Home > Popular Books > Identity(131)


Author:Nora Roberts

“A lot of information,” Miles commented.

“Once he got my initial reaction he really went on and on about her. So I’m happy for him. Oh, she also skis, so he’s going to bring her up here next winter, stay at the resort, introduce us. God, I hope I like her. I’ll fake it if I don’t, but I hope I do.”

“You’re predisposed to like her, so unless she’s not anything like what he told you, you’ll like her. Any problems tonight?”

“The opposite of problems.” How she loved these late-night drives through the quiet dark while the world slept. The air blowing in the open windows, an owl calling somewhere deep in the trees.

“A busy summer Friday night,” she continued. “I took the backbar with Bailey for about an hour and a half, and she handled it. Oh, and I had my first repeater—I mean for me. This couple who stayed at the resort last March, back for a week with their son, his wife, and their two grandkids.”

“You remembered them?”

“Their faces. I blanked on the names, but I got the faces, so enough to say welcome back. And since they charged the drinks to the room, I could look up the names. James—Jim—and Tracey Lowe.”

“They’ve been coming twice a year since their son—that’s Manning—was in college. Manning met his wife, Gwen, at the resort on one of their summer trips. They got married here—sentimental. Their kids are Flynn—must be around six—and Haley, about four.”

As he pulled into the drive, she shook her head. “And I think I bank data. I got some of that when they came in for their nightcap.”

“The resort runs on loyalty and personalized service. The Lowes have been twice-a-year guests since I was in high school.”

As they walked to the door, Howl let out a trio of barks followed by his signature howl.

“Better than an alarm system, cameras included.”

“The offer to take him’s still open.”

When Miles opened the door, the dog stood, dancing in place, then rushed to Morgan.

“Did you miss me, did you? Yes, you did!” While she lavished Howl with love, Miles locked up for the night.

“Do you want anything?”

“Just this sweet dog.” And, tilting her head, gave Miles a sidelong look. “Maybe you.”

“The dog’s got his own bed.” So saying, he scooped her up, tossed her over his shoulder.

It made her laugh as Howl muttered and dashed for the steps in front of Miles. “Well, this is new.”

“Just getting you off your feet after a long shift.”

“Is that it? Most men would’ve gone for the romantic sweep instead of the over-the-shoulder.”

“I’m not most.”

“So I’ve noticed. You know, your house looks good even upside down.”

He carted her to the bedroom, where the light came from cloud-misted stars and a three-quarter moon. And dumped her on the bed, covered her with his body.

“How do you like it now?”

“I’ve grown fond of this particular view.”

As she studied him and he studied her, she ran her hands down his back, then up again.

“I like mine better.” Eyes still on hers, he brushed her mouth with the lightest kiss. “You’ve got a face.”

“I definitely have a face.”

“It’s a damn good face.” Now his mouth brushed hers, lingered a little longer. “I thought so the first time I saw it.”

“Behind the bar.”

“No, the first time. At your grandfather’s memorial.”

“Oh. I don’t think I saw you. Honestly, I’m not sure I saw anyone. It’s one big blur.”

“Everything showed on that face. The grief, the guilt, the wish you could go somewhere else, anywhere else, alone and deal with it. And I remember I wondered if I saw that because I felt exactly the same.”

He kissed her again, just a little deeper, just a little longer.

“The next time I saw that face, and that was behind the bar, I saw something else. Something under the friendly, efficient bartender.”

He switched to the pulse in her throat, pleased to feel it start to race. “I saw grit mixed with vulnerability. Just fascinating, that face. I like seeing it when I’ve got my hands on you.”

“I want your hands on me.”

He closed his over hers and used his mouth, just his mouth, to arouse.

“They’ll get there.”

He released one hand to flip open the buttons of her shirt, then slowly followed that gap down with his mouth, then roamed up again.