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Trials of Conviction (The Firebird Chronicles, #5)(186)

Author:T.A. White

Jace lifted his chin. "Let them come. I think you were right. We can no longer afford to let them flourish unhindered."

Kira smiled as her uncle stopped in front of them. "I was hoping you’d say that."

Jace sent her a questioning look, not quite frowning as he took in Harlow’s presence but close. "What’s this?"

"A chance."

Different from the one she’d given Blue, but just as important.

"For what?" Jace asked.

"To change humanity’s fate."

The one written for them by the Tsavitee.

Jace’s eyes narrowed. "I’m not sure I know what you mean."

"You saw what you’re up against. We dealt them a blow, sure. But they’ll return."

Likely stronger than ever.

Too many of the origin ships had escaped the encirclement. They would find another planet to take root on and rebuild their forces.

Her encounter with the Osiri made her think that the planet where she’d found Elena wasn’t their home world. At least not their only one. There were more of them out there. Likely with greater numbers.

"The Tsavitee are no longer just humanity’s enemies," Harlow informed him.

"The Consortium won’t go for another treaty."

"This treaty wouldn’t be with them," Harlow answered.

Jace glanced at Kira in question.

"The Tuann don’t make alliances with governments," Kira said, holding Harlow’s gaze.

That had always been the Consortium’s biggest obstacle when negotiating with the Tuann. They didn’t realize a treaty wasn’t the same as an alliance.

"They make alliances with people."

Those they judged worthy. And Jace had just proven himself during the battle over the planet.

Thirty Two

Kira - Ta Sa'Riel

Two Months Later

Kira moved slowly through the Shining Palace. The halls quiet as she passed through their depths. The sound of her footsteps echoed as she found her way to the tower that acted as the personal quarters for the emperor and his family.

With around the clock guards stationed in every corner of the palace and access to the best healers the Tuann had to offer, it was judged as the safest place for Jin while they waited for him to wake up.

Amila was the one on duty today outside Jin's room. Kira nodded a greeting at the other woman as her gaze lingered on the unfamiliar oshota standing next to her.

The man's expression gave nothing away as he met Kira's gaze. He didn't react as she looked him over. Even when she made no attempt to hide her suspicion.

Kira glanced at Amila, tilting her head at the man in question. "Is he new? I don't recognize him."

Until now, the oshota who'd been tasked with guarding Jin’s unconscious body were all Tuann she knew and trusted. Mostly Graydon's.

Amila repressed her smile, reaching for the door to open it. "You may go inside."

By that, Kira took it to mean the other woman had no intention of explaining.

With one last distrustful glance at the stranger, Kira stepped into a sun-drenched room. The full length window along one wall offered a view of the forest to the rear of the city.

Kira barely noticed as she crossed to the bed, her attention taken up by the small figure lying within it. As still today as he'd been during every visit.

It was only when Kira slipped her hand into Jin's that she realized they weren't alone. A woman sat beside the bed. Pretty and petite.

She wore a diadem that controlled the wavy mass of hair that flowed down her back.

Kira was betting the oshota outside belonged to this woman. No wonder she hadn’t recognized him.

"I apologize for startling you," the woman said, seeing Kira’s surprise.

Kira didn’t move her hand from Jin's. "No need. It’s my fault. I wasn't expecting Jin to have company."

The woman's face softened as she looked down at Kira's friend. There was something in her expression that made Kira feel like she was intruding.

"Do you want me to come back?" Kira found herself offering.

Immediately afterward, she frowned. It wasn’t like her to be so kind to a stranger. Someone who was already interrupting these few precious moments she got with her best friend.

The woman rose, her gaze lingering on the boy’s face. "That won’t be necessary. I was about to leave."

She glided to the door, Kira staring after her. The oshota from earlier was already waiting for her when it opened.

Amila gave the woman a respectful bow as the door closed.

"Jin, I don't want to alarm you or anything—but I think you just met your mother," Kira said.