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The Words(165)

Author:Ashley Jade & A. Jade

I’m thankful she has a game plan because I don’t. “Okay.”

“Good luck.”

Gripping my hand, we walk out of my room together.

“You got this,” she assures me before we separate and she heads down the hall to her room.

I go to knock on Chandler’s door, but it opens before I have the chance.

“Get in here.”

The knot in my stomach constricts to the point of pain as he stomps over to the kitchen area of his suite.

He stops in front of a small table and spins his laptop around…on his screen are the photos of me and Phoenix.

“Go pack your things,” he says, his tone unusually calm.

The fact he’s not screaming or raging anymore is unnerving.

I open my mouth, ready to rattle off an excuse…but there isn’t one.

Disappointment and shame sit heavy on my chest. “I’m sorry.”

Chandler is a grade-A asshole, but out of all the rules he gave me, he made it abundantly clear that one in particular was the most important.

And I broke it.

So even though I can stand here, produce some tears, and try to justify what I did…I won’t.

Because that would make me no better than him.

Humiliation courses through me as I turn on my heel and head for the door.

However, my steps come to a halt with my next thought.

I messed up, there’s no disputing that. But I did keep Phoenix out of trouble like he wanted. Hell, he’s not even drinking anymore.

Not that I can take credit for that—that’s all him.

But still, I fulfilled the key component of my job description.

While I deserve to get fired for my mistake, I should be entitled to some compensation.

Especially since I not only gave up my job, but Mrs. Palma has been covering all the expenses for me back home these past two months.

I don’t just owe the woman my lifelong gratitude and appreciation; I owe her money.

I spin around to face him. “Will I still be paid?”

Chandler looks up from his laptop. “How long have you been fucking him?”

Another wave of embarrassment courses over me.

I don’t even have to tell him the truth, because the way his features harden tells me he’s already figured it out. “That’s what I thought.” The muscles in his face tense. “The fine print of our contract explicitly states that if you violated any of the rules, you wouldn’t receive a single penny. So, no, you will not be paid.” He slams his laptop shut. “Hope it was worth it.”

My throat prickles as I head for the door.

I came here with one purpose in mind, but in the end, I did the one thing I swore I’d never do.

I got too close to the sun.

And it burned me. Again.

“I thought you’d be stronger than this,” Chandler utters to my retreating back. “Clearly I was wrong.”

His words feel like a slap across the face.

That makes two of us.



I press the ignore button on my cell as I continue cramming things into my suitcase. I know Skylar wants to talk, but as much as I’d love to say goodbye to her and the others—aside from that bastard George—I can’t.

The only thing worse than being fired is the walk of shame that comes with it.

I’ve already lost my money. I’d like to at least hold on to a bit of my pride.

But then I think of how upset I’d be if the shoe was on the other foot and Skylar left without saying a word.

I don’t want her thinking our friendship didn’t mean anything to me, so I pick up my phone to text her.

I’m in the middle of typing out a message when the connecting door opens and Phoenix strolls inside, clutching his stomach.

“I just got my ass whooped by a fifteen-year-old in a waffle eating contest. Who knew someone so tiny could eat so much?”

Despite looking stuffed to the point of being uncomfortable, he’s smiling like he just won the lottery.

A sharp pang radiates my chest. I’m happy he’s building a relationship with his little sister.

Hopefully, it will be enough to deter him from going down that dark path again.

Groaning, he removes his sunglasses and baseball cap—otherwise known as his incognito props. Not that they work all that well.

It’s impossible not to notice Phoenix Walker.

I stuff a small pile of folded T-shirts into my suitcase. “Where’s Quinn now?”

Our last conversation was basically me implying that she was doing something wrong, and that’s not how I want to leave things with her.

He snorts out a laugh. “She’s still at the restaurant because Storm’s convinced he can beat her.”