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Wicked Dreams (Fallen Royals, #1)(23)

Author:S. Massery

And then, two years later, our lives imploded.



I meet the guys at Liam’s place. They evacuated my house shortly after I dragged Margo out. I slink into the kitchen and grab a beer, and go find them in Liam’s game room.

“That was fun,” Theo grunts from his chair.

It’s directed at me, I know. He keeps his eyes on the racing game they’re playing.

I drop into the chair next to him. It’s best that, for now, I stay the hell away from Liam. He’s on the opposite side of the couch, next to Eli. They look over at me and raise their eyebrows, but all I can do is scowl at them.

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

Liam shrugs. “Fine.”

“I just said—”

“He didn’t ask you a fucking question, man,” Eli snaps. “If you want to be a pisser and sulk in the corner, fine. We’ll leave you the fuck alone.”

“Fine,” I growl. I pick up the extra control and opt into Theo’s next game. Video games won’t release the tension I feel. The anger swirls like a fucking hurricane in my chest.

After about ten minutes, I say, “You never knew her.”

They exchange glances. “She left right before you transferred in, Eli.”

His family moved here when we were eleven. I was an angry son of a bitch then, but no worse than I am now. Eh, no, probably less angry then.

It’s grown under my skin in the years since.

“Okay,” Eli says. “We do know this part of the story. The whole school’s been talking about it.”

I’ve kept this under wraps for a reason. It’s personal shit. But I’ve got to say something to stop their squawking. “Yeah, but you don’t know my side. We weren’t just acquaintances. She didn’t just live with her family in our guest house. She was family. She was my best friend.”

“And then all the drama with her family?” That comes from Liam.

“Something like that.” I jerk the controller, smashing Theo’s character out of the way.

I don’t feel anything when I win—except for Theo’s elbow jabbed into my ribs.

“So why do you hate her?”

I drop the controller on the counter and lean back, taking a long swallow of beer. I’ll need six more of these before I share any more secrets about her. And how she’s still getting under my skin after all these years.

“Did you see who’s playing next week?” Eli asks, thankfully changing the subject. “Lion’s Head.”

“Oh, shit.” I laugh. “Liam, you ready to get your ass whipped?”

Liam crosses his arms. “They’re not that good.”

“They’re first in the fucking league,” I say. “Makes me glad I don’t play football. We don’t have to deal with the embarrassment of coming in second place in lacrosse.”

“Yeah, you talk a big game, Asher,” Theo replies.

“It’s because he doesn’t like to wear tights,” Eli cuts in. “And I, for one, totally agree. Cheers.” He leans over Theo and taps his beer bottle against mine.

Theo scowls at us. “You’re immature.”

“You’re the one wearing tights,” Eli mutters.

“We can take this outside.”

I grab Theo’s arm, and he falls back in his seat. “Something got you in a twist, Theo?”


“Uh-huh.” Liam rolls his eyes. “You’re the worst liar.”

“That girl goes to Lion’s Head.” Theo’s eyes are practically black. “And she’s going to fucking show up at the game, and—”

“And nothing,” I say, patting his shoulder. “You’re worrying too much.”

Anger rolls off him. “If I see her, I’m going to fucking kill her.”

I grunt. “Okay, well, that’s not good. Anyone want to go find something better to do than hang around here?”

Liam hops up. “There’s that party tonight at Ian’s house.”

“Great. Come on.” I haul Theo up, pushing him ahead of me. He’s the silent but deadly type. Honestly? I’d feel sorry for the girl he wants to kill—if she steps foot in his way, that is.

Anger can be good from a distance. It’ll make him a better football player, and any skills he learns on that field we can use for lacrosse.

The doorbell rings as we’re piled in the kitchen, raiding Liam’s snack pantry.

Through a mouthful of food, Eli says, “I’ll get it.”

We all came together when we were fourteen. Eli and I knew each other from middle school, and Theo and Liam joined us from a neighboring private school. Actually, they transferred from Lion’s Head. I imagine that’s where Theo’s hatred started.

Anyway, all of us were angry in one way or another, and it was natural that we gravitated toward each other. We all made the lacrosse team, and even as freshmen, we were good. Good enough to start. By sophomore year, we were kings.

We walked through the halls worshipped by the other students. It helped that our families are made of money. Theo’s dad donated to the athletic department. Liam’s parents bought a fucking building. And me? Well, the school board knows to fear my last name.

They know what we’d do to them.

The sport made us not only untouchable—but loved. I’m not deaf. I’ve heard the whispers about the golden boys of Emery-Rose Elite. If people knew the truth behind our masks, they would shy away from us.

Eli comes back into the kitchen, followed by… Savannah.

I watch her, letting my mask slide back into place. It’s one thing to use her—it’s another thing entirely for her to come calling on me.

Her face is a mess of puffy eyelids and streaked mascara. Her chin is wobbling.

I don’t give a fuck.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

She stiffens, then throws her arms around my waist. I raise my hands away from her body. I don’t want to touch her more than I have to—and why would I want to, if Margo isn’t here to witness it?

That’s not part of the plan.

I don’t like anyone’s hands on me. Except Margo.

“Amelie is coming back,” she sniffs. “Two months early!”

“And that’s a… bad thing?”

Best I can recall, she and Amelie have been good friends since day one. Margo used to be in their mix, too. The fact that Savannah openly turned on Margo has been nothing short of delicious to watch unfold. Poor girl carried a torch for Margo for about a year, until the bullies beat her down. Eleven-year-olds are ruthless.

It’s hard being the friend of a coke-whore’s daughter.

“No,” Savannah cries, using my shirt as a face-wipe. She nuzzles her head into my chest. “It’s great, it’s just, she’s coming back early, and—”

My lip curls.

And in their friend group, Amelie is in charge. The captain of the cheerleading squad. The queen bee. She’s been gone this semester, studying abroad. And in her absence, Savannah has stepped into her role almost too flawlessly.

I don’t think she needs me to remind her that there are consequences for every action.

“So you’re just upset that she’s going to knock you off the top of the pyramid?”

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