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The Words(191)

Author:Ashley Jade & A. Jade

Climbing into bed, I wrap my arm around her waist, tugging her to me. “Good idea.”

I nuzzle her neck, filling my nostrils with her scent.

I’ve just extended our clock again, and I’m taking full advantage.

Lennon’s still pissed though, because she wiggles out of my arms.

Clutching the sheet, she bolts from the bed. “I can’t do this.”

“Too late. I’ve already set everything up.” I crook a finger, summoning her back. “Bring that ass.”

“No…” Her voice cracks like crystal and when I cock my head, I notice her eyes are glassy. “I meant this. Us.”

It’s a direct blow to the center of my chest. One I wasn’t prepared for.

I get up and walk over to her, but she retreats to the other side of the room, like being close to me physically hurts.


“Why are we going to Europe?” she counters. “And don’t lie to me or avoid the question. Tell me the truth.”

I can’t. Not right now.

I just need her to trust me.

But it’s obvious she still doesn’t because her features twist with anger. “Fuck you.”

She charges for the bathroom, but I grip her arm as she passes me. “Lennon.”

I could push the issue of her not wanting to screw and I know she’d cave. Not because she’s weak—hell, she’s the furthest thing from it—but because this thing between us is too strong.

However, I want more than her pussy.

I want every part, every piece, every goddamn inch of her.

I want her trust. Because once I have that…I’ll have everything again.

My fingers trace the curve of her cheek. “Look at me.”

But she doesn’t. Hell, she doesn’t even attempt to. “I can’t.” A tear falls down her cheek and she backs up. “It hurts too much.”

The hollowness in my chest spreads the more the space between us grows.

We’re only five feet apart, but she might as well be in Guam.

Lennon’s fixed me twice now, but I’ll never be able to do the same for her.

Because I’m the one who fucked her up.

I took a masterpiece and ripped it to shreds.

I turn, watching as she makes her way to the bathroom…where she’ll wash every trace of me off her skin and stick me in a box marked, do not open.

This way she can move on and find happiness.

Like she deserves.

Suddenly she stops walking and peers down. “What is this?”

It’s me…letting you go.



The flight to the UK was quiet, but far from pleasant.

Phoenix and I avoided each other. Like two ships passing in the night.

Which means my suspicions about why he dragged me to Europe were spot on.

Phoenix Walker doesn’t like to lose. But instead of accepting defeat, he bulldozed and manipulated me into extending our time, because he knows the longer we’re together, the harder it will be for me to get out of his atmosphere.

For the briefest of moments, I thought his intentions might not be based on sex, pride, or guilt.

That maybe he…

I mentally smack my brain, willing myself not to go down that path again.

I know he wants me, and while that might be enough for some people…it’s not enough for me.

I need something he’s not capable of giving me.

My heart thumps as his low, raspy voice envelops me in a thick fog, sending everything inside me spiraling.

I had no intention of watching him perform tonight, but Sharp Objects is playing at Wembley Stadium, which is proving to be every bit as iconic as everyone claims.

Even from where I’m standing—all the way in the wings—it’s massive and overwhelming. I’ve never seen so many people in the same place at the same time.

I don’t know how he’s not freaking out because I’d be pissing myself and passing out from fear.

Then again, he’s Phoenix Walker. He was born for this.

I stand utterly hypnotized as he commands the stage, taking everyone hostage…stealing our souls.

He wrote on your skin—my stupid heart taunts as he belts out the last verse of Existentialism.

While penning I’m sorry and beautiful on my skin was incredibly sweet, it doesn’t change anything.

He’s still a rock star living his dream, and I’m still the girl whose song he stole.

He lives a life that involves frequently traveling around the world. A world where millions of women will eagerly give him anything he wants—things I wouldn’t be able to—because I’ll be home taking care of my father.