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The Love Wager (Mr. Wrong Number, #2)(48)

Author:Lynn Painter

A tiny part of her was incredibly touched by that apology, by the fact that her friend felt bad for not reading her feelings better. But as Hallie lay there, staring into space, his first sentence gave her pause. I didn’t know you liked him enough for him to hurt you this way. When she pictured Alex’s face, she didn’t feel that sad. When she thought about no more dinners with him, she didn’t feel that disappointed.

“I didn’t know, either,” she whispered. “Hell, I don’t even know now. Is it awful that I think I could be sadder about getting dumped than about actually losing Alex?”

“Not at all,” he said into her hair, his arms staying tight around her. “I’m the same, Hal. Rejection feels like shit, even when it comes from someone who might not matter that much.”

“Don’t enable my bad behavior,” Hallie said around a half laugh.

“It’s true, though, horrible human.”

She laughed again and started to face him, Jack’s grip loosening so she could. She knew she looked hideous when he looked at her with a pitying smile. She said, “Shut up, I know I look good.”

He gently swiped under her lower lashes with his thumbs. “No comment.”

“The thing is,” she said, blinking fast to stop more tears, “I just really hate starting back at square one; with Alex, at least I had hope that I was maybe on the way.”

His eyes traveled over her face, and he said quietly, “I get that.”

Of course he does.

“And now I have to go to my fucking perfect sister’s wedding alone next week!” she cried, unable to stop herself from full-on bawling over that one. “I was so happy to call my mom the other day and casually drop that I had a boyfriend who would be coming with me, and now I have to roll into Vail with my tail between my legs.”

“No, you don’t.”

“And I don’t think I’ve ever told you about my ex, other than the fact that we broke up, but Ben is going to be IN the wedding. With me.” She pictured his face and groaned. “I’m going to look so pathetic.”

“You don’t have to go alone,” he repeated.

“Yes, I do. I don’t have anyone.” Her eyes filled with tears again.

“No. You don’t. Listen,” he said. “If you want, I’ll go with you. You can pretend I’m your boyfriend, and we can be the greatest fucking couple they’ve ever seen until we return home from the trip and break up.”

She sniffled and looked at his face. He looked serious. She asked, “You’d do that?”

He gave a little shrug and said, “Sure. I love Colorado.”

“So,” she said, unable to believe what he was offering to do, “you will let me tell them you’re my boyfriend and you’ll act like you love me?”

“Hallie Piper,” he said, his voice low and husky as he looked at her, “from the second we enter the airport to depart until the moment we return home, I will be head-over-heels, worship-the-ground-you-walk-on, wildly obsessed and madly in love with you.”

Hallie felt a little buzzed at the sound of those words. God, he is good, she thought as he looked at her like he meant every word. His jaw flexed as his eyes stayed focused on hers, and she sat up in the bed. “I can’t believe you’d do that for me.”

He shrugged again. “It’s not a big deal. We’re friends.”

She could feel a smile coming as she said, “Thank you so much for being my friend, Jack.”

“Right back atcha, TB.”



Hallie and Jack texted more than usual the following week as they finalized travel plans and lodging details. Her entire family was taking the same flight, so she was absolutely dreading that, but she made sure to request a room on a separate floor from everyone else.

She was a little nervous when she woke up at four a.m. on the day of the flight. Could they pull it off? Would Jack be able to pretend he was in love with her? Actually, as long as he managed to pull off a solid she’s-kinda-cool disposition, Hallie would be thrilled.

She was zipping up her carry-on when Jack texted.

Jack: Good morning, my love. May I pick up a donut for you on the way to your place?

Hallie: Careful, I may ACTUALLY fall in love with you if you say things like that.

Jack: I will shower you in chocolate donuts for the rest of your life, my darling.

She laughed and texted: I think I just had a tiny orgasm.

Jack: On my way.

Just like that, her nervousness turned into excitement. She was going to Vail with Jack—how could it not be fun? She double-checked that she had absolutely everything she’d need and stacked her bags beside the front door.

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