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The Marriage Auction: Book One(31)

Author:Audrey Carlan

Neither Noah nor I were lacking in wealth. We didn’t need the inheritance as we had each built our own empires. However, we equally wanted the bargaining power and bragging rights of the extra percentage in order to run Pennington Enterprises. Except our grandfather was a tricky bastard. He’d required the brother who earned the additional two percentage stake in the company to be married in order to receive the shares. And to sustain the percentage long term, the additional stake in the company would not be transferred over until one of us had been married for a period of no fewer than two years. That was when The Marriage Auction came into play.

My brother and I were longtime bachelors, spending time with women as sexual dalliances on an as-needed basis. It wasn’t that we didn’t want to have wives and children to perhaps carry on our family’s good name one day. We were just incredibly busy men. Focused on our careers. We hadn’t been in the position to devote much attention to building a relationship that might one day grow into marriage.

The time that would take sounded absolutely preposterous to me. Though I believed Noah had given more thought to the idea of a woman he could love and cherish. I, on the other hand, was looking strictly for a woman who could stand by my side, look beautiful and regal, share intelligent conversation with me and my business associates, and who loved to shag regularly. I wouldn’t expect her to work, rear children right away, or do anything other than support me when needed. Mostly I wanted a partner in life and for social events. And in exchange, the woman, in this case the glorious Ruby Dawson, could do whatever she wanted during the day as long she attended events and slept in my bed at night.

“I really wanted her, Nile,” he whispered, sounding rather gutted.

I grinned and cocked an eyebrow. “I know. That’s what makes my win so much sweeter.” I pulled off my black-rimmed glasses, removed a cloth from my pocket, and wiped the lenses clean.

“Are you seriously going to go back on your word? You?” He patted a hand over his chest. “With me?” His voice was strained with emotion, edged with the acidic burn of betrayal.

“Oh, come now. You know I never go back on my word.” I plopped my glasses back onto my face and stared him down.

“You never have before,” he retorted, running his hand through his unruly hair.

I kept mine neat and tidy. Noah liked the wild, longer layers and a scruffy, unshaven jaw. The more rugged approach. Me, I preferred things to be kept in pristine condition, and that included my hygiene and fashion choices.

“Although I find the fact that Ruby Dawson excluded you from bidding delightfully comical, I will, however, make a new deal with you. Provided Madam Alana and Ms. Ruby Dawson, my intended, agree.”

Noah narrowed his gaze, lifted his hands, and shook his head. “I’m all ears. Let’s hear it.”

I told him the plan.

“Deal.” He grinned, suddenly seeming more confident.

My chest squeezed at the sight of his unchecked happiness. Making Noah happy pleased me. Even though we competed nonstop, I wanted my brother to have everything he desired in life. He responded to me in kind. We were all that was left of our family line, and we constantly walked the path between friend and foe. Still, at the end of the day, we loved one another more than anything and would never wound the other intentionally.

A challenge won was only a sweet victory when the competition was fierce.

I intended to win Ms. Ruby Dawson’s hand fair and square.

Shoulder to shoulder, we walked to the contract room and found Madam Alana standing next to a high-top table. Ruby’s long blonde hair was trailing down her back as she signed her name to the contract with a flourish. There was no hesitation in her form. She put pen to paper, scratched her name, and slapped the pen down.

I smiled, loving that my intended was bold. When she made a decision, she stuck to it and did so with gusto.

Madam Alana looked up and frowned at the sight of both me and my brother.

“Ladies, we have a bit of a situation,” I announced, leading the conversation.

Noah went directly to Ruby and held out a hand. “Noah Pennington. You’re bloody gorgeous,” he blurted like an amateur.

I sighed under my breath.

“Madam Alana and Ms. Dawson, I am Nile Pennington. I am the man who won the bid for Ms. Dawson. However, my brother was unable to bid. He would also like an opportunity to choose you as his bride.” I clasped my hands together in front of myself and waited for a response.

Ruby licked her glossy lips and stepped backward, away from the two of us. A clear indication of her fear and uncertainty. Concern filled her blue eyes as they flicked to the signed contract, then to my brother, me, and finally to Madam Alana.

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