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Fall of Ruin and Wrath (Awakening, #1)(125)


The Prince pulled out of my mouth, pushing me onto the bed as he settled between my legs, trapping my hand and his cock between us as he braced his weight above me. The hand in my hair tugged my head back. My gaze met his as he shuddered, his release hot and tingling against my hand— against my core, his body just as heated as his flesh seemed to hum. My eyes went wide at the riot of sensations as the edges of his body glowed just like the sōls. The sound I made as I clutched his arm would surely embarrass me, but his laugh— his rich, sultry laugh as he rocked against me— tugged at my own lips as wave after wave of pleasure swept through me.

And it went on, seconds into minutes, long after he’d stilled against me. The tremors of pleasure kept coming even as he reached between us, easing my fingers from me. I shook as he . . . he held himself over me, brushing the strands of damp hair back from my face, touching my cheek, my parted lips, his eyes open and not missing a single moment. He watched me, petted me as I came and came until the final wave of pleasure faded and I was finally released from the thrall. I stared at him, eyes half open.

Good gods, Naomi hadn’t been wrong about the orgasms. . . .

“Stay here,” the Prince said.

I wasn’t going anywhere as he lifted himself off me. I couldn’t move, every muscle seeming to have lost the ability to work. I thought I heard the water turn on. My eyes drifted shut as I lay there, the warmth disappearing from between my thighs before the taste of him faded from my tongue. I might’ve actually dozed off, because when I blinked open my eyes to find him standing above me, I had a feeling that he’d been there for some time.

“Here.” He bent, pressing one knee into the bed as he slid a hand under the nape of my neck and lifted my head. “Drink this.”

I opened my mouth to the cup he held at my lips. It was water and I drank fiercely, not realizing until that moment how thirsty I was. He took the cup away when I finished, then picked up a cloth he must’ve brought with him. He took ahold of my arm, wiping the damp cloth over my limp fingers and then lowering my hand to the bed.

“Next time— and there will be a next time,” he swore, dragging the cloth between my legs. The blue of his eyes turned luminous as I moaned, lifting my hips weakly against his touch. One side of his lips curled up. “You’re going to come on my dick, and you’re going to stay right there until the last bit of pleasure leaves you.” He paused, head tilting. “Do you agree?”

My brows lifted at his attempt at asking, and I would’ve laughed if I weren’t so tired. “Yes, Your Grace.”

“Thorne,” he said with another laugh. “And I’m glad we agree.”

I snorted.

As he tossed the cloth aside, I knew I needed to get up and get dressed. The Prince wanted my company, but I knew there was a certain part of my company he desired that didn’t include me passed out in his bed, despite his request the previous night. Ordering myself to get moving, I started to sit up.

I didn’t make it very far.

Prince Thorne returned to my side, and before I knew what he was up to, he lifted me. He laid me down across the center of the bed, then settled in beside me. The click of the lamp turning off followed. I blinked open my eyes to the darkness of the room— to the chest I faced and touched. He planned on me staying the night with him? Sleeping beside him?

I’d only ever slept with Grady, and that was absolutely nothing like this. I didn’t know what to think or feel as I lay there. My heart tumbled over itself, but beneath my palm, his chest was still except for the shallow rise and fall of his breath. What had he meant when he said his heart hadn’t beat like a mortal’s in a long time? Did it have to do with how he was . . . created?

“Are you asleep?” I whispered.

There was silence and then, “Yes.”

My brows knitted. “Are you answering me in your sleep then?”

“Yes.” The arm around my waist tightened.

I swallowed, my fingers pressing against his chest— against where his heart should be but I couldn’t feel. “Can I ask you something?”

“You just did.”

My nose wrinkled. “Can I ask you something else?”

“Yes, na’laa.”

“Don’t call me that,” I muttered.

“You’re being especially stubborn at the moment, though.”

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.”

He sighed, but the sound wasn’t an annoyed one. It was almost as if he were amused. “What’s your question?”