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Violets Are Blue (Alex Cross #7)(22)

Author:James Patterson

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'The case I was working on in California ended real badly, John. The killers just disappeared. Thin air. So. How are you doing? You look good. For you.' He raised an index ringer. Then he pointed it right between my eyes. T always look good. It's a given. Don't try to change the subject on me. We're into something here.' 'Oh hell, you know I don't like to talk about my troubles, John. So tell me about yours.'I started to laugh. He didn't. Sampson just looked at me, said nothing, waited me out. 'You'd probably make a decent shrink,' I told him. 'Speaking of which, have you been to see the good Doctor Finaly lately?'Adele Finaly is my psychiatrist. Sampson has also seen her a couple of times. She helps. Both of us agree on that. We're fans of Adele. 'No, she's really pissed off at me. Says I'm not trying hard enough, says I won't embrace my own pain. Words to that effect.' Sampson nodded and smiled thinly. 'So why is that?' I made a face.'I didn't say that I agree with Adele.' I sipped my Foggy Bottom. It wasn't too bad, and I liked being loyal to a local brewer. 'When I try to embrace the goddamn pain, I keep coming back to the conflict between the job and the life I think I want to lead. I missed another one of Damon's concerts while I was out in California. Stuff like that keeps happening.' Sampson punched my shoulder. 'That's not the end of the world, you know. Damon knows you love his little ass. The young dude and I talk about it sometimes. He's over it. Now you get over it.' 'Maybe it's just that I've worked on too many bad murder cases in the past few years. It's changing me.' Sampson nodded approval. He liked that answer. 'Sounds like you're feeling a little burnt-out.' 'No. I'm feeling like I'm caught in a scary nightmare that won't go away. Too many coincidences whirling around me. The Mastermind howling my name, threatening me. I don't know how to make it all stop.' Sampson stared into my eyes. He locked into them. 'Back there a -------------- 115 --------------



little bit you said coincidences, sugar. You don't believe in coincidences.' That's what makes it so scary. If you want to know the truth, I think that someone really is after me, and they've been after me for a long time. Whoever it is, he's scarier than the vampires. I keep getting calls from the Mastermind, John. He calls me every day. Hardly misses a day. We still can't trace the calls.' Sampson ran a hand across his forehead.'I just can't work out who would be stalking you? Who would dare to take on the Dragon-slayer? Must be some kind of fool.' 'Believe me,' I said, 'this is no fool.'


Alex Cross 7 - Violets Are Blue

Chapter Forty-One

Sampson and I stayed at the Mark later than we should have. We drank a lot of beer, and finally closed the place down at around two. We were smart and sane and sober enough to leave our cars in the parking lot instead of driving home. John and I walked home under a bright moonlit sky. It reminded me of the two of us growing up in Southeast. We had to walk just about everywhere we went. Maybe we'd take a city bus if we were feeling flush. He dropped me off at my house and continued toward the Navy Yard and his place. Early the next morning, I had to retrieve my car before I went to work. Nana was up with little Alex and I drank a half pot of her coffee, then put the boy in his stroller. He and I walked to my car. The morning was clear and bright and the neighborhood seemed peaceful and quiet at around seven o'clock. Nice. I've lived on Fifth Street for thirty years, ever since Nana moved there from her old place on New Jersey Avenue. I still love the neighborhood, and it is home for the Cross family. I don't know if I could ever leave. 'Daddy was with Uncle John last night,' I bent down and talked to the boy as I pushed his blue-and white-striped stroller along. A nice-looking woman passed us on her way to work. She smiled like I was the best man in the history of the world, because I was walking my child this early in the morning. I didn't believe it for a second, but I enjoyed the romanticized fantasy. Little Alex likes to watch passing people, cars, the clouds streaming above his little head. He loves rides in the stroller and I like -------------- 117 --------------


