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Tragic Bonds (The Bonds That Tie #5)(3)

Author:J. Bree

My father’s last words to my mother before his creatures devoured her whole.

You knew.

“North—” William cautions, as though he didn’t hear what Nox said and he’s not having the same devastating revelation that I am right now, so I ignore him entirely.

My bond ignores him entirely.

“Why did he call you that? Emmaline, why did your son call you Bonded?”

William makes a noise behind me, and then I hear the thump of his body hitting the ground as my aunt hits him with her Gift, the grunt pulled out of him almost an afterthought. I feel that same power wash over me as well, brushing at my skin as she tries to get inside of my head and break my mind open with the Madness she wields.

I’m stronger than her.

It means nothing to me; it’s only kindling to the fiery rage burning inside of me.

The shadows around the room twist and grow, bigger and bigger until they all bend towards me and this nightmare I’m finding myself in. The shadow creature sitting obediently at Nox’s feet doesn’t react except to snap its jaws when my shadows get a little too close, but still, my brother doesn’t have any reaction to the maelstrom around him. That is damning enough for me. That this chaos is nothing to him at all… what the fuck has been going on in this house?


The moment Emmaline finally gives in and her eyes flash back to their usual blue color, so like my own mother’s, she raises her head to look at me, and the guilt-soaked fear there is confirmation enough.

My shadow creatures burst out of my chest, a mirror image of what my own father’s had done to my mother.

I am the same monster he is, but I will happily burn in hell for this.

And now I know my father died feeling the same way.

Chapter One


There's nothing that can be heard around me but the thudding of my feet against the ground and the harsh sounds of my breathing as the sobs rip out of my chest.

There are bodies littering the ground of the camp everywhere, all of them killed for the boost it gave me and mine. My bond keeps searching for more, anything that it can take to give more power to our Bonded as we run towards the danger that they're in.

They’re still in pain, still facing that unknown person who just murdered Nox.

He can’t be dead.

There are dozens of faces in the piles of bodies that I recognize from my time here, so many people who had been a part of the horror that I’d experienced, but I don’t get to feel the vindication of wiping them from the planet.


All I feel is my heart pounding in my chest and the cold sweat breaking out over my skin that has nothing to do with how fast my legs are moving.

He can't be gone.

He can't be, not when I’d done everything I could to protect all of my Bonded. Not when I’d finally accepted them all into my heart and decided to use my horrifying Gifts to keep them all safe, to make peace with the vicious god inside my mind if it meant they’d all survive the Resistance. Not when I have the ability to give them unlimited power. Not when I've done everything I can to find a bridge between Nox and I, and fine, I definitely haven't done that yet, but I feel like I'd finally gotten a foundation put in place.

Something for us to build on.

I can feel Gryphon’s pain coming through the Bond still. The physical is still there, of course, but now all I can feel is the anguish in him, having just watched his best friend die, sacrificing himself to ensure his brother's safety. Whoever is there causing them this pain… I’m going to deal with them myself. I don't care what it takes. I don't care if I have to stand in front of Silas Davies myself. I’m going to tear the other person to shreds with my bare fucking hands, if that’s what it takes.

The closer to the tents I get, the more that I feel my bond reaching out. The net gets wider as it looks for more souls to consume to do what we need to do, stretching and stretching and stretching. It desperately wants to sacrifice the TacTeam personnel, to take their souls and as much power as they have to win the fight, but I cannot let us become that monster either.

As I get closer to the tents, I finally see the first of North’s shadow creatures, the perimeter that he had set around them to keep them safe from anyone approaching. The creatures all ignore me entirely, not even glancing my way as I move around them towards my Bonded. I start to feel the pain then myself, the pain no longer being through that connection to my Bonded but something that is in my own head, my muscles contracting and coming alive as though I'm being hit with thousands of volts of electricity, my brain wanting to shut down but my bond pushing me forward.

No matter how I cast out my ability, I can’t feel who is in that room. I push and I push, but I can't feel anything about the person. Nothing.

My eyes drop down onto the body of my Bonded, soulless and empty and dead.

I want to lie down next to him and die as well.

The pain stops. I feel it at the same time as I feel the Transporter pop back out of existence. Silas Davies, his Bonded, Lydia, and the person responsible for all of this leaving with him. There's a wave of nausea that runs through my head, a moment of discomfort at suddenly no longer feeling the intense pain that had been radiating through me.

From the corner of my eye, I see North go down to his knees, catching himself on the dirt with both of his hands as he looks over at his brother's body, tears streaming down his face. It takes four footsteps to reach them both, and then I find myself on my knees as well, staring down into Nox’s sightless eyes as he stares unknowingly back at his brother, the last sight he’d had before his soul was torn from him.

We need to move quickly, girl. We need to move quickly, or we're going to lose him.

I choke on my sobs. My hands come out to hover over his chest where I desperately want to throw myself down, but he never wanted me to touch him and it feels like a violation to do it now, even in his passing.

You're not listening to me. You need to listen. We need to move now.

My eyes screw shut tightly against my bond’s useless chatting in my head. Of course I'm not listening! My Bonded is dead!

Gryphon pulls himself over to Nox, kneeling at his other side and not hesitating as he pushes his hair back away from his face and neck, checking his pulse as though there is some form of hope that we're not both staring at a corpse right now. I don't feel the same way.

I can feel just how empty he is right now, the gaping void in his chest where his soul should be and the quiet in myself where his violent and vicious energy should be.

The vessel is broken, the bond is not.

I fall back onto my ass in the dirt, mud splashing up all over myself as the sobs cleave out of my body. He was more than a vessel! Don't you dare call him that, he was more than just—

My bond cuts me off, I’m not calling the man a vessel. I'm calling his body that. Our Bonded— both of them— are right here. Fix the vessel, girl.

I press the heels of my palms over my eyes as I follow my bond down into the depths of my stomach, down into the deepest parts of myself, where it hides in the small secret places within me, where it sleeps, where it eats strong bonds, where it throws a tantrum and hides away when I do not follow its every little whim. It's there that I find, as faint as butterfly wings against the wind, Nox’s soul.

I've never held a soul inside myself before that wasn't there purely to be consumed by my bond, so, naturally, I panic.

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