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The Words(16)

Author:Ashley Jade & A. Jade

“I’m sorry.”

He lets go of my wrist. “Wasn’t your fault.” He digs in his pocket for his keys. “I’ll take you home.”

I don’t want him to after that, but something tells me he needs space.


Just like the first night, we drive home in silence.



“Yeah, just like that,” Sabrina cries out.

Usually, it’s a turn-on when chicks are vocal, but since I’m fucking her in the band room, there’s a chance someone might hear us.

“That’s it, baby.” She tries to kiss me, but I turn away. Just like I always do. “You’re gonna make me come, Phoenix.”

I don’t give a shit. I just want her to shut the fuck up while she does.

That doesn’t happen, though. Tossing her head back, she proceeds to scream my name—like she wants anyone who might be walking by to know exactly who she’s screwing.

Christ. Her orgasm is just as phony as she is.

Thankfully, whether she gets off or not has no bearing on me busting a nut.

Shortly after I do, I put some distance between us and discard the condom.

“That was so good, baby,” Sabrina purrs as she fixes her sequin dance uniform. “No one fucks me like you do.”

Including her boyfriend…given she’s always chasing my cock behind his back.

Not that I give a fuck. That’s Draven’s shit to deal with.

I’m just here because I like sticking my dick in something wet and pretty.

Although the appeal is starting to wear off, because Sabrina’s annoying the living shit out of me.

Not only does she keep trying to kiss me during…she keeps trying to talk to me after. Fuck that shit.

She has a boyfriend, and it sure as fuck ain’t me. This thing between us is nothing more than a transaction. She likes getting fucked by me…and I like to fuck.

Simple as that.

Only it isn’t anymore, because she’s trying to make shit more than it is.

“Lillian’s having a huge party after graduation,” she says as I tuck my dick inside my jeans. “Promise me you’ll come.”

I tug up my zipper. “No.”

Fuck that. The second they hand me a diploma, I have no intention of seeing any of these assholes again. Aside from Storm.

And maybe Lennon.

For some fucking reason, the girl is starting to grow on me.

Like a fungus.

Nevertheless, I’m not opposed to the idea of keeping in touch with her from time to time after we graduate.

If I even graduate, that is.

“Come on, Phoenix.” She walks her red talons up my torso. “Everyone is going to be there. Even that lard ass Lennon.”

That’s…fucking weird.

Lennon’s always been an outcast, and as far as I know, she’s never gone to a party.

Hell, she didn’t even attend prom.

“Why was Lennon invited?”

Because I don’t think she’d go unless she specifically was.

Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, Sabrina smiles coyly. “You’ll find out if you come.”

I don’t like the sound of that, but I can’t drill Sabrina about it because I hear footsteps approaching.

“What are you doing here, fat ass?” Sabrina snaps before I can even turn my head.

When I do, an unexpected twist goes through my gut.

School ended a half-hour ago. I figured Lennon would be long gone by now.

Evidently, I was wrong.

Those baby-brown eyes widen with shock before she speaks. Or rather, tries to.


It’s not like Lennon to trip over her words…no matter how mean Sabrina is.

Her nemesis takes the opportunity to close in on her like a goddamn vulture. “What’s the matter, fatty? Cat got your tongue?” She laughs. “Oh, that’s right, it can’t. Because your mouth is always stuffed with food.”

Jesus. What a cunt.

I’m sure Lennon has a mirror, therefore she’s well aware that she’s heavy.

I don’t get Sabrina—or the rest of the school’s obsession—with constantly ripping into her about it.

Funny thing is, her losing weight would be a threat to Sabrina. Not only because it would take away her ammunition, but Lennon isn’t ugly.

Hell, I’d even call her cute in the right light.

So cute, I have no doubt that if she dropped a few pounds, Sabrina would shit a goddamn brick because all the guys would be chasing her instead.

I throw Lennon a bone. “She’s tutoring me.”

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