pushing him, talking or singing kiddie ditties as we go about our business. 'See the wind blowing the tree leaves?'! said, and he looked up as if he understood every word. It's impossible to tell how much he understands, but he seems responsive to what I say. Damon and Jannie were the same way, though Jannie was constantly babbling as an infant. She still loves to talk, and to get in the last word, and the next to the last, just like her grandmother, and also, now that I remember, her mother, Maria. 'I need your help, buddy.' I stooped down and talked to little Alex again. He looked up at me, smiled beautifully. Sure, Daddy, you can count on me. 'It's your job to hold me together for a little while. You give me something precious to focus on. Can you do that?' Alex continued to smile. Of course I can, Daddy. It's no problem. Consider it done. I am your precious. Lean on me. 'Good boy, I knew I could count on you. Just keep doing what you're doing. You're the best thing that's happened to me in a while. I love you, little buddy.' As I was talking to my son, though, a little of the feelings of the night before rolled over me like some cold, wet fog coming up from the Anacostia River. Coincidences, I remembered. The bad things that had happened around me for the past two years. A real bad run. The murder of Betsey Cavalierre. The Mastermind. The vampire killers. I needed for it to let up some, needed to come up for air. When I got to headquarters that morning, a message was waiting for me. There had been another vampire murder. But the game had just changed, taken another turn. This one had taken place in Charleston, South Carolina. The killers were on the East Coast again.




Alex Cross 7 - Violets Are Blue

Chapter Forty-Two

I flew to Charleston and arrived a little before nine in the morning. The local murder story was splashed boldly across the front pages of the Post and Courier and also USA Today. I could feel uncertainty and fear in the bright, sterile, overly commercialized confines of the airport. Travelers I passed seemed nervous and wary. Several looked as if they hadn't slept well the night before. I'm sure that some of them felt that if the mysterious killers could strike in the heart of Charleston, they could do it in an airport waiting room or food court just as easily. No one was feeling safe anywhere. I rented a car at Charleston airport, and then I set off for a spot called Colonial Lake in town. A male and female jogger had been murdered there at around six the previous morning. The couple had been married for just four months. The similarities to the murders in Golden Gate Park were unmistakable. I had never been to Charleston, though I'd read books set in the city. I soon discovered for myself that Charleston is physically gorgeous. Once upon a time, it had been a city of incredible wealth, most of which came from cotton, rice, and slaves, of course. Rice had been the biggest export, but slaves, who were brought into Charleston Port and sold throughout the South, were the import that proved the most profitable. Wealthy planters had traveled frequently between the plantations in the lowlands and their homes in Charleston, where the important balls, concerts, and -------------- 121 --------------


masquerades were held. Relatives of Nana Mama's had been brought into Charleston Port and sold there. I found a parking spot on Beaufain Street, which was lined with Victorian-style houses. I even spied a few English gardens. This wasn't the kind of place where ghoulish murders ought to happen. It was too pretty, too idyllic. Was that what drew the killers here? Did they appreciate beauty - or hate it? What were they revealing to us with each new murder? What was their dark fantasy? Their horror story? If Charleston as a whole was suspicious and fearful about the murders, then the streets around Colonial Lake seemed close to terror. People eyed each other warily and coldly. There was nothing even close to a welcoming smile, no southern hospitality on display anywhere. I had left a message for Kyle to meet me at the lake. It was surrounded by wide sidewalks and wrought-iron benches. Yesterday, it had probably appeared picture perfect and completely safe. Today, bright yellow crime-scene tape was set up near the intersection of Beaufain and Rutledge. The Charleston police had surrounded the area and were watching everybody as if the killers might return today. I finally saw Kyle waiting under a spreading shade tree and I walked toward him. The morning was warm, but there was a breeze off the ocean that smelled of salt and fish. Kyle had on his usual attire: gray suit, white shirt and nondescript blue tie. He looked like the playwright and actor Sam Shepard, even more so than usual. He also looked gaunt, tired, almost as haunted as I felt. The murders were getting to him, too. Something was. 'It must have been like this yesterday morning, though it was earlier when they struck the couple,' I said as I came up to Kyle.'No one saw anything? No witnesses in an area like this? That's what I read in the police briefs.' Kyle sighed. 'We actually have a witness who saw two men hurrying out of the park. Older man in his mid-eighties. He said he thought he saw blood on the shirts of the men, and he felt he was mistaken. Then he found the bodies.'

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