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The Words(36)

Author:Ashley Jade & A. Jade

He slumps against the driver’s seat. “Fuck.”

I’ll say. Phoenix might have been the one who came, but I feel like I’m the one who derived all the pleasure from it.

Until a depressing thought hits me.

What happens after tonight? Is he going to act like I don’t exist? End our friendship for good?

“Are you gonna ignore me again?”

“No.” Cocking his head to look at me, he lights a cigarette. “But I don’t do girlfriends, Lennon.” A regretful note enters his voice. “And even if I wanted to pursue this thing with you, I can’t because Storm and I are leaving for LA in eleven days. We’re hoping to make some connections and catch a break there.” He expels a sigh. “I probably should have told you that before…you know. I’m sorry.”

I get it. Though I can’t help but wonder now.

“If you weren’t leaving…would you?”

“Would I what?”

“Pursue this thing with me?” When I see uneasiness spread over his face, I quickly add, “Just so we’re clear, I’m not asking you to stay.” I’d never want him to stop chasing his dreams because of me. “I’m leaving for Dartmouth at the end of the summer, so I’m not looking for a relationship, either.” I lift a shoulder. “I just want to know.”

If a girl like me could get the guy.

He takes so long to answer I’m about to tell him to forget it…but then I hear it.

“Maybe,” he whispers.

My heart squeezes painfully. Talk about bittersweet.

But it doesn’t have to be. We can’t be in a relationship, but it doesn’t mean we can’t keep in contact and be friends.

I could visit him in LA during breaks from school and I’m sure he and Storm will be back to visit his grandmother from time to time.

Plus, he’s not gone yet. Granted, we don’t have much, but we have a little time. Which is better than no time.

“We still have eleven days.”

“Yeah.” He tosses his cigarette out the window. “But three of those will be spent practicing for Voodoo.”


“If you and Storm are okay with it, I’d like to come to practice.”

“It’s cool with me. Although you’ll probably get bored after a while.”

That’s not possible. “I’m never bored when I’m hearing you sing and watching you perform.” I look out the window just as a light turns on in my house. I have no doubt my dad is waiting up for me. “I should probably head in.”

Something tells me he’ll have lots of questions regarding my current wardrobe.

I’m about to grab my things and leave, but then it dawns on me. “How come you always park here and never in my driveway?”

“Because you have security cameras.” He smirks. “None of them point over here, though.”

Huh. The more you know.

I grab my purse off the floor. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

On impulse, I lean in…then freeze.

How does this work? We’re friends, but what we just did was a little more than friendly.

Do I hug him? Shake his hand? Or just say to hell with it and kiss him?

As if reading my mind, Phoenix says, “I never kiss my hookups.” It’s on the tip of my tongue to remind him that we’ve already kissed, but then he adds, “It complicates shit. Makes them think it’s more than what it is.”

Can’t really argue with that.

“No kissing. Got it.”

I reach for the door handle at the same time he reaches over and cups my jaw.

My breath stills as he comes closer.

There’s no tongue when he kisses me, just a soft press of his lips against mine before he pulls away. “I’ll text you tomorrow.”


I bite my cheek to keep from smiling as I run across the street and sprint up the driveway.

I was hoping my dad went back to bed, but he’s sitting on the couch when I walk in. Drinking a cup of coffee.

In other words, intentionally waiting up for me.

“Seriously, Dad?” I roll my eyes. “I’m not a baby.”

“You’re my baby,” he argues. “And one day when you have children of your own, you’ll understand the fear that comes with your teenager attending a party where something bad might happen—” His eyes widen as he looks me up and down. “What happened to your clothes?”

Thinking fast, I utter, “We had a massive water balloon fight at the party.” I shrug. “My dress got drenched, so the girl hosting it gave me a T-shirt to wear and offered to wash it for me.”

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