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Throttled: Dirty Air (Book 1)(22)

Author:Lauren Asher

“I graduated in December! And who’s your dad? I guess he’s with Bandini then?” I wave around the lobby of the motorhome that bustles with activity.

She fidgets with her gold star necklace. “My dad is the team principal. He’s the one who runs the show around here.”

“Oh, wow. And you’re going to be here for the rest of the season?” I try not to sound too excited because I don’t want to scare her off yet. But the idea of a new friend sounds nice.

“I’m going to try to convince my dad to let me take my fall classes online so I can stick around for the whole Prix schedule. It’s my first time around since I was younger, so I have to take advantage.” Her smile makes the dimples in her cheeks pop out.

“Nice, we can hang out since I’m going to be here for the whole season. It’ll be awesome to have someone my age keeping me young.” I smile at her.

“What’s the deal with everyone around here? Spill the deets.” She abandons her previous nervousness. Does she get tense when people bring up her dad and his job? He keeps Bandini up and running because team principals are bosses without owning the company.

We both pull out a chair at one of the nearby tables, ready to chat and eat.

“If you’re not yet aware, my brother is Santiago Alatorre.”

Her eyes bulge out of her head. “No way. I can totally see it now that you mention it though. He’s got that young Spanish hottie vibe going for him.”

I hold back a groan. Can’t say I think of my brother in that way, nor will I ever.

“Yeah, we both have the typical dark hair, brown eyes thing going for us, even though I’m the better-looking sibling. But don’t tell him that. These racers and their egos, fragile little things.” I give her a cheeky grin.

“He’s the new guy around here. Must be a lot of pressure to keep up with some of the best. How’s he getting along with Noah?”

“Uh, it’s been all right so far. They haven’t crashed in the past two races. Go team.” I do a cheerleader arm pump.

Sophie lets out a snort. “My dad was stressed to sign your brother on. He worried about how Noah would take it since he’s been with Bandini for years. An original Bandini boy. The team doesn’t take on young drivers, it’s like their standard, but your brother’s a World Champion now, which makes him a hot commodity in this industry.” She lifts one brow on command.

I lift a shoulder. “Yeah, he’s grateful to be a part of the best team. I still think it’s crazy he’s one of the youngest members to ever join Bandini. But Noah has handled the transition okay, seeing as he hasn’t chewed out my brother yet. Well, besides after the first press conference.”

She waves her hand at my words. “Those meetings are fifty percent serious and fifty percent drama. Fans love to watch, sitting on the edge of their couches—” she looks at me pointedly before continuing—“Be careful with Noah though. I hear all kinds of stories from my dad and other people.”

“Like what?” I lean in, not wanting to miss a word of Sophie’s insider info.

“He’s cocky, self-assured, and kind of a jerk. Plus, he sleeps with lots of groupies. Yuck, yuck, and yuck. He’s the guy your dad threatens to bury in a cement block. Well at least my dad would, said so himself before I joined the tour.” Her nose scrunches. Seems like her dad may be slightly overprotective. “But Noah has a right to be confident, being a three-time World Championship winner and all at such a young age. He can race for years to come if he wants.”

“Lovely. Nothing like a good playboy story to start the year off strong.” Sarcasm weighs my words down.

“My dad has dealt with one too many phone calls from sponsors who were concerned with his behavior. But what can my dad do? Noah remains a professional out on the track and he has proven to be one of the best racers out there. He could just chill with the confidence sometimes.”

“You know, Sophie, I think you and I are going to get along fine.”

She returns my smile. We clink our water bottles together, cheering to our new friendship.



Turns out Sophie and I mesh well together. We both love listening to the Jonas Brothers, eating the same Ben and Jerry’s ice cream flavor, and shopping at Zara instead of Fendi. Fundamental pillars of friendship.

I like having a new partner to attend sponsor events, press meetings, and any other snore-worthy activities. Especially one as quick and witty as Sophie. She comes off sassier than I’m used to, but I like how she doesn’t take shit from anyone.

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