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Things We Never Got Over(178)

Author:Lucy Score

“Did you mean it about the dresses?” she asked as we walked toward my brother.

I released her hand and pulled her into my side with an arm around her shoulders. “Sure did, kid.”

“Did you mean it about what you said to Aunt Naomi? About loving her and stuff?”

I stopped us and turned her to face me. “I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life,” I assured her.

“So you’re not going to leave us again?”

I gave her shoulders a squeeze. “Never. I was miserable without you two.”

“Me too?” she asked.

I saw the spark of hope that she just as quickly pushed aside.

“Way, you’re smart. You’re brave. You’re gorgeous. And I’m gonna hate it when you start dating. I fucking love you. And not just because you’re part of a package deal.”

She looked so solemn it almost crushed my heart.

“Will you still maybe love me if I tell you something? Something bad?”

If Duncan Hugo put his hands on Waylay, I was going to hunt him down, chop them off, and feed them to him.

“Kid, there is nothing you can tell me that’s going to make me not love you.”


“I swear to you on your kick-ass sneakers.”

She looked down at them, then back at me, the corner of her mouth turned up. “Maybe I kind of fucking love you too.”

I hauled her in for a hug, holding her face against my sternum. When she wrapped her arms around my waist, I felt like my heart was suddenly too big for my fucking chest.

“But don’t tell Aunt Naomi I said it that way.”


She pulled back. “Okay. So here’s the thing…”

Two minutes later, I escorted Waylay over to Nash and Lucian. An EMT had closed Nash’s stitches. Both men had butterfly bandages over various visible cuts and scrapes. The three of us were going to be hurting tomorrow. And the next day. And probably the next.

“Naomi said Tina and Hugo were looking for a flash drive with some kind of information on it,” Nash explained. “No one seems to know what information was on it or what happened to the drive.”

“Waylay, why don’t you go see if your aunt needs anything,” Lucian suggested.

I tracked the direction of his gaze and saw it was pinned on Sloane, who was hovering near Naomi, her parents, and Stef.

“Actually, Way has some information she wants to share,” I said. I gave her shoulder a squeeze. “Go ahead, kid.”

She took a breath and then bent down to untie her shoe.

“They were looking for this,” she said, straightening with the heart charm now in her hand.”

Nash took it from her. He held the charm between his fingers, then frowned. Carefully, he pulled it apart at the middle. “Well, I’ll be damned.”

“It’s a flash drive,” Waylay explained. “Mom was all worked up about this drive that she brought home. Kept saying she was finally gettin’ her payday and that soon she’d be driving a big-ass SUV and eatin’ steak for every meal. I got curious and I peeked. It was just a list of names and addresses. I thought maybe it was important. So I copied the file onto my drive just in case. She’s always losing sh— I mean things.”

I nodded at her to go on.

“Mom got mad at me for something stupid and cut my hair as punishment. So I decided to punish her back. I took the drive so she’d think she lost it, and then I hid it in the library but not in the historical fiction section like I told Duncan. It’s actually taped to the bottom of one of the archive drawers. I didn’t know they were going to break into Aunt Naomi’s and kidnap us and stuff. I swear,” she said.

Nash put his hand on her shoulder. “You’re not in trouble here, Waylay. You did the right thing telling me about this.”

“He said he was gonna shoot Aunt Naomi if I didn’t tell him where it was. I was trying to tell him, but he taped my mouth shut,” she said.

I growled at this new information.

“None of this is your fault,” Nash assured her again.

But it was her mother’s, and I wasn’t sorry that she was in custody. I did, however, decide it wasn’t a great time to tell Waylay about it.

“There’s one more thing,” she said.

“What’s that?” Nash asked.

“Your name was on the list.”

Lucian and I exchanged a look.

“We need to see the list,” Lucian announced.

Nash reached out and covered Waylay’s ears. “The fuck you do, assholes. Police business. Come on, Way. Let’s clear it with your aunt, and then we can get Sloane to let us in the library.”