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On the Shore (Cottonwood Cove, #3)(38)

Author:Laura Pavlov

“Jesus. I’m not above saying when I’m wrong, and I was very wrong about you. I shouldn’t have called anyone a bloodsucker. Years of being stalked and hounded by the press put a bad taste in my mouth. But it wasn’t a fair assessment. It’s just like anything—there is good and bad everywhere. There are good football players, and then there are people that are out there for the money and the fame. So, I apologize for the way we met, even if I don’t regret it.”

“And why is that?” I tipped my head back and studied him.

“Because you wouldn’t have come home. We wouldn’t be sitting here right now, after the best sex of my life—butt-ass naked on the shore.”

“Was it the best sex you’ve ever had?” I asked.

“Fuck yeah. It was for me.” He raised a brow.

I smiled. “It was for me, too. I wasn’t going to show all my cards so easily, but since you did, I’ll admit it, too.”

“And you wanted to do it just once. I told you, once would never be enough.”

“You were right,” I said as he flipped me over onto my back, and I broke out in a fit of hysterical laughter. “This one time, you were right.”

“Only this one time?” he asked, leaning down and kissing me hard.

“This time was the only one that really mattered.”

He nodded. His gaze was soft as he took me in. “Come on. Let’s get out of here before we get caught naked and end up on the cover of every newspaper and magazine in town. They’re already talking about you jumping to my defense in the press.”

He helped me to my feet, and we both quickly slipped back into our clothes.

“It has to be close to midnight now. We need to get some sleep. We’ve got to be up early for our run in the morning.”

He took my hand and led me to the car. “Yep. And it’s not going to be easy getting any sleep with you naked in my bed.”

I sucked in a breath. I wondered if we’d each go to our own places once we left the cove.

“That’s presumptuous,” I teased. “You just think I’ll sleep at your house?”

“You want me to chase you, sweetheart?” he said, not hiding his sarcasm. “Because I will. If that’s what you need. But I want you in my bed. I want to wrap myself around you and wake up to you in the morning.”

“Well, when you put it that way.” I shrugged after I got into the car, and he reached over to buckle my seat belt. Normally, I’d slap someone’s hand away for doing that, but at the moment, I’d let this man do just about anything to me.

“Good. Let’s go home.”

I closed my eyes as we drove toward his house. I couldn’t remember a time that I’d been this relaxed.

This happy.

This content.

The last few days had been busy between Lincoln’s insane workouts and me in talks with Sports Today, as I’d be breaking this news with them. I’d been busy making tweaks to the final statement that had been released this morning.

Lincoln Hendrix Will Be Signing with the New York Thunderbirds.

It was now public knowledge that Lincoln was telling me his story, and I was also the same woman who’d jumped to his defense last week when we’d been in the city.

My phone rang, and I watched Lincoln through the sliding glass doors as he pushed a gigantic tire up and down the driveway as an extra core workout that he liked to do. He wore a pair of basketball shorts, no shirt, and a navy baseball cap turned backward on his head.

There should be some sort of rule about sexy men wearing their caps backward. It caused my ovaries to go into overdrive.

Every. Damn. Time.

His chest was tanned and chiseled, and the muscles in his arms strained each time he pushed the oversized tire another couple of feet.

I answered the phone and put it on speaker.

“Hey, Ever,” I said, happy to see my cousin’s name on the screen.

“Hi, superstar. So, you broke the news about where Lincoln’s playing next year, and it’s all everyone is talking about here. I’m in the city with Hawk and the kids for a game, and this story is everywhere.”

“Yeah, I think people have been waiting to see what he was going to do. I know local fans won’t be thrilled, but I’m sure a lot of them will follow him to the Thunderbirds.”

“I think so, too,” she said. “The vibe I’ve heard is that everyone sort of blames Tony Anders for not protecting him.”

“It would be the truth.”

“So, are you going to tell me what’s going on with you two? First, you defend the man against a paparazzo, and don’t even get me started that Lincoln is twice your size, and you still decided to jump in. I think what people love most about that photo going viral is the way that he was looking at you.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, trying not to chuckle because it was ridiculous that I’d jumped in front of him, but I’d do it again if I felt like he was being threatened.

“Well, for starters, you’re like a fierce mama bear, ready to throw down, and he looks like—” She paused and laughed. “He’s looking at you like you set the sun, Brinks. Just complete adoration.”

“Says my cousin. Clearly, you’re reading into it a bit.” I smiled, even though I knew she couldn’t see me. These last few days had been filled with endless together time for me and Lincoln. Workouts. Sex. Laughter. Fights. Board games. Late-night dinners. And tonight, we were taking out the boat for the first time.

“Spill it, Cuzzy. Take it from someone who knows that look well.”

I sighed. We’d never kept secrets in our family. Our cousins used to spend their summers here in Cottonwood Cove, and we grew up together. “I like him.”

“You don’t say?” She oozed sarcasm. “I mean, the man is beautiful. He’s a freaking rock star on the field. And from what Georgie told me last week, you two are always together.”

“Well, I am working for him, in a way. So, we are together a lot. We’ll call that research.” I chuckled.

“I’m sure you’re very thorough.”

We were both laughing now.

“I do my best.”

“I’m guessing you’re keeping this on the down-low until the story breaks and you secure a job?”

“Absolutely. I don’t need to be known as the woman who slept her way to the top.”

“It sucks that we have to worry about that. He doesn’t have to worry about a thing, and that’s how it was with Hawk. I had to be very careful myself, and we kept it hidden for quite a while. But people are going to judge, regardless. You’re going to have people that hate you for stealing the heart of the hottest football player out there right now. Jealousy is an ugly beast.”

I hated the thought of everyone knowing and getting into our business. “Well, until I have a signed contract for a full-time position, we’ll be keeping this to ourselves. And the Thomas sisters, of course.”

“Well, you know we take it to the grave. I’m happy for you. I miss you. I’ll see you soon. We’ll all be in Cottonwood Cove for Hugh and Lila’s wedding next month.”

“I can’t wait. It’s coming up so soon. And then Paris for Georgie’s. Thank goodness you’re all married because it’s hard to keep up with these weddings.”

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