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The Intern(66)

Author:Michele Campbell

“From the ECG, it’s not a heart attack. They’re just waiting to confirm that with the results of the blood tests.”

“When do they get those?”

“Not for a few hours. The doctor was ninety-nine percent sure it’s just stress. She’s giving me some meds and discharging me. I’m just waiting for the papers.”

“Okay. I’ll take you home and stay with you tonight.”

“That’s not necessary. I know you’re busy.”

“Not too busy to take care of you, Mom.”

Her mother fixed Madison with a grim look.

“You want to take care of me, don’t sit by my bedside. Do something. Find your brother. That’s how you can help. The stress is eating me alive. Next time, I might not be so lucky.”


Madison stayed at the hospital until her mother was discharged, then hurried back to campus for a Corporations review session that she couldn’t afford to miss. The turmoil in her life was beginning to affect her academic performance. She forced herself to go to the library afterward, which meant she didn’t get to the Back Bay until nearly eleven. The judge’s car was parked in the alleyway, but the town house was dark. She dealt with the litter box, then went upstairs, pausing on the second-floor landing. The door to Judge Conroy’s bedroom was closed, and no light showed in the gap beneath it. If the judge had been awake, Madison would’ve told her about the afternoon in the ER with Mom. They’d bonded before over their mothers’ difficulties. Maybe if the judge understood that Danny’s troubles were destroying her mother’s health, she’d try harder to help. Or not. She’d seemed so caring when they connected over dinner, but that could’ve been an act.

The next morning, Madison was sitting on the bench in the back hall, pulling on her boots before heading to campus, when Judge Conroy came running in, still in her bathrobe, looking flustered.

“There you are. I’m glad I caught you.”

“What’s the matter? Did something happen?”

“It’s just, I have an extra ticket for the Pro Bono League reception at the MFA tonight, and I’d like you to attend.”

The most glittering event of the year in the Boston legal community, the Pro Bono League reception showcased the charitable work done by major law firms. It was always held in a fabulous venue, with an open bar and food catered by the most notable chefs in the city. Madison dreamed of attending once she was an established attorney. To go as a law student was rare. The only person she knew who’d ever managed to snag an invite was Chloe, because her father was a name partner in one of the sponsoring firms. Normally, she would have jumped at such a rare opportunity. But she suspected that this one came with a catch. Judge Conroy insisted that their deal remain secret. She wanted Madison to tell nobody, sneak into the town house through the back alley, keep up her normal routine. It didn’t make sense that she’d invite her to the social event of the year where people would see them together—unless she had an ulterior motive.

“I’d kill to go to that, but I thought nobody could know about our deal or—” She waved her hand as if to say, Whatever this is.

“That’s right. The fact that you got your ticket from me will remain our secret. We’ll arrive and leave separately.”

She wasn’t surprised. Like all of the judge’s invitations, if it seemed too good to be true, it was.

“I assume you’re not inviting me simply for my own enjoyment. Is this one of those errands you mentioned?”

“Let’s call it an assignment. Meet me back here by five, and I’ll give you the details. Oh, and you’ll need to get dressed up for this. The invitation says ‘cocktail attire.’”

“I’ll do my best.”

Madison was distracted at school all day, worrying about what this “assignment” might entail. At five on the dot, she let herself in through the back, decommissioning the alarm. The house was dark. They kept the shades drawn still, but the threat of Wallace seeped in anyway, like the smell of a dead animal through the cracks in the walls. She went around turning on the lights. She was refreshing Lucy’s food bowl when she heard a key in the front door. Judge Conroy swept into the vestibule on a wave of metallic air, cheeks bright from the cold and arms full of shopping bags. Saks, Neiman Marcus. It was a spree.

“Oh, good, there you are,” she said, catching sight of Madison. “I’ve been thinking about what you should wear.”

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