Home > Popular Books > Midnight Sanctuary (Bugrov Bratva #2)(97)

Midnight Sanctuary (Bugrov Bratva #2)(97)

Author:Nicole Fox

“The truth.”

Every word he throws at me feels like it has a serrated edge. “The truth?” I repeat helplessly. “Which is what?”

“It’s what I want from you right now.”


“Who is the father of those babies?”

My mouth snaps shut. It takes a while for me to process what he’s asking. Because surely he can’t be talking about my babies right? He can’t be talking about the babies I’m carrying right now?

“What babies?”

His eyes flash with anger. “Jesus Christ.” He points to my stomach. “Those ones.”

Where’s all the softness, the protectiveness, the affection that’s always accompanied any mention of our children? He’s talking to me like he doesn’t know me. He’s talking about our children like they’re not his.

“Uri, I don’t know what Dr. Grigory said but—”

“He ran tests on you,” he snaps. “To check the babies’ blood types.”

“I—yes, yes he did.”

He nods furiously. “The results came back from those tests. Those babies aren’t mine. They. Aren’t. Mine.”

I gape at him silently for a moment. Then a bubble of laughter flies out between my lips. This has to be some sort of sick joke, right?

“Why the fuck are you laughing?”

The laughter dies on my tongue. “Oh my God,” I breathe as my eyes go wide. “You actually believe him?”

His scowl makes me shiver. At the same time, a sharp sting of pain races up my belly and then drags down through my spine like nails on a chalkboard.

“The test results were conclusive, Alyssa,” he snarls. “Undeniable. Which leaves only one question: how long have you been fucking my brother?”

Now, in addition to my body, my head is aching, too. “Uri, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Thank God I’m still seated, because if I wasn’t, I’d be in danger of falling and hurting the babies.

“Stop bullshitting me, Alyssa. The truth’s out. I always suspected it.”

“Suspected what?” I demand. “Me and Nikolai? Are you insane?!”

“So you’re denying it?”

“Of course I’m denying it! It’s not true. You’re the only man I’ve been with in—hell, in years. There’s been no one else!”

He’s not hearing a word of what I’m saying, though. “Was that what you and Nikolai were giggling about every time I entered the room?” His face is as forceful and as unforgiving as thunder. All I want to do is shrink from his murderous gaze. “Laughing at the oblivious cuckold who was foolish enough to trust the two of you.”

I drop my head to hide my unwanted tears. “Please listen to me, Uri,” I beg. “You need to calm down.”

What I really mean is I need to calm down. The whole damn situation needs to calm down. Otherwise, I’m fairly certain my anxiety is going to kick into high gear and push me right into the emergency C-section I’m desperate to avoid.

“Calm down?” he growls, stomping over to me. I want to cry out, No! Please! But the words don't even leave my lips before his hand bands around my throat. There’s no real pressure; he’s not hurting me. But the gesture is. The emotion behind it is. “How can I calm down when you’ve been fucking my brother behind my back from the beginning?”

I try to shake my head, but his hand keeps me from moving. “It’s not true,” I manage to whisper shakily. “Ask Nikolai.”

His lips tighten into a thin line. His eyes go dark and he releases me. “Oh, believe me—that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

I wince as a fresh wave of pain shoots through my body. But he’s so angry he doesn’t even notice.

Or maybe he just doesn’t care anymore.

“Then go!” I shout as the panic starts to take over. “Throw your tantrum somewhere else because I’m done talking to you.” I lift my eyes to his. “These babies are yours. And if you choose not to believe me, then I’m not interested in being anywhere near you. Now, leave, before I have you kicked out.”

His eyes go wide but the fury doesn’t leave them. He turns and stalks out of the room and I brace myself for the second slam.

Except it never comes. Because before the door slams shut, Elle and Polly rush inside, both wearing identical masks of worry and confusion.

“What’s going on?” Elle asks.

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