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Too Hot to Handle (Romancing the Clarksons #1)(44)

Author:Tessa Bailey

Rita struggled to inhale. 揑 just匢 love your fingers and棓

揂hh, Jesus.?He dropped a kiss on top of her clit. 揟his pretty thing remembers me from before, doesn抰 she? Misses being filled up, poor girl.?

揧es,?Rita gasped, then louder, 揧es,?when Jasper pumped his middle finger into her, flicking his tongue against her tingling bud, attention on her all the while. His eyes were glazed over, his sounds of masculine pleasure rippling over her flesh. Did she taste as good as Jasper made it seem? Because wow. Wow. Had he just snarled against the slight entrance to her body? Jasper was just as desperate for her as she was for him, and that assurance imbued her with breathtaking confidence she抎 never experienced before. It toppled her barriers and let words overrun the ruins. 揧ou were so big in my mouth this morning. I wanted you to keep going厀anted to taste you.?

Rita抯 confession ended in a scream when Jasper bent his finger inside her, attacking a spot she抎 always sworn was a mythical location. 揅onsequences, Rita,?Jasper breathed against her, his cheekbones more prominent from what appeared to be rampant desire. Brought forth by her words? Yes?

揥hen y-you asked me if I wanted you to touch my breasts厰

His tongue slipped inside her, causing her to trail off with a moan, but Jasper slapped her outer thigh with a resounding smack, putting her back on track, even as he drove his tongue in and out with an efficiency that made her dizzy.

揑 wanted to ask i-if you would厰 He sucked on her clit, drawing hard, forcing the rest of her confession out on a rushed exhale. 揑f you would put yourself between them. My breasts.?

Jasper抯 guttural exhale, coupled with the pull of his mouth on her most sensitized flesh, pushed Rita past the point of return. The thighs slung over Jasper抯 shoulders shook, totally out of her control. His crooked finger was joined by a second, those skillful digits combining forces to exploit Rita抯 G-spot, while he quite simply feasted on her. Jasper抯 tongue licked around the bases of his fingers and over her clit, never stopping, never easing up. Making a meal out of her.

Just when Rita thought she couldn抰 take another single second of the perfect torture, Jasper shoved to his feet, wrapping an arm around the back of Rita抯 hips. Their lips went wild against each other, tongues thrashing inside Rita抯 mouth, then Jasper抯。 When he finally pulled away and allowed her to take in a hefty drag of oxygen, ripping Rita抯 shirt over her head, the sex in his eyes sucked that air right back out. 揧ou wanted me to fuck your tits, is that right??He plowed his available hand through her hair before bringing his open mouth down on hers for a kiss so carnal her thighs widened without a command from her brain. 揝lip my cock up and down in your sweat. Right in front of your gorgeous face. Fuck. You know how hot that would make me? Watching you watch me thrust, up close like that??As if picturing the scene, Jasper bent down and sucked at the swell of her right breast, cheeks hollowing. 揟hat would have ended with me dripping off your nipples.?

Rita released one of the ropes to grip Jasper抯 tight backside, pulling him closer, his body heat, his touch now a necessity. 揑 would have loved that.?

There was no way to prepare for Jasper抯 entering her body. One moment, they were french-kissing like the two most sexually charged people on the planet, Jasper covering himself with thin latex卼he next梐hhh梥he was filled to stretching with his arousal. 揅onsequences,?he grated right into her ear, seating himself more firmly, curling Rita抯 toes with the zap of sensation. 揅hrist, beautiful. You didn抰 start slow with the dirty talk, did you? Telling me you wanted me to flood that sexy mouth. Telling me new places you抎 like to feel me.?

揑 want to feel you right where you are,?she husked. 揙h my God, it抯 so thick. I can feel it beating.?

揜ita.?Jasper nudged her forehead with his own, a frustrated action that ended in them sliding into another erotic kiss. 揧ou knock that shit off right now. I抦 trying to savor you, not jackhammer your brains out.?

揇o it,?she moaned, propping her bent legs higher on his hips, using them as leverage to lift off the swing. 揑 need you. Hard like before.?

揌ard like before, yes. But this time you抣l look me in the eye while I抦 ringing your bell. You understand me??Jasper pressed her back down into the swing, bearing down with his lower body, grinding her into the wood until she whimpered. 揂nd at some point tonight, I抦 going to make love to you. The kind of sex that takes an hour of slow rocking and pumping. The kind where we wrap our fingers together, then twine them around the headboard. And I whisper things in your ear I can抰 say in the light. Promise me.?

揑 promise,?Rita responded, her thighs already starting to tremble from the way he pressed down on her oversensitive flesh. But there was more now. Her heart was in the game, squeezing and lifting and twisting at the beautiful words coming out of Jasper抯 mouth. She couldn抰 allow them to sink in too deep, though. Couldn抰 dwell on them or hurt would follow梐nd she didn抰 want to hurt tonight. Tonight and some of tomorrow was all she had, which meant she needed a distraction from the reality that she only had one full night to spend with this man. 揚-please, Jasper. Move inside me.?

The tension inside him snapped and the world started spinning again. He burrowed his face into her neck with a groan, his hips beginning a slow rhythm of knocking back the swing on which Rita was perched, before letting the wooden seat carry her back down onto his erection. A back-and-forth arc that resulted in Rita bouncing off of Jasper抯 lap with the sound of smacked flesh, swinging back, then gliding forward again on the air.

揓esus. Jesus, Rita. Why did you have to be such a sweet little fit??His pumping deviated from the pattern he抎 set, starting new, erratic drives that were as uneven as his breathing where it warmed her neck. And each one of those thrusts jolted Rita on the swing, the momentum slamming her back down, rattling her teeth. 揑 can抰匢 can抰 pump as hard as you need it,?Jasper groaned. 揘eed you held down and still.?

Rita opened her mouth to tell Jasper that he could do whatever he thought best, although in far less articulate terms, when he yanked her off the swing and batted the hanging object out of the way. She couldn抰 see where he was walking them after that because his mouth distracted her, moving over hers like a dirty promise, low growls emanating from his throat, clashing with her out-of-control whimpers. They dipped after a moment and then Rita抯 back met the soft grass she抎 spied upon exiting the house. After that, nothing existed to her but the man driving himself like a bull between her legs. The sky turned into a blurry vortex above his advancing and retreating shoulders.

His hands shoved Rita抯 knees open as far as they would go, down into the grass, his body roiling like a storming ocean. Peaking and breaking, dropping back down, before coming back twice as hard. 揟his is what you wanted. This is what you love.?Her wrists were pinioned above her head, forcing her back to arch on a cry of his name. 揧ou can抰 walk away from how good I fuck you, Rita. You could go anywhere and never feel this again. I need you to acknowledge that. God knows I抦 acknowledging the reverse.?

揧es.?Her arms strained, fingers flexing underneath his uncompromising grip. 揑 know, I know, I know. Don抰 stop. It feels so good. Hurts. Feels good.?

揑 know all about it, beautiful,?he grated, head tilting back so she could see the sweat pouring down the sides of his face. 揑 know all about the hurt. I know all about the good. You give me both, too.?The muscles in his neck and shoulders bunched, shifted. 揟his pussy is all fucking good, though. Every scarce inch. Every sweet stroke of it.?

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