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The Fastest Way to Fall(121)

Author:Denise Williams

“I was going to say I love you, but yes, that, too.”

“I love you.” Holding her playful gaze, I drank in the warmth of her mahogany irises. “Coaching you—being with you—helped me realize I needed to make a change.”

“What will you do?”

“I’m going back to school to be a teacher. Working with the school and the kids on this peer education thing, it reminded me. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my high school coach and all he did for me. I want to be that kind of teacher, you know? It’s a big jump, but I think I can do it.”

Britta trailed her fingertips over my biceps, and my body lit up with her touch. “You’ll be a great teacher.”

I brushed my lips to hers, unable to hold back from kissing her any longer. “So, will you take the job?”

She toyed with a lock of my hair, and a grin played across her lips. “Try the sexy fingers again. See if you can convince me.”

I tugged on the belt of the robe and moved over her. “I’ll try my level best.”



The Curvy Girl’s Corner


The First Boy to Push Me Out of a Plane

Britta Colby, FitMi Fitness


Longtime readers will remember that one of my goals when I first signed up for FitMi was to jump out of a plane. That was well before I came to work with this tremendous online community. It was before I discovered a love of running. It was before I lost some weight, then gained some back, then lost some again before I finally listened to my coach and stopped counting. Just like so many of you, I listed a goal when I was just starting out, not convinced I’d ever reach it.

I could write for days about my first skydiving experience, but I’ll distill it down to nine main points.

Do you know how many ways there are to injure oneself or die when jumping out of a plane? I do. After signing that waiver, I knew I could do anything.

I did what’s called a tandem jump, where an experienced and highly trained (I checked!) professional straps you to themself like a newborn and jumps with you. Here’s a picture of Jerry and me. I wrote his name on the back of my left hand to make sure I remembered it. Readers know I have an amazing boyfriend, but Wes didn’t control the parachute from the ground, so I committed myself to Jerry.

It’s cold that high in the air. Freezing. When the door opened, I forgot it was spring. I was so focused on the cold and the wind and, you know, being 15,000 feet in the air, that when I heard Jerry yell something, by the time I asked “What?” we were airborne.

I thought it would go in slow motion. It didn’t. Here’s a photo of me screaming obscenities right after we started free-falling.

I was certain I would die, but then I didn’t. Here’s a photo of my dopey grin right after Jerry yanked the cord to open our parachute.

Did I mention that I love Jerry? I do. The man gave me a THRILL. Don’t tell Wes.

I could see for miles beneath me, and it was incredible. Our state is beautiful, and I can’t wait to try this again with mountains or the ocean in the distance. See the photo of me dumbfounded by the view.

Landing was basically sitting on Jerry’s lap as we cruised to a stop—again, don’t tell Wes. Or do. I guess he needs to know he’s sharing me from now on. It all happened too fast! Soon I was getting untangled from the chute and unstrapped.

I did it! A year and some change after deciding to join FitMi, going through a ton of ups and downs, starting a new career, and learning so much about myself—but not what I thought I’d learn—I reached one of my goals. I jumped out of a plane.

See the photos below of me landing and celebrating. You all know what it feels like to reach your goals, or you soon will. I couldn’t do this before because I was heavier than they allowed, but more importantly, I was weighed down by all this negative stuff I didn’t even realize I carried with me. I’m glad I waited until now to do this, because I feel good about my body and I know what it can do. I jumped out of a damn plane today.

One more thing happened this morning . . . see the photos below.

I didn’t know how much of a dork I’d look like in all my gear with my hair going in every direction after I removed the helmet. In sharp contrast, Wes was wearing a suit when he met me in the middle of the field. Turns out, he wasn’t planning on me having another man’s name written on my hand when he asked me to marry him. See my expression go from confused to surprised to tearful when he dropped to one knee, said beautiful things I’m going to keep private, and put a ring on my finger.