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HANS: Alliance Series Book Four(109)

Author:S.J. Tilly

Admitting to myself that I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing, but that I’m going to do it anyway, I decide to mimic every police reenactment I’ve ever seen in my true crime documentaries.

Quick and low.

Steadying the gun, I use my left hand to flip the dead bolt and shove the door open. Then I rush into the room, crouching low and stepping to the side so my back is against the wall.

When I’m not immediately filled with bullets, I tell myself to take a breath.

The room has the same dim lighting as the hall, but it’s enough.

Enough to see the small table and chairs, the pair of bunk beds, the kitchenette in the corner.

But I can’t look at any of that. Because staring back at me, from the other side of the room, are three women.



Karmine’s shout for backup pulls my attention away from the man Nero just shot through the heart.

She’s supposed to be getting Cassandra to safety.

There’s another burst of gunfire from the direction of her shout, then it quiets.

A man sprawled on the floor stretches his arm out to the side, reaching for the pistol that lies just out of his grip.

Walking past, I twirl the sword in my hand and slice through his upper arm, severing tendons and his brachial artery.

I haven’t seen Gabriel yet. But I know he’s close. I can fucking taste it.

When I turn the corner into the main hall, I see Karmine and three of her fighters, the backup she needed.

“Where is she?” I bark while I slide my katana back into its sheath.

Karmine points down the stairs to the basement.



My heart is crawling up my throat.

I knew—I knew what I might find in here. But the devastation of seeing them, of having them be so real…

My eyes fill with tears, and I lower the gun to my side.

Freya would have been in a room like this.

“We—” I have to swallow. “We’re here to help.”

The women—closer to Freya’s age than my own—all look at me, then glance past me to the empty hallway.

“There are more of us,” I promise. “I’m not—I’m sorry.”

I fight down a sob. They don’t need my sympathy.

They need me to keep my shit together.

“Come with⁠—”

Before I can finish, a door I hadn’t noticed on the far side of the room opens, and Gabriel Marcoux steps through.

I swing my gun up, shakily aiming at him, and steady it with my left hand.

“Isn’t this sweet.” He takes a menacing step forward.

“Stop!” My voice is hoarse, but I yell it as loud as I can and move farther into the room, putting myself between Gabriel and the women.

I can’t do much. But I can do this.

“What?” he laughs. “You’re going to kill me, an unarmed man, in cold blood?” He shakes his head. “You’re not like the women upstairs. Quit pretending to be.” He takes another step forward and points to the women behind me. “This isn’t about you.”

I think of the way Hans holds me like he’s afraid to lose me.

I think of those three lonely graves somewhere in this desert.

I think of all the women whose voices are never heard.

And I think about how much better the world will be without this piece of shit man in it.

“No, it’s not about me.” I take a breath. “But this fight belongs to all of us.”

I pull the trigger.



A gunshot rings out through the basement, and I race after the blood smeared across the floor.


I want to shout her name. I want to scream.

But my chest is so tight I can’t make a sound.

She’s already bleeding.

She’s already hurt.

My feet fly beneath me as I round the corner.

There’s an open door just ahead, and I swear I’ll give my life for hers if she can just be okay.

The gun in my hand is shaking. For the first time in twenty years, I’m shaking.

She has to be okay.

I brace myself as I reach the doorway.

But I’m not prepared.

Standing in the center of the awful room, between the man I’ve been chasing for two decades and three more of his victims, is Cassandra.

Her arms are stretched out in front of her. And she’s gripping a gun that’s pointed at Gabriel.

And there’s blood blossoming across his chest.

Cassandra lifts her aim, just a bit. “This one is for Freya.”

She fires.

For Freya.

A lifetime of guilt and torment unlatches from my soul as I watch the bullet penetrate Gabriel Marcoux’s forehead and blow out the back of his skull.