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Ugly Love: A Novel(19)

Author:Colleen Hoover

“You worry too much,” I say with a forced smile. “Would it help if we had rules?”

He studies me quietly before taking a step back. “It might,” he says. “I can only think of two right now.”

“What are they?”

His eyes focus on mine for several seconds. “Don’t ask about my past,” he says firmly. “And never expect a future.”

I absolutely don’t like either of those rules. They both make me want to change my mind about this arrangement and turn and run away, but instead, I’m nodding. I’m nodding because I’ll take what I can get. I’m not Tate when I’m near Miles. I’m liquid, and liquid doesn’t know how to be firm or stand up for itself. Liquid flows. That’s all I want to do with Miles.


“Well, I only have one rule,” I say quietly. He waits for my rule. I can’t think of a rule. I don’t have any rules. Why don’t I have rules? He’s still waiting. “I don’t know what it is yet. But when I think of it, you have to follow it.”

Miles laughs. He leans forward and kisses me on the forehead, then walks toward his room. He opens the door but glances back at me for a brief second before disappearing into the room.

I’m not positive, but I’m pretty sure the expression I just saw on his face was fear. I just wish I knew what he was scared of, because Lord knows I know exactly what I’m afraid of.

I’m afraid of how this is going to end.

chapter ten


Six years earlier

Ian knows.

I had to tell him. After the first week of school, he knew everything became Rachel.

Rachel knows Ian knows. Rachel knows he won’t say anything.

I give Rachel my room when she moves in, and I take the spare bedroom. My room is the only spare bedroom with its own bathroom. I want Rachel to have the better room.

“Do you want this box in here?” Ian asks Rachel. Rachel asks what it is, and he tells her it’s all her bras and underwear. “I thought maybe I should just go ahead and put it in Miles’s room.”

Rachel rolls her eyes at Ian. “Hush,” she tells him. He laughs. He likes that he’s in on such a private thing. That’s why he would never tell. He knows the power of secrets.

Ian leaves after all the boxes are unloaded. My father passes me in the hallway and pauses. His pause means I should pause, too.

“Thank you, Miles.”

He thinks I’m okay with this. With the fact that he’s allowing another woman to push out the last reminders of my mother.

I’m not okay with it.

I’m just pretending to be okay with it, because none of it matters. Rachel matters.

Not him.

“No problem,” I say.

He begins walking, then pauses again. He tells me he appreciates that I’m being nice to Rachel. He says he wishes he and Mom could have given me a sibling when I was younger. He says I make a good brother.

Words are awful when they come out of his mouth.

I walk back to Rachel’s room. I close the door.

It’s just the two of us.

We smile.

I walk to her and wrap my arms around her, then I kiss her neck. It’s been three weeks since the first night I kissed her. I can count the times I’ve kissed her since then. We can’t interact like this at school. We can’t interact like this in public. We can’t interact like this in front of our parents. I can only touch her when we’re alone, and we haven’t been able to be alone much in the last three weeks.


Now I kiss her.

“We need a few guidelines so we don’t get ourselves in trouble,” she says. She separates herself from me. She sits at my desk, and I sit on my bed.

Well . . . she sits at her desk, and I sit on her bed.

“First,” she says, “no making out when they’re home. It’s too risky.”

I don’t want to agree to that rule, but I’m nodding my head.

“Second, no sex.”

I’m not nodding anymore.

“Ever?” I ask her.

She’s nodding. Oh, I really hate that nod.


She sighs heavily. “Sex will make it that much harder when our time is up. You know that.”

She’s right. She’s also completely wrong, but I have a feeling she’ll figure that out later.

“Can I ask what rule number three is before I agree to rule number two?”

She grins. “There is no rule number three.”

I grin. “So sex is the only thing off limits? And we’re talking penetration, right? Not oral?”

She covers her face with her hands. “Oh, my God, do you have to get so specific?”

She’s cute when she’s embarrassed. “Just clarifying. I have a lifetime of things I want to do to you and only six months left to do them all.”

“Let’s leave the specifics up to the situation,” she says.

“Fair enough,” I say, admiring the blush in her cheeks. “Rachel? Are you a virgin?”

Her cheeks grow even redder. She shakes her head and tells me no. She asks if that bothers me.

“Not at all,” I say, being honest.

She asks if I’m a virgin, but her voice is timid when she asks it.

“No,” I say. “But now that I’ve met you, I kind of wish I was.”

She likes that I said this to her.

I stand up and prepare to head to my new bedroom to begin rearranging. Before I walk out, I lock her bedroom door from the inside, and then I turn around and smile at her.

I slowly walk to her.

I take her by the hands and pull her up. I wrap my arm around her lower back and pull her against me.

I kiss her.

chapter eleven


“I have to pee.”

Corbin groans. “Again?”

“I haven’t been in two hours,” I say defensively.

I really don’t have to use the bathroom, but I do need to get out of this car. After the conversation I had with Miles last night, the car feels different with him in it. It feels like there’s more of him, and every minute that passes and he’s not talking, I’m wondering what’s going through his head. I’m wondering if he regrets our conversation. I’m wondering if he’s going to pretend it never happened.

I wish my dad would have pretended it never happened. Before we left this morning, I was seated at the kitchen table with him when Miles walked in.

“Sleep well, Miles?” he asked as Miles took a seat at the table.

I thought he was going to flush with embarrassment, but instead, he regarded my dad with a shake of his head. “Not too well,” Miles replied. “Your son talks in his sleep.”

My father picked up his glass and lifted it in Miles’s direction. “Good to know you were in the room with Corbin last night.”

Luckily, Corbin had yet to sit down and hear that comment from my father. Miles was quiet through the rest of breakfast, and the only time I noticed him speaking after that was when Corbin and I were both in the car. Miles stepped over to my father and shook his hand, saying something that only my father could hear. I tried to read my father’s expression, but he kept a tight lid on it. My father is almost as good at hiding his thoughts as Miles is.

I really want to know what Miles said to my father this morning before we left.

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