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A Fire in the Flesh (Flesh and Fire, #3)(91)

Author:Jennifer L. Armentrout

There was nothing I could say to that.

“So, whether you’re really Sotoria or not doesn’t matter. Your heart already belongs to someone else,” she said. “And once Kolis realizes that? You’ll know just how sadistic Kyn can be.”

I inhaled sharply. “You sick bitch.”

“I’m not sick, Seraphena.” Her chin lifted. “I’m just tired.”

“Then go take a fucking century-long nap,” I snapped.

Veses’ laugh was far too sultry for our discussion. “I could never rest that long. I am too afraid of missing out on whatever is happening in the realm of those awake.”

I shook my head as the ache moved down the sides of my face. “I’m almost positive your ten minutes are up, so what is the point of this conversation? Other than to be a living, breathing annoyance.”

“It’s to warn you.”

“Of course.” I sighed.

“I will not lose Kolis to Sotoria again,” she said, her voice low. “I’d rather see him alone than have that.”

“Guess you weren’t telling the truth when you said you were happy for him,” I muttered dryly.

“Make all the snide comments you want. It doesn’t change the fact that I’m going to do everything within my power to wake Kolis up to what is so clearly evident to most of the realm,” she said. “That your heart, no matter who you really are, belongs to another. And I will not regret what becomes of you after that truth comes out.”


“But what I will regret is what it will do to Nyktos. What it is already doing to him.” The mocking, vindictive smile left her face. “Once Kolis realizes you’re in love with Nyktos, he will find a way to keep him. He won’t release him until Nyktos accepts it’s time for him to move on and you’re effectively dealt with.”

My stomach twisted into knots.

“Or you could just find a way to take yourself out of the equation,” she suggested. “Sacrifice yourself for Nyktos.”

Or I could make sure Kolis freed him before Veses managed to convince him of anything.

“Just something to think about.” Rubies glittering in her hair, she stepped back and swept her gaze over me. “I’d look better in that gown, by the way.”

“I’m sure you would,” I replied, speaking the truth. She would look better in a burlap sack.

Watching her leave, I remembered what Aios had said about Veses and Ash’s mother. That they had been friends, and Veses had been good at one time—well, as good as any Primal could be.

Veses wasn’t good anymore.

Maybe Kolis stealing the embers of life and Eythos’s death had aided in changing her. Or perhaps she wouldn’t be like this if she had rested for any real length of time. It was quite possible she could have remained decent if she hadn’t fallen in love with Kolis.

What had Holland said about love? Basically, that it was as equally awe-inspiring as it was horrifying.

I was so glad that my love for Ash meant I’d gotten a taste of what the awe-inspiring bit felt like. I couldn’t help but feel a little smidgen of pity for both Kolis and Veses, who only knew the awful side of it.

But Veses was right. Our love did make both of us capable of violence.


She stopped at the door but didn’t look back.

“I just want you to know that…I am sorry for what was done to you in the Council Hall.”

Her back stiffened.

“But that doesn’t change that I will do everything in my power to see you burn before I die.”

Weary, I found myself without much of an appetite when the Chosen served supper, but I forced myself to eat what I could, knowing I needed to keep up my strength.

Because I had a feeling I should keep from taxing my body further.

I wouldn’t think about that, though. I already had enough on my mind after Veses’ visit.

As I readied myself for bed, I hoped I dreamt of Ash again. Holding that desire at the forefront of my mind, I walked from behind the privacy screen, my tired gaze moving from the darkened chamber beyond to—

Wait. The chandelier had been on when I went behind the canvas screen. Hadn’t it? I started to turn.

Kolis lay in the center of the bed, an arm thrust back, supporting his head. He had his long body stretched out, his ankles crossed. He looked as comfortable as a bug snug in a rug.

Choking on a scream of surprise, I jerked back a step as my hand flew to my chest.

“I startled you,” Kolis said with a smile.

My heart pounded. “You’re so observant.”

That practiced smile faltered but quickly returned. “It is one of my many skills.”

I didn’t care about any of his skills. “What are you doing in here?”

One eyebrow rose. “You’re asking what I’m doing in here, within the sanctuary I had built?” His head tipped to the side. “Surely, you’re not asking that.”

Keep your temper in check, I reminded myself as I folded an arm over my still-unsettled stomach. Especially with Veses’ newfound purpose in life. “I just wasn’t expecting you.” I glanced at the screen. How long had he been in here? While I’d made use of the privy? Undressed. Gods, I had to add that to the ever-growing list of things I could not think about. “I didn’t even hear you.”

“Being quiet is another talent,” he teased.

The hand at my side tightened. “It’s an impressive one.”

He practically beamed.

I forced my tone to be light. “I’m very tired, Kolis.”

“That’s perfect.” He reached over with a hand, patting the space beside him. “As am I. I know no deals have been struck, but I so enjoyed the last time we slept together.”

“I’m relieved to hear that,” I murmured, thinking it was ironic that he took such joy in something that haunted me. Or maybe it was more disturbing than ironic. “Speaking of deals—”

“My nephew is being prepared for release,” he interrupted. “It will happen very soon.” Golden eather swirled across his bare chest. “That is unless a reason arises for that not to happen—or more of a reason than what you have already given me.”

Visions of Veses’ gloating face danced in my head.

His eyes locked with mine. “Join me. I would be so…disappointed if you didn’t want to.”

I stiffened. What he didn’t say came across loud and clear. If I displeased him, it would become another reason to delay Ash’s release. My fingers curled against the material of the robe as I resisted shouting that he should go find Veses, who’d be more than glad to share a bed with him.

“You hesitate,” he stated flatly. “Do you not wish to be in my company?”

“It’s…it’s not that.” I hated him. Gods, I hated him. “I’m just nervous.”

He raised a brow. “About what, so’lis?”

“About what you expect from me. We have yet to get to know each other—”

“I only wish to sleep beside you, as we did last time.” The eather slowed in his eyes. “The virtue you cared little for when it came to my nephew and whomever else is safe with me.”

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