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With Love, from Cold World(16)

Author:Alicia Thompson

Something about the way she said it—the ultimate wet blanket—made Lauren positive that it was a direct quote from Asa himself. She could hear the way he’d say it. It would come out exasperated, both fists in his hair as he pulled it away from his head, as if she was driving him so crazy he almost couldn’t contain it. Or it would come out snarky, a casual aside while he was busy doing something else, a flippant comment tossed over his shoulder.

The ultimate wet blanket. That was Lauren.

“I’m thirsty,” she said, her throat feeling suddenly tight. “Would you mind if I—”

Kiki waved her hand vaguely toward the door. “Sure,” she said. “Help yourself. Sorry, I should’ve offered.”

Lauren found a glass in the cupboard and filled it from the filtered water dispenser in the fridge door. She took a long, cool gulp of water before holding the glass to her cheek. Her face was getting that hot feeling like it did before she was about to cry, which was ridiculous. She knew what Asa thought of her. And although she’d never used the exact word, clown was fairly accurate for the way she’d always thought of him. He seemed to treat everything like it was one big lark, from his job to his stupid hair.

There were various papers cluttering the surface of the fridge, held in place by quirky magnets from a bouffant-sporting psychic in Cassadaga, a local pizza place, and a quote from John Waters—“True success is figuring out your life and career so you never have to be around jerks.” There was also a sticky pad grocery list with a pen clipped to it, and maybe it was the John Waters quote, or maybe it was ultimate wet blanket still rattling around in Lauren’s head, but she set her water down on the counter. Ripping off a piece of the sticky pad, she drew a little word bubble and then wrote inside: I’m getting a strong “A” vibe . . . Asa? Ass?

She slapped the note on the fridge, making it look like the words were coming from the psychic, and replaced the pen where she’d gotten it. There.

It might be juvenile as hell, but it certainly wasn’t wet blanket. And weirdly, it made her feel better. That would teach him to mess with her to-do list.



It was almost ten by the time Asa got home from work. Somehow Marcus had convinced him to do the dirtiest parts of the closing checklist, including mopping the lobby, taking the trash out to the dumpster, and checking under the bleachers for gum. There was always gum.

He was tired, and what he definitely wasn’t up for was a call with his older sister, who’d probably want to make the case again for why bygones should be bygones, family was family, and on and on. But Becca’d called three times in a row, and it was the rule of sisters—any summons made thrice had to be answered. Or maybe he was thinking of fairy-tale witches.

It might be too late to call by then, but Asa dialed her anyway, figuring that was what she got. Sure enough, she picked up almost right away, sounding annoyingly undisturbed.

“About time,” she said. “What’s the point of having a cell phone at all?”

“I was at work,” he said, trying to keep the edge out of his voice. He had no direct issue with Becca. She’d been collateral damage when he’d moved out of their parents’ house. Been kicked out. Whatever the current party line was.

“Did you get the baby shower invite?”

“Uh . . .”

“Shut up,” she said. “I know you did. The United States Postal Service is extremely reliable, no matter what the checkis-in-the-mail people want you to think. I addressed it very carefully and mailed it out three weeks ago.”

“Didn’t realize you were part of the USPS lobby,” Asa said, but she had him and she knew it. “I do live with housemates, you know. And I’m not the one who usually gets the mail—that’s Elliot.”

He’d pulled into the driveway, holding the phone between his cheek and his shoulder as he climbed out of the car. He could picture the invitation—he’d sliced open the egg-yolk yellow envelope himself, turned it over to see the dancing brown sock monkeys with their red yarn bow ties. Becca had always had a thing for sock monkeys.

The lights were all on in the house. Asa really didn’t feel like continuing this conversation with an audience, so he leaned against the hood of his car, sighing down into the phone.

“Becca,” he said. “They’ll be there.”

“Well, it’s a Sunday. But yeah, they might be—they’re about to be grandparents. And you’re about to be an uncle, and I’d just—” Her voice hitched with an unusual emotion coming from his no-nonsense big sister. “I’d really like you there. Please? It’s the nineteenth, at ten in the morning. My house. I can send you the address if you don’t have it.”

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