunk—”

“No, I’m not,” Phoenix interjects, and I don’t miss the look of sympathy he shoots Skylar. “I haven’t had alcohol in over two weeks. The only reason I sent that text last night is because of a dare.”

Chandler stops drinking his coffee. “A dare? From whom?”

Oh fuck.

He slaps Storm’s back. “This guy.”

Despite looking flummoxed, Storm doesn’t miss a beat. “What he said.”

Chandler crosses his arms. “Why the fuck would you dare Phoenix to send me a text telling me he wants to rip my clothes off and then tie me up and taste me?”

Memphis spits out his beer and Quinn chokes on her cookie.

Storm’s eyebrows shoot up and he gives Phoenix a what the fuck look. “I…”