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When It Falls Apart (The D'Angelos, #1)(71)

Author:Catherine Bybee

Less than three weeks after Luca put the ring on her finger, the restaurant was closed for a formal engagement party.

Carmen and her family flew down from Seattle.

Mayson made it from Idaho.

They’d sprung her dad from assisted living for the day, and even though he was supposed to be taking it easy, he was eating up the attention as father of the future bride.

“He looks a lot better than the last time I saw him,” Carmen said, pointing to Joe, a glass of champagne in her hand.

“I’m pretty sure he’s on the hunt for wife number five,” Brooke half teased.

“Please tell me you’re joking.”

They both watched him laughing alongside Maria, the grocery store owner who was also a widow. “I wouldn’t put it past him,” Brooke moaned.

“What are you ladies huddled over here talking about?” Luca slid beside Brooke and dropped a kiss to her lips briefly.

Every time she looked at him, she found a smile on her face. This was really happening. He was going to marry her.

She couldn’t be happier.

“Brooke thinks Joe is trying to upstage you guys by finding a future ex-wife.”

Luca narrowed his eyes in Joe’s direction.

“Maria can cook, but she’ll make him work the stockroom.”

They laughed and dismissed the idea.

Mayson approached with a small plate in his hand loaded with a sampling of D’Angelo’s finest appetizers. “Marrying an Italian is genius, Brooke,” he said, stuffing his face.

“Save room for the main course.”

He waved his plate in a small circle. “Don’t worry about me. I can put it away.”

“I’m glad you like it,” Luca said.

Mayson hummed and put the plate on the table to his side. “No Portia today?”

Brooke shook her head. “She’ll get a wedding invite.”

“And when will that be?” he asked.

Brooke glanced up at Luca. “We’re talking December.”

Luca scowled.

“What’s wrong with a Christmas wedding?” Carmen asked.

“It’s too far away.”

Carmen nudged Brooke’s shoulder. “Oh my God, listen to this one.”

Brooke rolled her eyes. “He thinks I’ll be pregnant by then and doesn’t want anyone talking.”

As if to prove her point, Luca pulled her closer and nuzzled her neck. “I don’t see a reason to wait.”

“It takes time to plan a wedding,” Carmen pointed out.

“Not when you own a restaurant and have a florist, a baker, and a priest on speed dial.”

Mayson simply laughed.

Brooke turned to stare at her fiancé. “What about your grandfather? And Dante? Chloe and Gio said he wants to be here and he’s coming in December.”

Mayson looked at Carmen, spoke only to her. “Do you think they do this all the time?”

“Argue about the date?” Carmen asked.


She nodded. “I’m positive. Want to place a bet on who is going to get their way?”

“My money is on Luca.”

Luca stood taller.

Carmen narrowed her eyes in thought.

“Don’t you dare bet against me,” Brooke warned with a smile.

“Not against you.”

Luca nudged Brooke’s shoulder. “I like your friends.”


Franny ran up with her friend Regina. “Papa? Mama?”

The title wasn’t getting old. Every time Brooke heard it, her heart filled with love. “Yes, sweetie?”

“I told Regina she could come to the wedding. She can, right?”

The little girl standing beside Franny smiled up at them with hopeful eyes.

“Of course.”

Franny turned to her friend. “See, I told you.”

Before anyone could say anything more, the girls ran off.

Santorini walked by with a plate of food, and Mayson tracked it like a wolf to prey. “Oh, that looks good.”

He followed the path to more carbs as Chloe and Gio veered toward the happy couple.

“Your son is adorable,” Chloe said to Carmen as she approached.

They all looked across the room to find Leroy talking with Mari, Ben at his side.

“Remember that in an hour when it’s past his bedtime.”

Gio turned to Luca. “I spoke with Dante today. He said he could make it anytime, you just yell, he’ll jump on a plane.”

Brooke gasped, pushed at Luca. “What are you telling people?”

He lifted his hands in the air, feigning innocence. “What?”

Carmen started to walk away. “I think I need to find Mayson and lay that bet.”

Brooke was starting to think it was a losing battle, this waiting until December idea.

“It will be good to see Dante again. It’s been too long,” Chloe said, her voice soft.

Gio glanced her way. “He hasn’t changed, Chloe.”

“I know.”

“What does that mean?” Brooke asked.

Luca leaned closer. “Someday Gio will settle down and plant his roots deep. Dante is like water in the stream, just like his father. Always moving. Not good for our Chloe.”

Brooke looked closer at Chloe. “Then why is ‘our Chloe’ blushing?”

“Because Dante is gorgeous. You’ll see.”

Brooke laughed, leaned closer to Luca. “I have all the Italian man I need right here.”

Gio said something in Italian and pulled his sister away, giving Luca and Brooke a moment alone.

Luca ducked them into an empty corner of the restaurant and into his arms. After a kiss that shouldn’t have taken place in public, he released her lips and looked in her eyes. “You’ve made me the happiest man on the planet.”

“I can’t believe this is happening.”

“I say that every day.”

Brooke melted into his gaze. “My whole world had to fall apart in order for us to meet and land here. Now I have a partner and someone who truly loves me.”

“With all my heart, amore.”

“Thank you, Luca.”

“For what?”

“Giving me the fairy tale.”

“You can have it sooner if you let me.”

She was so close to giving in. “Tell you what. If I get pregnant before December, we do it your way. If I don’t . . .”

There was a very devilish gleam in Luca’s eye. “Challenge accepted.”


Every book requires a village to write, this one even more than most based on the content within its pages.

Thank you, Holly Ingraham, for helping me see past the parts that were personal and perhaps didn’t need to be told, and fine-tuning everything else. Working with you is always a pleasure.

Maria Gomez and Amazon Montlake for believing in my work and giving me the freedom to write the stories I need to tell.

Jane Dystel, for every email, phone call, and kick in the pants. You’re more than an agent and always will be.

Angelique, my sister from stepmom number three . . . Thank you for being there the day I found “those letters.” The ones written in my own hand so many years ago that brought me right back to my teenage days, when I was so desperate to be heard and loved. For standing beside me and letting me cry on your shoulder and let out all the emotion I didn’t realize I was holding in. I love you, sis.

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