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Trials of Conviction (The Firebird Chronicles, #5)(173)

Author:T.A. White

Twenty Nine

Jace - CSS Reliance

The ship shuddered. The sensation slightly different than a missile impact.

"We've been boarded," Jace observed, looking up.

He knew that particular sound. The thunk of Tsavitee ships bashing into the hull. Metal screeching as they penetrated the ship. Next, they’d create a vacuum seal to prevent the ship from depressurizing. Right before their landing party dropped inside.

It was the tactic they used to capture a crew alive.

Sometimes, though, it was less about capture and more about having fun with their prey.

"Captain, activate the quick reactionary team to that location and notify the rest of the crew. Prepare to defend the ship by any means necessary," Jace instructed.

As a rear admiral, Jace was technically not in charge of the Reliance. That role fell to its captain. Though as the ranking officer Jace could relieve the captain of his duties under certain circumstances.

Not that he ever would. Captain Bechler was one of his finest.

"Aye, aye, Admiral."

Jace undid his harness, rising from his chair to stride toward the weapons locker.

"Maintain fire on those ships. Do not let up," Bechler ordered his people.

"Yes, sir."

Bechler met Jace at the locker a second later. "I have to say we've landed ourselves in quite the situation."

Jace helped himself to one of the cold weapons, strapping the sword to his waist before grabbing an X-ON pulse rifle and distributing it to the petty officer Bechler had pulled from the crew and tasked with defending the bridge.

"I did say I wanted their attention," Jace said calmly.

Bechler grimaced. "I would have been okay with a little less of it."

Jace plucked a few grenades from the locker, handing a couple to Bechler and the petty officer before keeping one for himself.

When humanity reached the stars, the use of hot weapons fell by the wayside. When one mistake could result in the loss of an entire crew, they turned back to the cold weapons of their distant past. Things like swords and knives.

Grenades and rifles were no longer the first choice. Except when the situation was dire and death a preferable alternative to capture.

If they had to use them, the bridge was the best place. The bulkheads around it were the strongest in the ship. It could withstand heavy weapons fire and a few blasts—Jace hoped.

Otherwise, their distraction attempt was going to be pitifully short-lived.

"Status on the planet infiltration team," Jace called.

"There’s a problem with the drop ship. It took heavy fire during entry," Ensign Velasquez answered Bechler cursed. "Please tell me this hasn't all been for nothing."

Unlike the captain, Jace retained his calm. Vast experience with Kira had taught him to never count the Phoenix out. That woman had a way of surprising you.

"Lieutenant Himoto and the Curs are en-route back to the ship," Velasquez reported. "The Phoenix and her party continued on. No word on their status though."

There, you see. Just as Jace said.

Knowing Kira, she and the rest were probably causing havoc down there. It was up to Jace and his people to do their part.

The ship shuddered under another barrage.

"The least they could do is give us a break while their own people are on board," Petty Officer Green grumbled.

Jace patted him on the shoulder. "That would imply they care about the lives of their boarding party."

They didn't. It was what made the Tsavitee such a difficult foe. Their principles were vastly different than a human's. They lacked even the most basic elements of empathy. It made them ruthless. Even to their own kind.

"How is my ship, Ensign?" Bechler asked.

Jace and the petty officer, along with two ensigns, moved to set up a blockade in the event the Tsavitee managed to breech the bridge.

"We're taking a beating. We've lost two cannons on the port side and another three launch tubes."

"Our fighters?"

Ensign Boone made a face. "A third are gone."

"What about the CSS Horizon?"

"Still in the fight."

That was something at least.

The ship groaned, shimmying a little from an explosion on the opposite side.

Bechler sent an uneasy glance at the walls. "We're not going to last much longer like this."

"We don't have to. Just long enough," Jace returned.

He was banking everything on this operation. His career. The future of the Consortium. His very life. Along with the rest of those who'd followed him in this mad plan.

They'd come this far. Might as well go the distance.