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Grayson's Vow(76)

Author:Mia Sheridan

I shook my head in denial, but Grayson was watching me closely and a minute flicker in his expression made me believe he saw the doubt in my eyes. “I didn’t use you, Grayson. I wanted to try to make it right. I thought—”

“Make it right?” he yelled, startling me. “How have you made anything right?” He laughed again, running his hand through his hair and grabbing a handful before bringing his hand down again. “Was that the plan all along? Use me to get the money and then take it back somehow? Holy fucking God. You’re all liars. And look where you’ve left me—penniless, shackled to a schemer, and now having to contend with your father again, the man who once ruined my fucking life!” His face had gone from pale to flushed, and his voice shook as he yelled.

“Grayson,” I said, holding out my hand and moving closer, “of course I didn’t plan it. You’re seeing this all wrong. After what your father did, I can understand you thinking everyone is against you, but you’re looking at this through the eyes of someone who’s just been hurt very badly. Please, if we come together—you and I—we can think of something that will—”

“Come up with something? Still conniving, Kira? Just stop. I can’t take anymore. It’s making me sick. You make me sick. I’m just sick of it all—the manipulations, the lies, the half-truths.” He stepped back away from me, the look on his face full of disgust.

I dropped my hand. “You’re making this out to be something it’s not. Please, just take some time to think about it. I’m not like my father. I’m not like your father.” My voice ended on a whisper and I could hear the confusion in my own voice.

“This has nothing to do with my father,” he spit out. “This has to do with you and the fact that I’ll never trust you again.”

I shook my head, denying what was happening, denying the cold distance in his expression. “I know it must seem like you can’t believe in anything anymore. But you can believe in me.”

“I thought I could.”

A single tear slid down my cheek. “Grayson, I’m your wife. What we have together—”

“I can get down at the corner bar any day of the week,” he said icily.

I put my arms around myself again, trying desperately not to believe his vile words. “I know you don’t mean that. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I love you,” I croaked brokenly.

He leaned his head back and laughed, causing me to wince with deep hurt. “Love? Love? You know what love has gotten me in my life?” He picked up a paperweight off his desk and threw it hard at the window. The glass shattered as it hit, flying straight through and landing somewhere on the ground outside. I let out a little yelp. He turned to me, his hands fisted at his sides. “You don’t love me. I was bought and paid for, nothing more. I played the part and now our business arrangement is over. Get out,” he said. “Get out of my house.”

“Get out?” I asked. “I’m your wife. I live here. This is my home—”

“Not anymore. I’m calling your father this afternoon and taking him up on his offer. At least the rest of the people who work at this vineyard won’t have to suffer because I married you. Get out!” he yelled, his expression furious.

I let out one singular sob and then I turned toward the door and flung it open. I raced past Sugar Pie, who whined mournfully, following along behind me. Sobbing openly now, I ran to the master bedroom and stuffed clothes and toiletries in my suitcase. I was sure I was leaving a few things behind but was too distraught and grief-stricken to do a thorough search.

Hadn’t I done this before? Stuffed clothes in a suitcase to make a hasty escape? Only that time someone was pursuing me. This time…this time I was being tossed out.

By my husband.

By the man I love with all my heart.

And maybe it’s what I deserve.

I bent down and looked Sugar Pie in the eyes, rubbing my hands over her wounded head, attempting to control my harsh breathing. “There’s my beautiful girl,” I said. “You take care of everyone here, okay? And know I love you and that you’re a good girl, such a good girl.” I stood up before I collapsed in more tears and made my way down the stairs.

When I got to the front of the house, I paused to look in the open door of the office. Grayson was standing behind his desk, leaning over, his hands flat on the surface in front of him. I almost stepped toward him, but he looked up, his face hard and remote as he stared at me wordlessly.

I backed up, then turned and ran through the front door, out to my car, where I tossed my suitcase in the back seat and got behind the wheel. Another sob shuddered from my chest as I again struggled to catch my breath. It felt like the world had collapsed all around me.

Grayson was standing at the window now watching me leave, just as he had that very first day.

I started the engine and pulled around the bubbling fountain, past my little cottage and the oak tree I’d once climbed, out through the gates, speeding away from Hawthorn Vineyard. Speeding away from the only home where I’d ever felt I belonged.



Misery. It was the only emotion I seemed capable of feeling. Everything I thought I knew—everything that gave me reason for moving forward—had come crashing down around me. They were all liars. Liars, cheats, users, manipulators. I couldn’t count on anyone, least of all myself.

My home now felt more like that small prison cell I’d lived in for five long, lonely years—dark and bleak. I prowled through the rooms at night, drinking when I couldn’t sleep, and then drawing the blackout shades and sleeping the day away. Work no longer held the welcome distraction it once had. What was the point in bringing this vineyard back to life? So I could live in the place my father had wished to use as a tool to punish me, reminding me how worthless I was? Seeing it thrive held no satisfaction anymore. It was only one giant, painful reminder of how much that man had hated me and how I’d pathetically never given up hope that he’d come to love me one day, blindly grasping on to the belief he’d left this vineyard to me out of that love. I saw my father everywhere here, and now, instead of bringing me pride in my own accomplishment, it brought only shame and bitterness. If he hated me, I could very well hate him in return. It became my new vow.

The words I’d heard my father swear in the midst of a fight with my stepmother came back to me now. Goddammit, Jessica, it was a fucking mistake. If I could take it back, I would. I was that mistake. Well, I’d made one too. Trusting him was the most desperately foolish thing I’d ever done. Trusting anyone at all was foolish and stupid. I wouldn’t make the same error twice. Never again.

I had Walter sell the last few bottles from my father’s wine collection. I’d gathered what little strength I had left to meet with José, Harley, and Virgil so I could let them go. I couldn’t pay them anymore. I used the money from the wine sales to pay them up until the end of the month. Their shocked and saddened expressions only made me despise myself more.

And then I told Walter and Charlotte they were dismissed too. I’d fired Charlotte often enough over the years, but I could see in her eyes she knew this time I was very serious. Eventually I’d have to sell the vineyard just to survive, to start over, but I couldn’t call forth the strength just yet.

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