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Trials of Conviction (The Firebird Chronicles, #5)(152)

Author:T.A. White

"No wonder you're afraid to let her out of your sight," Talon teased from beside him.

Finn shook his head. "She's as stubborn as her father."

"I heard that," Kira called over her shoulder.

Finn's voice lowered. "Miss your bar yet?"

Kira didn’t hear Talon’s response as she joined the group waiting for their arrival.

Graydon was already there, a few of his oshota beside him. Amila nodded a greeting that Kira returned. Joule and Devon stood off to the side, slightly apart from the rest.

"Odin's inside," Joule told her in a low voice.

As usual, the Sye was ahead of the game.

"Does everyone understand the mission?" Raider was saying to the Curs in front of him. "There won't be any room for mistakes once we get started."

A dark haired man at the front of the group raised his hand. "Yeah, I have a question."

"Nova," Raider said with a hint of a growl.

Nova wasn't listening as he pointed at Kira and the rest. "Just wondering when we're going to get to the part of the plan that explains why the wizards are still here?"

"That’s need to know. And you don’t," Raider retorted.

"Kira, girl, are we flying together again?" a big man off to Raider's side asked with an easy smile.

"It seems we are, Tank. Think you can handle that?"

"Any day of the week, my friend."

Kira chuckled as he offered his hand. She slapped hers in it, letting him pull her close for a one armed hug.

"It's good to be riding with you again," he said into her ear.

She nodded wordlessly against his shoulder. It was.

He let her go. "Did you hear about Blue?"

"I did."

"Think they're right?"

"Time will tell."

Tank's face was sad. "I guess it will."

A toll sounded, cutting off the conversation between Raider and Nova. The flight deck came to a halt, people stopping to look up as Jace's voice issued through the speaker.

"By now, I'm sure some of you have heard the rumors."

"Oh? You think?" Nova muttered.

"Let me clear up any confusion. The CSS Reliance along with two other ships are heading into battle. Our target is a Tsavitee home world."

There was an exclamation around them. Whoops and hollers as the humans greeted Jace's news with anticipation.

Another of the Curs, Maverick, clapped. Like Brie, he was from Rothchild. To him, this fight was long overdue.

Nova grabbed his shoulder, squeezing. As eager to get out there as his friend.

Humanity had been waiting decades for this chance. An opportunity to strike at the heart of those who'd brought them to the brink of extinction.

"I know the news over the last few months has been terrifying. A return to a time all of us remember. Some of you may have friends and family still in danger. I know what it takes to stay in the fight while worried about what's happening at home. You have my gratitude."

The flight deck had gone utterly silent as they listened, faces attentive as some unconsciously nodded along. There was a sense of solidarity. A shared purpose and knowledge of what was coming.


"Centcom has ordered us into a defensive posture around Zepher. While most of the fleet will be deployed to answer Centcom and the Consortium's call, the CSS Reliance, the CSS Horizon, and the CSS Lawrence will launch the first large scale attack on our enemy’s home ground. Too long have they made us suffer. It's time to respond in kind."

There were cheers from those on the flight deck. Maverick and Nova letting out battle cries.

Tank's eyes found Kira's. He dipped his chin, a silent acknowledgment of those they'd known who hadn't lived to see this day.

The flight deck quieted as Jace continued. "Many will view this act as insubordination."

"See if they dare!" Nova shouted.

There were laughs from the flight crew. Others repeating the cry.

Jace was still talking. "I plan to take full responsibility when an accounting is called for. I know what I'm asking of you, but please place your trust in me for one last battle so that we may remind those who hurt us that humanity is still here. And that we will hit back in kind."

The flight deck roared their approval.

"Enthusiastic lot," Graydon observed next to her.

"You would be too if you'd been waiting as long as they have for this chance."

A whistle came from their left.

Lieutenant Himoto strode over to the drop ship, clad in the same battle suit as Kira and the rest. "Got room for one more?"