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A Fate Inked in Blood (Saga of the Unfated, #1)(158)

Author:Danielle L. Jensen

“Your mother’s cabin was the logical choice.” Harald frowned, his gray eyes shifting between the two of us. “You keep changing the plans we agreed to, Bjorn. Plans we’ve worked on together for most of your life. After Fjalltindr, I was convinced by your belief that it was better to take Freya from Snorri, and even your desire to convince her to choose the path herself, but”—he gave a slight shake of his head—“judging from Freya’s shock, it seems she knows nothing of your plans. What’s going on, Bjorn?”

My knees shook as I turned to face Bjorn, my chest hollow, my heart numb. “I would ask you the same question.”

“It’s complicated.”

“There is nothing complicated about it!” I hissed. “Either he’s lying or you are. Answer me now!”

“I wanted to tell you—”

“Answer the fucking question,” I shrieked. “Or if it’s too complicated, answer me this: Are you a Skalander or a Nordelander?”

Everyone was silent, the only sound the wind blowing through the trees.


I’d known it was coming, but still I flinched because the admission made it true. “You’re the traitor. Time and again, you watched me accuse Ylva, knowing full well she was innocent. That it was you! It wasn’t Ylva speaking to Harald that night in Fjalltindr, it was you.” I pressed my hands to my temples because that meant all that had happened that night between Bjorn and me had been…manipulation?

“I didn’t speak to him that night. I spoke to—”

“If it makes the deception any easier to stomach, Freya,” Harald interrupted, “it was because of Bjorn that plans to kill you for the sake of protecting Nordeland changed. You’re alive because Bjorn believed your fate could be something different from a woman leaving bodies in her wake. Though after yesterday’s battle…”

“Shut up!” I screamed, because it was Bjorn who needed to explain himself. Bjorn who needed to justify all his lies.

“I wanted to tell you the truth.” Bjorn moved to stand between me and Harald, and Skade stepped out from the group of warriors to eye him warily, bow in hand. “But I couldn’t risk you reacting poorly—not when the fate of Nordeland hung in the balance. I needed to get you away so that you’d have time to understand.”

“Bullshit.” I moved back, needing space from him. My skin crawled, and a glance over my shoulder revealed Tora standing behind me, burns livid up close. It wasn’t just Harald with whom Bjorn was allied, it was Bodil’s murderer. And my mother’s murderer. “You knew I’d never accept your lies, and you wanted to ensure I couldn’t get back once you confessed you were delivering me to my enemy.”

“If all I cared about was taking you, I would have done so a long time ago.” Flickers of flame appeared and disappeared in Bjorn’s hand, betraying his agitation. Then he twisted toward Harald, “Father, I need to speak to Freya alone and—”

“He is not your father, Snorri is!” The words exploded from my lips, my hands fisting as fury rose to fill the void in my chest, tears spilling down my cheeks.

“That piece of shit is not my father!” Bjorn snarled, his axe flaring, only to disappear again. “I hate him!”

“You hate Snorri?” I stared at him, not understanding how this could be happening. How he could be saying these things. “Harald kept you a prisoner. A thrall to his whim until Snorri rescued you. What madness is this that you name him Father? He murdered your mother!”

Harald held up placating hands. “I’m afraid there is a great deal you don’t know, Freya. And what you do know is mostly Snorri’s lies.”

“Do not speak!” I screamed, birds bursting from the branches of nearby trees. “Bjorn must answer for himself!”

“Freya, please listen.” Bjorn scrubbed his hands over his head. “I had to be certain I could trust you before revealing the truth.”

“Trust me?” It felt like my blood was boiling, my vision filling with red, all the world falling away except for the two of us and my rage. “I have never lied to you. But it appears that every fucking thing you’ve said to me has been a deception.”

“No.” He closed the distance between us. “I love you, Freya. Everything I told you last night was true. I wasn’t going to bring you to Nordeland.”

Harald huffed out a breath, shaking his head. “Does your word mean nothing, Bjorn? You swore an oath to me to protect Nordeland, but more than that, you swore an oath to your mother that you’d deliver vengeance. Yet it seems your word means nothing in the face of your lust for this woman.”