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The Protector (Game of Chance, #1)(101)

Author:Susan Stoker

Feeling as if she was two seconds from passing out, Carlise didn’t think she had the strength to try again. But her hand moved without thought from her brain.

And just like that, the door was unlocked.

The second the dead bolt moved, Riggs was there. The sunlight was blinding after she’d been in the dark for so long, and Carlise immediately slammed her eyes shut. She felt herself falling for a split second, then Riggs had her. Holding her so she wouldn’t fall backward, his arms clasped around her upper chest.

She inhaled deeply, blessed oxygen filling her lungs.

Then she cried out as Riggs lifted her up and out of the bunker, her shoulder screaming in pain.

“Fuck, where’s the blood coming from?” JJ asked.

“I don’t know. What hurts, honey?” Riggs asked, sounding frantic.

But Carlise couldn’t speak. She was too busy trying to get as much air into her lungs as she could.

“Turn her. Her back’s covered in blood,” JJ said in a calm tone, which somehow reassured Carlise, despite his words. She could still be bleeding to death, but his even, soothing tone kept her from panicking.

“Riggs,” she croaked.

“I’m here, sweetheart.”

She opened her eyes into slits so she could see him. The worry and love in his gaze almost stole her breath again. “I wasn’t leaving you. She made me pack and write that note.”

“What note?” Bob asked from somewhere above them.

But Carlise kept her gaze on the man she loved. She wouldn’t have blamed him for doubting her when he read the note, but she could admit that it would be a blow.

“I didn’t see a note,” Riggs told her. “But even if I had, I would never think you’d just leave me like that.”

Carlise took another deep breath and nodded.

“Hand her up so we can get a look at that shoulder,” Cal said from above them.

“Hang on,” Riggs said.

Before Carlise could even brace herself, Riggs was clutching her waist and lifting her.

“Careful,” JJ warned as she was suddenly airborne.

Before she could process what had happened, she was standing on top of a huge snowbank in the sunlight, supported by Bob and Cal. Her eyes began to adjust, and Carlise looked around in awe. The area looked nothing like it had when she’d gone into the bunker. It looked like a snowy, rocky wasteland. The trees she did see were sticking out of the snow at odd angles, as if they had been snapped at their bases as the snow roared down the mountain.

When Riggs emerged from the hole, he immediately pulled her into his arms, holding her firm and steady.

“I’m gonna lift her shirt to take a look at her back,” JJ said quietly.

“Eyes on me, honey,” Riggs ordered.

She braced as she felt JJ carefully grab the hem of her shirt, but she did as Riggs asked, looking into his beautiful eyes.

“I love you. You’re amazing.”

It was obvious he was trying to distract her, but she was keenly aware of the cold breeze against her skin as JJ lifted the shirt high enough to examine her shoulder. “Did you find Susie?”

“No. She didn’t go into the bunker with you?”

Carlise dropped her gaze, but he wasn’t having that. “Honey, please . . . look at me.”

She did.

“What happened?”

“It was her. She was my stalker. I told her a little bit about Newton, and that was enough for her to find me. She said she asked around town about your cabin and got directions. I guess she was jealous of me . . . or . . . something? I don’t really even know. But apparently, she loved Tommy, and they started dating after I broke up with him. She somehow got it in her head that I needed to be punished for leaving him, for telling people he was abusive. It makes no sense, Riggs . . . If he was hers now, why would she care that I left him?”

She inhaled a shuddering breath and shook her head. “Anyway . . . she had a gun. Was going to shoot Baxter. Made me write a note saying I was leaving. I knew I couldn’t get in the car, so I ran. I figured you’d find me in the woods, even if I got lost.”

“Damn straight I would,” Riggs said.

Carlise cried out when JJ probed the bullet wound in her shoulder.

“Be careful!” Riggs growled.

“Sorry. Looks like the bullet’s still in there. It’s gonna have to come out.”

Carlise began to struggle. “No. Not here! Please! It hurts—”

“Easy, sweetheart. He didn’t mean he was going to take it out. We’ll take you to the clinic in Newton. If they can’t do it, they’ll send you to a bigger hospital. You’ll have the best drugs, and you won’t feel a thing. I promise.”