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This Might Hurt(105)

Author:Stephanie Wrobel

When we were teenagers my sister decided she no longer believed in God. She pointed out the logic flaws, the inconsistencies in the stories we’d grown up learning at CCD. But it wasn’t enough for her to stop believing; she also had to spurn anyone who still had faith. She didn’t see belief the way I did: as a comfort, a reassurance that someone or something was out there, keeping the scales between good and evil tipped toward good—or at least balanced. So what if I wanted to believe life wasn’t random and pointless? So what if I needed my existence to mean something? In the end, what did it matter whether the believers or nonbelievers were right? Our beliefs affected the here and now.

Nat prided herself on sniffing out what she perceived to be bullshit. She thought her doubts made her better. I thought they made her miserable. If I kept letting her butt in, she would ruin Wisewood for me the same way she’d ruined God.

I opened the trailer door. A burst of freezing air slammed into me. I tucked my chin into the warm fabric of my coat, dreading that glued-together-nose-hairs sensation this weather brought. The sun struggled to peek through clouds the color of dirty mop water.

I could see why we had so few guests during this time of year.

On days like this I missed the Sonoran Desert of my childhood—the unrelenting dry heat, the cowboy-shaped saguaros, the shocks of fuchsia and strawberry bougainvillea. Back then I had wondered why anyone would subject themselves to the miseries of winter year after year. I had become one of them, muttering for months straight about dark days and biting cold.

No sooner had I locked the trailer door than I saw Jeremiah standing a few feet away, whistling an attempt at nonchalance. I automatically reached for my hair, found only scalp.

I hadn’t called on him in class that morning or even made eye contact—partly because Teacher had told me to cut ties with him, partly because I was avoiding passing along her threat.

“How’s the foot?”

I glanced around. No one from gen pop was nearby. “All good, thanks.” I headed for the cafeteria, signaling an end to the conversation.

Jeremiah walked alongside me, matching my pace. “It looks like you’re limping.” I didn’t respond. “You should get a gel or lotion or something from Sofia. Help it heal faster.”

“I already have.”

He went to tap my arm but I twisted out of reach. “You sure you’re okay?”

“I told you I am. Why do you keep asking?” In the back of my mind, I noted faint sobbing coming from one of the guesthouses.

“Because you were branded last night.”

“Keep your voice down.” I stopped short and peered around. We were still alone. “Are you questioning the q’s?”

“Are you not? You’ve scarred your body for life.”

Jeremiah had never spoken so brazenly—he must have been terrified about his own q2.

“I see it as a badge, not a scar. And you’d better join me soon.”

“Or what?”

“Or Teacher said she’ll send your q1 to your old boss.”

Jeremiah glared. “I never should’ve . . .” He trailed off.

The nape of my neck tingled. “You’re not having second thoughts about the IC?”

He studied me. “What are you going to do if I say yes?”

I hesitated. My q2 had rattled him more than I’d thought. “I have to do what’s best for Wisewood. We all do. So why don’t you think long and hard before you say something you’ll regret. I can’t have my loyalty called into question.” Again, I didn’t say.

His face turned red. “Don’t you care about anything more than her?”

Where was this animosity coming from? “I thought you admired her too.”

“Pretty hard to admire a liar.”

My mouth fell open. “What are you talking about?”

He shuffled his feet, regret plain on his face.

“Tell me.”

“Forget it.”

“Tell me,” I said more forcefully.

His gaze shifted to the tiny camera affixed to the roof of a nearby guesthouse. You wouldn’t have noticed it unless you were searching for it—but it was pointed straight at us. He glanced back at me, then tipped his chin a fraction of an inch toward the hedge. I blinked twice and left him standing there. Mind racing, I walked an indirect route to the outskirts of campus, chose a spot away from any doors or cameras. A minute later, Jeremiah joined me. The trees beyond the wall swished, eavesdropping and whispering, passing secrets along like a game of telephone.