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Trials of Conviction (The Firebird Chronicles, #5)(182)

Author:T.A. White

There was calm acceptance in the other woman's features. No sign of the regret that would have plagued most.

Kira glanced around the shuttle, her gaze touching on several people before landing on Devon and the blanket covered figure he held so carefully in his lap.

"Jin," Kira called softly.

Quillon was there before she could push herself fully upright. He planted a hand on her forehead, shoving her back down on the seat none too gently. "There'll be none of that. You're to lay there and recover."

"I'm fine," Kira argued.

The healer leveled a glance on her that had Kira shutting her mouth. "You're not fine. You have obliterated your reserves of ki. If not for that, you'd be dead."

Quillon stabbed a finger at the lenacht resting against Kira's stomach.

Kira touched its head in surprise, only just now aware of its presence. If the lenacht was here, Lathan must be too.

Kira found him not far away. The wanderer had his head resting against the back of the seat, his eyes closed. He didn't open them as he lifted a finger to wave it lazily at Kira.

"You are to lay there and not move," Quillon said fiercely.

"Fine, but under one condition," Kira agreed, knowing that it was useless to argue when he was in a mood. "Examine Jin and tell me he's okay."

"I already have. Physically, the boy is fine."

"When will he wake up?"

Quillon gave a tiny shake of his head. "I don't know."

Kira went very still as her gaze went from him to the boy in Devon's arms. "What does that mean?"

"I can feel him in there, but its faint."

"But you do think he will wake up."

Quillon's hesitation had Kira’s stomach crawling into her throat. "I can't tell you that. We have no experience with returning a soul to a body. The only thing I can say is that the experience is likely to have been traumatic. It could be all he needs is time for his soul to acclimate or—"

"Or he might never wake up," Kira said when it looked like Quillon didn't want to continue that sentence.

His nod held regret. "That is correct."

Kira breathed carefully through her nose, composing herself.

No matter what Quillon said she refused to believe that Jin would be forever comatose. Like he said, moving into a new body was just a little traumatic. That's all. He just needed time.

"What about Finn?" Kira asked when she was sure she wouldn't break.

"He's unconscious but stable." Quillon's scowl was sudden. "The idiot tried to walk out. He collapsed half way and had to be carried by Talon."

Relief eased the tightness in Kira's chest. "He'll be okay?"

"If he knows what’s good for him, he will be," Quillon growled, moving off.

Having been at the tender mercy of the healer on more than one occasion, Kira could almost sympathize with her oshota.

Talon replaced Quillon at her side.

Kira stared at the Tuann. "Look who finally showed up. Where have you been all this time?"

"Just here and there. I had a few things to take care of down there."

Auralyn's snort was amused. "He means he sabotaged several of their ships. The explosions caused massive casualties on their side. "

Talon grunted, not acknowledging Auralyn's statement as he tossed something at Kira.

Puzzled, Kira lifted the fist-sized object, turning it over in her hand. "A Tuann storage device."

"In addition to my meddling, I did a little investigating while I was down there." Talon tapped the stone she held. "Everything I found is on there."

Kira looked at the memory device with renewed excitement. There was no telling what information Talon had found, but she suspected whatever was on this would be of considerable value to Jace. Maybe enough to help him in the shit storm that was sure to come his way for going rogue.

"There's a price though," Talon told her before she had a chance to thank him.

Kira bit back her words, watching him warily. "Okay."

"Don't worry. It's not going to hurt you." He smirked as he knelt in front of her. "I will be your shield."

Kira's eyes widened. "No. Absolutely not."

"You will be my sword," he continued.

"I don’t accept." Kira looked back at Auralyn. "That's how it is supposed to work, right? I have to agree?"

Auralyn's gaze was speculative. "That’s how it's usually done."

Talon's expression was impassive as he pointed at the storage device in her hand. "If you want that, you don't have a choice."