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Powerless (The Powerless Trilogy, #1)(33)

Author:Lauren Roberts

Kitt shifts beside me, and I see him quickly glance in Paedyn’s direction. I run a hand through my hair before turning my attention back on my food, needing to focus on something.

Since the girls outnumber the boys, it’s likely that Kitt will be paired with whoever doesn’t have a partner. But that won’t stop him from asking one of them if he wishes to.

It’s clear that Paedyn intrigues him. But even if Kitt wasn’t going to ask Paedyn to accompany him to the ball, which I don’t doubt he will, she doesn’t want me.

I like a challenge.

But she’s made it abundantly clear on what she wishes us to be: competition.


And more importantly, why isn’t that what I want as well?

I wake the next morning, drenched in sweat.

This isn’t uncommon, not with the nightmares that tend to haunt my sleep. But today is different. Today it is bloody boiling outside. It’s only dawn, and my room is already sticky with humidity.

I roll out of bed and make my way to the bathroom where I splash cool water over my already damp face. It doesn’t take me long to get ready, begrudgingly pulling on a white cotton shirt before slipping out the door and—

And there she is.

She steps out of her room with her head down, quietly shutting the door before looking up and practically jumping at the sight of me.

“Plagues, Kai, don’t scare me like that!”

I blink.

It’s the first time she’s called me by my name, and I realize then that I could get used to the sound of it rolling off her tongue. She seems to notice what she’s said and clears her throat before beginning to walk down the hallway.

“Aren’t you up early for a prince?” she calls over her shoulder. “What, no breakfast in bed?” I catch up to her easily, taking about three strides before I’m walking beside her.

“If you’re not getting breakfast in bed, neither am I. I’m just a regular contestant, remember? No longer a charming prince for the time being.”

“You were never that to begin with.”

I chuckle as we turn the corner, spotting the kitchen looming just ahead. The smell of biscuits and eggs wafting from within is enough to make me change course.

“So—” Paedyn begins, probably the start of some snide comment that I’ll never get the pleasure of hearing because I grab her wrist and tug her towards the kitchen doors. I’m sure she is just as hungry as I am, and breakfast won’t be served for nearly another hour.

I’m doing us both a favor.

Apparently, Paedyn doesn’t share my sentiment. Her feet dig into the floor at the threshold of the kitchen doors, eyes darting between mine. “What are you—” she starts, giving me that murderous look I’ve already grown so familiar with.

“Shh.” I press my finger to her lips lightly and the words die in her throat. “I suppose my job will forever be feeding you now, hmm, Gray?”

Her flustered expression has me laughing quietly before I hear the scuff of shoes, reluctantly drawing my gaze from her wide-eyed one. We’ve drawn quite the crowd. Several servants stand staring at us, taking in the scene before them. But they scuttle away swiftly, snickering as they try to make themselves look busy.

“Hello, ladies,” I call, looking around the room at the blushing servants. “I’ve brought a far more interesting guest today than Kitt.” I place a gentle hand on the small of Paedyn’s back, prodding her forward.

It’s a question, a tentative test, an innocent inquiry.

Is this okay?

I briefly wonder if she’s considering breaking my wrist, maybe contemplating placing a dagger to my throat—

And then she relaxes, easing into my touch.

An answer to my question without uttering a word.


I guide her towards the center of the kitchen where I’ve spotted Gail, currently hunched over the stove. “Morning Gail.” She spins around, her face lighting up when she sees me. “You look lovely as always.” My mouth quirks as I hop up onto the counter and sit beside where she flips crispy pieces of bacon over the stove.

“You’re such a kiss-ass, Kai,” she teases, lightly whipping a towel in my direction. Her eyes land on Paedyn and she straightens, nodding curtly. “Ah, Miss Paedyn. A pleasure.”

“Please,” Paedyn sighs with a small smile, “No miss. Just Paedyn.”

I can practically see Gail relax, probably thanking the Plague that formalities aren’t needed. “Now, what is a sweet girl like you doing hanging around riffraff like him?” Gail jabs a thumb in my direction while I snatch a strip of bacon from the pan behind her turned back.

I let out a low laugh. “Oh, sweet isn’t the word I would use to describe her, Gail. She held a knife to my throat only a few days ago.”

“He deserved it,” Paedyn says simply, shrugging slightly.

“Oh, I’m sure he did,” Gail replies, grinning at her. “I probably would have done the same.” She glances at me, nodding towards Paedyn. “I like this one.”

Paedyn tips her head back and laughs. My body goes still as I listen to the sound of it fill the kitchen. So warm, so bright. Then, too quickly, she collects herself, clears her throat, and turns towards me. “So, you and Kitt are close with Gail?”

My head tilts to the side as I peer down at her, my eyes never straying from hers as I say, “Inseparable, aren’t we Gail?”

A loud snort escapes the cook. “Inseparable indeed. The princes won’t leave me alone.” Her eyes sparkle with pride when they meet mine. “I’m the only reason the two of them aren’t stick-thin.”

“Ah, yes,” I sigh, “we have Gail’s sticky buns to thank for fattening us up.”

After Gail gladly informed Paedyn of some rather embarrassing stories from my childhood, we talk casually, a regular routine for the cook and me. I ask about her son, stationed as a guard near the Scorches, all while sneaking bits of food as she swats at my hands. My gaze snags on Paedyn from where she watches me curiously, as though trying to puzzle me out.

Funny, normally I’m the one giving her that look.

I jump off the counter and give Gail a peck on the cheek. “Don’t miss me too much.”

Then I turn towards Paedyn who’s leaning casually against the counter, a small smile tugging at her lips. I take a slow step towards her. Her head tips up to look me in the eyes as I close the distance between us, so close I can smell the lingering scent of lavender on her skin. I reach around her back, fingers brushing her tank.

Her breath hitches and I feel my lips tug upward. When she opens her mouth to tell me off, I pull my hand back slowly, holding an apple in front of her face. “Always feeding you, remember?”

She stares at the fruit before snatching it from my hand, huffing in annoyance. And then she smiles, the dazzling action lighting up her face as she rubs the apple on my shirt, right above my heart.

She takes a bite, her eyes locked with mine. “And you said you weren’t a gentleman.”

By the time we make it to the training grounds, I’m slicked with sweat once again.

Almost in unison, several of us peel off our shirts, unable to bear the heat any longer. Kitt and I set off jogging around the grounds at an easy pace. I watch as the contestants pair off to spar or go their separate ways to train. Andy is currently in the form of a red leopard, circling several Sadies in one of the dirt training rings. Unsurprisingly, Braxton is on the ground doing push-ups while Jax occupies himself by throwing rocks as far as he can only to Blink and catch them before they hit the ground.

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