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Pucking Wild (Jacksonville Rays, #2)(180)

Author:Emily Rath

I take him in, from his slicked-back hair to his designer suit and his whiskey-colored loafers.

Next to me, Jake must be doing the same because he scoffs. “Seriously, Tess? This guy? He’s got fucking tassels on his loafers.”

“He was hot in college,” I say with a shrug.

Troy levels his gaze at him. “You must be one of the doctor’s useless assholes. It takes a special kind of spineless man to lose his woman not once but twice. Well done, there, champ.”

“Wow,” Jake replies. “That was poetic as fuck. Were you looking in a mirror when you practiced that? ‘Cause from where I stand, you’re the one who keeps losing his woman.” He puts a protective arm around Rachel. “My girl is right here, asshole.”

“Troy, you need to leave,” Rachel says, her hand tight in mine.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he replies. “Not until I’ve spoken to Tess.”

“There is nothing you could say that she needs to hear,” Rachel replies. “It’s over, Troy. She’s moved on. She moved on years ago.”

Troy glowers at her, his gaze dropping to where our hands meet. Then it trails slowly back up to our faces. “I don’t remember asking for your opinion,” he says at her. “You’ve always been a terrible influence on my Tess. I expect nothing less from a rotten gash.”

I gasp as I feel both men move around me. Jake lunges, cursing at Troy, but Mars holds him back. “No,” Mars growls in his ear, holding him tight, both arms wrapped around his torso.

Jake thrashes. “Let me go. I’ll fucking kill him—”

“It’s what he wants,” Mars presses in his ear. “Calm down.”

“Angel, don’t,” Rachel pleads, her hands on Jake’s arm. “Ilmari’s right. He’s not worth it. Jake, please. People are watching.”

She’s right. The people closest to us have all turned, watching us with wide eyes, confused as to what they’re seeing. In front of me, Troy just smirks, his eyes twinkling with mirth. Fuck, he’s loving this. He knows we can’t touch him because he’ll just cry ‘assault.’ We have to stand here and let him spew his poison. My friends and loved ones have to take it on the chin. That’s how they prove themselves. They resist his needling.

Or I take it on the chin. I agree to speak with him alone and spare them this humiliation. I glance around the room again, looking for Ryan. Where is he? Why isn’t he coming to find me?

Jake nods, and Ilmari loosens his hold on him. Jake has eyes only for Troy. “You won’t get what you came for. You will never speak to Tess alone again. She’s done with your sorry ass. Be a man and move on. And if you speak to my wife like that again, I will kill you.”

Troy crosses his arms. “Unlike you, I’m actually married to my wife,” he counters. “All you’re doing is playing pretend. When she gets bored of your dick, she’ll move on. Women like her always do. He’s the one who will suffer,” he adds, pointing at Ilmari. “But then, from what I’ve read about you, people always seem to move on, don’t they? Anyone who’s ever cared for you has either died or left.”

“Suksi vittuun,” Ilmari curses.

“Kulta, don’t listen to him,” Rachel says, tears in her eyes as she puts a hand on Ilmari.

“Troy, stop,” I beg, stepping forward. “I’m the one you want. Take your spite out on me.”

He holds out his hand. “Let’s go somewhere quieter.”

I look down at his hand, trying to stop my trembling.

“Tess, don’t,” Rachel begs. “Stay.”

“I’m not leaving until you speak to me,” Troy counters, his threat clear: This doesn’t stop until you do.


“The deck,” I say over Rachel’s protests. “That’s the only place I’ll go with you.”

He scoffs. “What, so they can all watch us through the glass like we’re animals in a zoo? I don’t think so.”

“They can see us, but not hear us,” I counter. “You can say whatever you need to say…you just can’t hurt me again. Not without them seeing.”

“Jesus.” He glances around at all our faces. “Is that what you’re telling them, Tess? Is that why everyone is acting so uptight? What, have you been down here saying I beat you all the time? Where’s the proof? Where are the medical records? Where are the police reports? I’ve never touched you. Not in thirteen years—”