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DOM: Alliance Series Book Three(118)

Author:S.J. Tilly

I’ve worked with these guys a few times before, but it’s never had the comradery feeling like this. They may still be mad about me finagling my way into The Alliance, but they seem to be treating me as though I’m one of them.

Sliding the metal into my pocket, I type out a quick text to Rob, then drop my phone in the other pocket and lean against the large island.

“Hey, Angel,” I call across the room to Valentine, but all four women turn their heads my way. “You want a drink?” If no one else is gonna offer my lady a beverage, I’ll do it.

Her mouth opens, then closes, like she’s not sure.

“Come on.” Savannah herds the little group toward the kitchen.

My eyes stay on Val as she approaches me. And my chest swells when she comes right to my side, standing next to me.

I run my palm over her hair, loving that she left it down. “What’d you like?” I hold up my beer. “Not sure what they have, but this is pretty good.”

“Umm…” Val leans into me while Savannah opens the fridge.

Savannah starts naming options. “There’s beer, chardonnay, Bailey’s. I know there’s some red open somewhere.” She leans back to look past King to see what’s on the counter. “I think there’s some bourbon.”

“Any chance you have ginger ale?” Val asks quietly. “That plane ride was kinda bumpy, and I’m not sure my stomach has recovered yet.”

The side of my mouth pulls down. It’s always a little rough landing by the mountains, but I didn’t think it was that bad.

“You should’ve told me,” I say quietly.

Val lifts a shoulder. “It’s not that bad. But alcohol just doesn’t sound good quite yet.”

“Found some in the pantry,” Payton chimes in from across the kitchen, green can in hand. “If you don’t mind drinking it on ice.”

“That’d be great, thanks,” Val replies.

I rub my hand up and down her spine. “You need something else, too? Pills or something?” I offer, though I’m not sure what you take for a stomachache.

My wife looks up at me, biting her lip and shaking her head.

“Just let me know,” I tell her before I press a kiss to the top of her head.

Savannah is standing across from us, grinning.

“What?” Val asks.

“Nothing. Just enjoying how cute you two are together.”

“Oh my god, shut up.” Val shakes her head.

“Will not.” Savannah takes the glass of wine Payton hands her. “And if you don’t want to talk about him calling you Angel, then let’s talk about those tattoos.”

Val crosses her arms, and my urge to smile withers a little. I’m not sure I want to talk about that either.

I chance a look at King and find his narrowed eyes on me.

Pretty sure telling them I drugged Valentine and tattooed her against her will is not going to end well for me.

The sound of a vehicle pulling up to the house breaks our stare off.

“Who—” King starts, but I cut him off.

“It’s for me.” I step away from the island and stride toward the door.

Of course, King and Nero follow.

I open the front door, and we wait as Rob climbs out of the SUV.

“Who’s that?” Nero asks as he tries to slip his hand into my pocket to grab my brass knuckles.

I knock his hand away. “Rob, my second. Now quit trying to grab my nuts.”

King gives us a look.

When neither of them steps back, I’m forced to be the one to move if I want to let Rob into the house. But then Nero and King slide so they’re shoulder to shoulder, blocking Rob anyway.

I sigh. “Would you just let him in?”

“You’re not staying,” King tells Rob.

Rob gives him a bored look. “Not planning on it.”

“What’s in your pockets?” Nero asks him.

“Get your own fucking brass knuckles, man.” I shake my head. “They aren’t that hard to find.”

Nero, god of the underworld, frowns in disappointment before he finally moves.

Rob lifts a brow at me in a what the fuck sort of way. And I shake my head in a these two are fucking weird way.

It’s not really necessary for Rob to come inside, but it’s cold out. And I want to prove a point.

If I’m in The Alliance, so are my men.

“Got ’em?” I ask, holding out my hand.

Rob nods and takes a velvet bag out of his coat pocket.

Ever curious, the women head our way with their drinks in hand.