Home > Books > The Wrong Mr. Right (The Queen's Cove Series #2)(21)

The Wrong Mr. Right (The Queen's Cove Series #2)(21)

Author:Stephanie Archer

Wyatt laughed again and pointed at my face. 揧ou抎 rather go back out on the water and bail off your board all morning than go anywhere near Carter抯 bed.?

I wrinkled my nose at him. 揧ou抮e right. But what about someone like Beck? If I wanted to hook up with him, how would I make that known??

The grin dropped off Wyatt抯 face. 揥e should order.?He turned to the person running the truck and ordered a breakfast sandwich before turning to me. 揇o you want the same??

揢h, sure.?I blinked. 揟hanks. Wait.?I glanced between us, still in our wetsuits. 揑 don抰 have any money on me. Neither do you.?

揌e has a tab,?the woman in the truck called out.

揙h. Thanks, Wyatt.?

He winked. 揇on抰 mention it.?

We took a seat at a picnic table and within a few minutes, our food arrived.

My foot tapped a rhythm on the ground while we ate. What if Carter tried to kiss me tonight? I cringed. I really didn抰 want to kiss him. Was it unethical if I went on a date with the guy and I didn抰 even like him, not more than a friend? I didn抰 want to lead him on. Maybe Wyatt was right in that I needed the practice to figure out what I wanted.

I didn抰 want Carter, though.

揧ou抮e still thinking about the date with Carter tonight??

I swallowed a bite of food and nodded at Wyatt.

He studied me for a moment. A piece of hair had fallen into his eyes, and he pushed it back. 揥ould it make you feel better if I was there??

I snorted. 揕ike, on our date??

There was that lazy grin again. 揘o, at the bar. If you get uncomfortable or something, you can give me a signal and I抣l jump in to help.?

I straightened up. 揧es. That would be amazing.?I tilted my head at him. 揧ou抎 do that for me??

He rolled his eyes. 揜elax, bookworm. I抦 going to a bar to have a beer. It抯 not a big deal.?

My face warmed. 揜ight. I know. I just appreciate it.?

揇on抰 mention it.?

揌ow about I touch my ear??I asked, brushing my fingers over my earlobe. 揕ike this. If I need help.?

He nodded, the corner of his mouth hitched in amusement. 揝ure. I doubt you抮e going to need my help, but I抣l be there in case you do.?

There was a flutter in my stomach. Nerves about the date that night, probably. 揟hanks, Wyatt.?

揌annah! Hannah! Watch! Watch me!?

I shot Carter a tight smile and nodded. 揑抦 watching.?

His friends crouched down, grabbed his legs, and flipped him upside down. He chugged the beer but choked, coughing and spraying it everywhere. The group of his friends gathering nearby梥ix other guys梐ll groaned and laughed.

揂lmost got that one.?He wiped his mouth and dropped into the seat across from me. Beer splattered the collar of his shirt.

揂lmost,?I agreed, playing with the condensation on my glass.

Across the bar, Wyatt sat back in his seat, watching with amusement in his eyes. His gaze rested on me but I refused to meet it. I didn抰 know whether it was because I was embarrassed or because I抎 start laughing and never stop.

I took another sip of my beer and shuddered. Gross. I didn抰 like beer, but Carter had bought a pitcher and had placed a glass in front of me when I arrived, and I didn抰 want to be that girl. You know. The one who made a big fuss.

揑 bet you抳e read like, lots of books.?Carter suppressed a burp against his fist.

I played with the paper coaster under my glass. 揑 mostly like romance, but I was reading this book by a sleep researcher that I couldn抰 put down. It抯 amazing how sleep is tied to almost every aspect of our health.?His foot bumped mine and I shifted, tucking my feet further under my bar stool.

He smiled at me. His eyes were glassy. 揥ow. That抯 cool.?

I didn抰 know what to say so I shrugged. 揧ou moved here from Calgary??

He nodded and put his arms in the air. 揅-TOWN, BABY!?His friends all turned from where they stood at the dart board and cheered. He shrugged at me. 揘o surfing there, though.?

I shook my head. 揘ope.?

揧ou ever been??

Another shake of my head. 揘ope.?

He nodded. 揟hat抯 cool, that抯 cool.?He slugged back half his beer.

I squirmed in my seat and glanced around, again avoiding Wyatt. This whole thing was a huge mistake, and I was totally failing on my date. I couldn抰 even hold a conversation. My chest was tight at the awkwardness.

The silence stretched between us and embarrassment burned in my stomach. He clearly regretted saying yes.

Carter slapped the table and I jumped. 揧ou know what we need to do? A beer bong.?

His friends in the corner raised their arms and cheered. 揃eer bong! Beer bong!?They surrounded our table, chanting, and one of them produced a long tube with a funnel.

揧ou guys bring a beer bong to the bar??I asked Carter.

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