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Meet Me in the Penalty Box (Orchid City, #1)(2)

Author:Cali Melle

I waded through the sea of dancing bodies and lost Lincoln somewhere along the way. I didn’t need him as my wingman. I was highly capable of finding someone without him. Plus, Wes was a better wingman than he was anyway.

As I pushed my way through the throng of people, eventually the crowd broke open to where the bar was. My eyes scanned the area and I took a seat as I finished my drink. Setting it down, I ordered another when the bartender came over to me. Just as I placed my order, someone ran into my back, pushing me forward slightly in my seat.

“Oh my god, I am so sorry.”

The sound of her voice slid across my eardrums like silk and I slowly turned around to face her. She was still standing close and I caught a whiff of her floral perfume. The corners of my lips lifted as her blue eyes met mine. Under the flashing colored lights from above, her blonde hair changed hues with each flash.

She was petite and looked like I could probably bench-press her entire body. A tight black dress hugged her curves and I allowed myself the opportunity to quickly check her out as she moved to the seat next to me.

“There are so many damn people in here. Someone pushed me into your back.” She paused for a moment, pulling a credit card from her clutch. “Let me buy you an apology drink?”

Reaching out, I placed my hand over hers and pushed the card back into her small bag as I shook my head. “You don’t owe me anything.” I smiled at her as she turned to face me. “I have a better idea. How about I buy you a drink instead?”

My eyes were drawn to her plump lips. They were stained a dark red from her lipstick and I wanted the matching stains on my own lips. “I like that idea.”

“What are you drinking?”

Just as I asked her, the bartender walked back over with my drink and I listened as she ordered a vodka soda. I assessed her as she was talking to the bartender. My eyes traveled over her high cheekbones and down her straight nose. She reached up and tucked her straight hair behind her ear.

She turned to face me. “Do they make their drinks strong here?”

I glanced at the bartender and took a sip of my own drink. “Usually. Judging by this drink, I think it’s safe to say they do. Is this your first time here?”

She nodded. “I just moved here a week ago for a new job. One of the girls I met through work invited me out here, but she brought her boyfriend and I’m not in the mood to be a third wheel.”

Luckily for her, I was only looking for a second wheel.

“What do you do for work?” I inquired as she got her drink and took a sip of it.

She set her glass down just as the DJ switched the song to a different one. “I’m a photographer.” Her face lit up and she began to move in her seat to the beat of the music. “Why is that always a question people ask when you first meet someone?”

“I feel like it’s an easy icebreaker,” I said with a shrug. “Plus, you did say that you just moved here because of your new job, so I figured I’d be polite and ask about it.”

This earned a smirk from her. “Ah. Trying to make it seem like your intentions are pure and wholesome, right?”

I laughed and shook my head at her. “My intentions are only the purest and most wholesome.” I leaned closer to her, my lips brushing against her ear. “I’m actually an angel and as innocent as they come.”

She snorted and pushed me back before hopping out of her seat. “I highly doubt that,” she winked as she grabbed her drink with one hand and grabbed my bicep with the other. “Dance with me?”

I grabbed my drink and slowly rose to my feet. “I thought you’d never ask.”

Her palm was warm against mine as I threaded my fingers through hers and followed her into the crowd. She abruptly stopped and I dropped her hand, grabbing her waist to hold her upright as I crashed into her back. She lifted her arm up, snaking it around the back of my neck as she began to move in front of me.

Her back was pressed flush against my torso. We had about a foot difference in height so her ass was just below my pelvis as she began to roll her hips. I moved along with her, grinding against her as I slid my hand across the front of her dress, stopping with my fingers splayed across the bottom of her stomach.

Holding her drink in one hand, she spun around in my grip and I was holding the small of her back as she faced me. Her other arm was back around my neck and her velvet skin slid against mine. I wanted to toss my glass onto the floor so I could hold her with both hands. I wanted to explore her body and get lost in the valleys and planes of her torso.

We were pressed flush against each other, two strangers in the darkness of the club as we moved together to the music. She leaned her head back, her ocean blue eyes colliding with mine as she gazed up at me. Her lips parted slightly and my gaze dropped down to her mouth before finding her eyes again.

“Kiss me,” she murmured. I could barely hear her over the music, but her body spoke louder. “Make me forget it all.”

My face dipped down to hers. “What are you trying to forget, love?”

“The asshole who broke my heart.”

I pulled back slightly, a ghost of a smile playing on my lips as I searched her eyes. “So, you’re looking for someone to replace the memory of him tonight?”

She flashed me her bright white teeth and her eyes danced under the flashing lights. “Exactly.”

Everyone around us continued to dance along to the music, but we weren’t moving with them anymore. Instead, my face was dipping down to hers and I was claiming her mouth with my own. She tasted like the vodka she was drinking and her nails dug into the back of my neck as I traced the seam of her lips with my tongue.

Gripping onto her waist, I slid my tongue against hers, breathing her in as she moved against me. This wasn't usually my style with a girl that I had just met. I mean, by the end of the night, I was usually on my way back to their place with them, but I usually tried to play it cool at first.

She made it clear what her intentions were and I wasn’t going to deny her a fucking thing.

Our tongues were tangled together and there was an urgency behind our kiss. My lips bruised hers and I wanted more. Fuck playing it cool, fuck waiting till later. Abruptly breaking apart, I left her breathless and she stared up at me with wide eyes.

I pulled at the material of her dress as I spun on my heel. Her hand slid into mine and I headed through the crowd. I needed to get her alone. Somewhere I could do whatever she wanted me to do.

She followed along after me as we moved toward the back of the building and discarded our drinks along the way. We climbed the stairs and I led her through the VIP area. I caught Wes’s eye as I strode past the booth the guys were in. He raised an eyebrow and nodded in approval. There was a back room tucked off to the side. I had no idea what was in it, but we were about to find out.

Grabbing the handle, I turned it to the side and it opened with ease. I pushed it open and pulled the girl in with me before shutting it behind us. Her hands were on my back and heat rolled off her in waves.

“I can’t see a thing. Is there a light in here?”

I turned around to face her, my fingers trailing up her neck and across her jaw. “I don’t want anyone to interrupt us.”

I could hear the smile in her voice in the darkness. “Good idea.”

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