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Fate of a Royal (Lords of Rathe, #1)(20)

Author:Meagan Brandy & Amo Jones

We sure as fuck are.

It takes us a minute to get the stupid blindfolds in place, but oddly once the small knots are in the right position, the smooth material seems to somehow form to our faces, growing snug in all the loose places and less uncomfortable than they were at first . My muscles relax as my shoulders ease, erasing any of the reservations I had about trapezing through a dorm full of college students with a different male’s hand threaded into each of mine.

I can’t help but notice how neither feels quite right against my palm. Our fingers never line up, the difference in our skin making each other grow clammy and leaving me desperate to wipe them along my dress.

Luckily, we are in the elevator quickly, stepping out onto the bottom floor just as fast. The moment fresh air washes over my face, I smile, knowing we’re one step closer to the good part of the night—getting fucked up and potentially finding someone to fuck me up in all the best ways.

The devil knows I need a good dick-down right about now. Anything to replace the memory of Mr. Hot and Cold Fuck Boy’s lips on mine. Shit. Anything to erase the memory of his skin touching mine. I swear, when I lay down last night and draped myself in the darkness of my space, I could feel his hands on me once again. The second I closed my eyes and felt myself drift off into a dream state, all I pictured was his mouth on mine.

At least my annoyingly in tune sense of touch kept the nightmares at bay for the first night since they began. I’m getting real sick of dying every night.

Metaphorically, of course.

“Okay, bend a little and step in.” Justice’s tone tears through my memory. “And what’s with the bandage on your hand?”

“Cut it on some rocks yesterday.” I shrug, dipping into the car.

“You should be more careful,” he chastises.

“You should let me worry about her and move to the driver seat, assuming you’re the only one we’re making fools of ourselves for,” Ben claps back.

I smirk. I fucking love my best friend.

I hear a door close and then another, so I reach across the seat, finding Ben’s arm to make sure he’s there.

“It’s me,” he confirms, already knowing. “So how far is this party, Jus, and please tell me everyone is pulling up with a blindfold on?”

“Yeah, yeah, all the Giftless—I mean, all the people invited were, uh, Gifted with blindfolds, so yeah… yeah, they’re all showing up like this,” he stutters as he speaks and Ben squeezes my thigh. “But don’t worry, you can take it off before we go inside. You just have to wear it on the drive over, but once we’re through the shield, or I mean the, uh, shielded gate, you know, that hides the house from the street and stuff, you can take it off.”

“Dude, did you pop some Adderall or something?” I laugh, and Ben chuckles with me. “You sound like you’re on one.”

Justice laughs, then clears his throat. “Sorry, it’s been a long day.”

I nod, dropping my head back on the seat and blowing air through my lips, making them vibrate. “Any party favors in here? I’m way too sober for it to be ten o’clock already.”

“Slow and steady wins the race, babe,” Ben whispers against my ear.

“Says the guy who ends up in second place, Benny, but don’t worry, this won’t be a blackout-and-wake-up-to-you-pulling-me-out-of-the-town-fountain-naked kind of night, promise. Jus?”

Justice scoffs, likely assuming I just popped off with some random shit I came up with, but nope. I’m the worst kind of hot mess, living with a sense of loss of purpose and in skin that doesn’t feel like it fits. That will do that to you. With the help of a handful of Jager bombs, of course.

“I have something, yeah…if you’re sure.”

Oooh, sounds like Justice came prepared with that good shit. “I’m sure.”

“Wait, what?” Ben snaps, and I can hear him shuffling, as if he’s looking back and forth between us even though he’s blindfolded. “What is it?”

Fingers tap my chin and I take the cue, opening my mouth. Something powdery, yet sweet, like a Pixie Stix, falls over my tongue, and when I swallow it, it leaves a coating of detergent at the back of my throat.

“Tell me what it is before you give it to her,” Ben demands angrily.

So damn bossy.

Feeling slightly guilty, I run my tongue all around my mouth, and my brows flicker when a tingly, heated sensation trickles along my veins, taking with it every thought and feeling outside of peace.

The stresses of moments ago wash away and I sigh, relaxing into my chair while leaning my head on Ben’s shoulder. “It’s okay, B.”

Ben tenses, and even to me, I hear the change in my voice, the airy, dreamy-like sound that’s now laced with whatever he just put in my mouth. I vaguely register the thought of how gross it sounds, but I’m just too damn alleviated to care.

“Fuck, you gave it to her already.” His shoulders fall with his heavy sigh. “Give it to me too.”

“Are you sure?” Jus asks him carefully.

I want to rip this blindfold off. Do I trust Jus? Sure. I’ve known him since I got here and he hasn’t given me a reason to not trust him yet, but he needs to not question my best friend.

“You didn’t fucking ask her that, man,” Ben snaps. “And you gave it to her anyway, so yeah, I’m fucking sure.”

Silence, and then his heavy weight presses into my side.

My lips curve up. “Scoot over, big brute.”

“I can’t. My body feels like it does after a loss and Coach hands it to our ass on and off the ice.”


The drug is affecting us differently. I feel nearly weightless, calm, and all those other giddy feelings you get when you’re in your happy place, like when the moon is at its highest and the owls come out to whisper their secrets into the night.

“Don’t worry. The powder wears off pretty quick,” Jus tells us, and my bottom lip drops a little. I’m Zenned the fuck out and loving it.

Just then, I’m jolted forward as a wave of energy slaps against my skin before softening, like the feathers of a bird tickling the tip of my nose as if to sniff me out and say hello, which sounds fucking crazy. In the next second, that welcoming kiss grows, and it’s like walking through a waterfall. All at once, it washes over me, minus the dowsing wet part. The sensation begins along my knees, bent over the edge of the seat, fanning out in perfect sync until my body is swallowed whole as if I’m the moving part and I’ve left the feeling behind me.

“You doing okay, London?” Justice worries, and I feel the car come to a stop.

“Perfect.” My smile is instant. “Why?”

“You jumped forward…”

I shrug, gripping the back of his seat. “Are we here?”

“We just pulled in.”

I don’t wait, yanking off my blindfold, my eyes bulging at the sight. “Holy …”

I tap on Ben and he yanks his away, head snapping left to look out my window. “Dude, what was in that powder?”

“Whatever it was,” I find myself whispering as I blindly reach for the handle and climb out, my fingers folding over the frame, “I’m gonna need a bottle of it, ’cause this is fucking epic.”

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