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Grayson's Vow(37)

Author:Mia Sheridan

“Get over here,” Kimberly said, pulling my hand. “What is going on? I haven’t gotten a decent update from you since you two got married, and then you didn’t answer even one of my calls or texts this weekend—”

“I was sick. Like, really sick.” We plopped down on the couch and I brought a pillow into my lap, hugging it to me. “Grayson took care of me.” I was still confused about that and hadn’t had the chance to ask him anything about it. Why had he done it? How had he found me? And God, had it really been only a couple days since he’d kissed me and touched me with such passion, causing me to lie awake, tossing and turning with frustrated confusion? I’d finally gotten out of bed and made a list of details for the party and emailed it to Charlotte. Putting my mind to work on something besides him had helped, and I’d eventually been able to sleep when I’d returned to bed.

Kimberly raised an eyebrow. “I’m glad you’re better and we’ll talk about that in a minute. But I have a bone to pick with you. You purposely left out that he’s a Greek god.”

I scoffed. “Greek god? I have no idea what you’re talking about. He’s one of the ugliest men I’ve ever seen. I can barely look at him.”

Kimmy grinned. “Liar.” Her expression became contemplative. “It does worry me though. It’s going to be easier to fall in love if you’re already attracted to him. Since the plan is to walk away from him in a couple months, find a way not to let that happen, that’s all I’m saying. And whatever you do, do not let him kiss you.”

I sighed and leaned my head back on the couch. “Okay.”

Her mouth fell open. “Oh my God. You let him kiss you!”

I couldn’t help laughing. It felt so good to be known. I updated Kimberly on everything that had taken place since our wedding day. She listened, her expression moving between anger, mild horror, surprise, and finally pensiveness. “I’m not surprised about the kissing.” She sighed. “The way his eyes tracked you when you came into the room… Well, now what are you going to do?” His eyes tracked me? He was probably trying to make sure I could walk given how sick I’d been.

“Nothing. He just wants to turn me into a convenient plaything and then watch as I walk away. That would never, well…you know me, Kimberly. I don’t operate that way. It would be an utter disaster. For me.”

Kimberly opened her mouth to respond when we heard Grayson yelling from the kitchen. I jumped up and Kimberly followed as I hurried to the other side of the house. Grayson was just exiting the kitchen. Charlotte, who must have returned while I was upstairs showering, was on his heels. “It was meant to be helpful,” she called after him. He turned around, the lines of his body tense, his eyes shooting fire at Charlotte.

“I almost molested her. When she was feverish and unconscious,” he ground out.

“Oh dear,” Charlotte said. She looked up, placing one finger on her chin. “Was it meant to be halved not doubled?” She took her finger down. “Yes, that must have been the problem.”

“What’s going on here?” I asked. Kimberly’s head moved back and forth between Grayson and Charlotte. Walter quietly arrived and stood standing off to the side.

“She poisoned me,” Grayson growled, pointing a finger at Charlotte.

Charlotte laughed merrily. “I didn’t poison him. It’s a simple herbal concoction my mother taught me, meant to increase male ardor.” She grinned at me. I felt my face drain of color. Charlotte had given Grayson some sort of herbal mixture to increase ardor before they’d left for the weekend? Why? And… Oh God. Had he said he’d almost molested me while I was unconscious? Um…

Walter moved forward. “It’s hardly my place, sir, but—”

“When has that ever stopped you, Walter?” Grayson glared.

“True,” Walter agreed without remorse before going on. “I’ve found personally that plenty of water throughout the day helps the, uh…effects wear off sooner. However, I do recommend the proper dosage. It’s quite…helpful.”

Grayson let out a pained sound, looking up at the ceiling. “I’m in hell.”

Charlotte stepped forward. “Would you like me to prepare you—?”

“No! I’ll never let you prepare me anything again. You’re fired! I’m surrounded by crazy people.” And then he strode off toward the door, slamming it behind him so hard, a vase on the shelf next to us wobbled and almost fell.

I gasped, my eyes flying to Charlotte. She smiled again as if she hadn’t just been sacked.

“He fired you?” I breathed.

Charlotte waved her hand in the air as if it was nothing. “Oh, he’s fired me twice a month or so since he was sixteen.” She turned back toward the kitchen, calling after Kimberly and me. “Come join me for a cup of coffee, girls.”

Kimberly, grinning broadly, led the way. “I love this place!”

Charlotte stood at the counter, a large butcher block in front of her as she rolled dough for some type of baked good. I introduced her to Kimberly, and she poured three cups of coffee as Kimberly and I sat down.

“What were you thinking, Charlotte?” I asked her, trying my best to glare, knowing I could have been the victim of molestation while unconscious due to her actions. Of course, the fact that I felt a tingle between my legs at the picture that popped into my head made it clear the word victim might not have been exactly accurate. Also…even despite herbal meddling, I just didn’t see Grayson taking advantage of an unconscious woman. Then again, men had blindsided me before. From my experience, they were mostly untrustworthy. Two cases in point: my father and my ex-fiancé.

As for Charlotte, her intentions, though misguided, had been pure. I was sure of it.

Charlotte’s eyes twinkled. “It seemed to me you two were avoiding each other. But then you went to dinner. And I was thinking maybe Grayson needed a small push in the right direction. And then if you two were alone all weekend…” She frowned. “But I may have gotten the dosage wrong, and of course, I should have considered his virility…”

I groaned and put my forehead in my hand for a moment before I looked back up at her smiling face. I hardly wanted to think about my husband’s virility. “I don’t know that he exactly needed a push in that direction,” I confided.

Charlotte stopped what she was doing, her eyes twinkling as she set her rolling pin aside. “And you?” she asked.

“I…” I tilted my head. “I’m attracted to him too. I…” I circled one finger around the rim of my coffee mug. “Well, there are moments when I even like him, believe it or not.” I shook my head. “But I can’t give him what he wants for several reasons.” I glanced at Kimberly, and she gave me a sympathetic look. “But the main reason is that he would probably have no problem sharing his body with me and then going on as if nothing had happened. But I wouldn’t be able to.” It had always been the way with me—where my body went, my heart tended to follow. I didn’t necessarily like it, but it was true and to lie to myself would be a personal disservice. Grayson Hawthorn could so easily destroy me if I gave him the opportunity. I’d learned that lesson once, and I didn’t care to repeat it. This time, I would not give in to my stupid, reckless whims.

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